StarGate Field Op Lexicon
Realizing that they could possibly be overheard by Gou'ald who could listen in on radio transmissions, some of the SG team commanders came up witha list of terms to be used when in the field to relay information to others without the other side having the slightest idea what they're talking about
After discussing the various terms over many beers, steak dinners, and playing with a large propane grill, the following were decided on.
Puppetmaster = Goa'uld
Incubators = Jaffa
Stuka = Deathglider
Candybox = Tel'Tac cargo Transport. This nickname came from the original mispounciation of Tel'Tac as Tic-Tac by Colonel O'Neil.
OMG = Ha'tak Mothership.
Roswells = Asgardians.
Flower Children= The Nox
X-Philes = Anyone outside the SGC who stumbles onto the Stargate Project.
Moonbats = This is much like an X-Phile, except they assume the worst of the SGC, no matter how much evidence is given to the contrary.
Boys in Black = Anyone from the NID.
Death LEGOs = The Replicators.
A brave little theory, and actually quite coherent for a system of five or seven dimensions -- if only we lived in one.
Academician Prokhor Zakharov, "Now We Are Alone"