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Thread: UFP Civil War

  1. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by Commander Sonek
    When I originally watched the whole Maqui storyline developing on Star Trek Next Gen and DS9, I remember thinking that Civil War was indeed where it was heading. Then the Dominion / Cardassian Alliance came about, and the entire situation was kind of defused.

    I imagine amnesty was granted to Maqui supporters in the wake of the Dominion War, and the Maqui got the satisfaction of saying, "See? We told you!!"
    Post-War attitudes in the Federation towards the Maquis will probably range from increased sympathy for a bunch of plucky rebels wiped away by space-fascists whom the Federation, in hindsight, should've helped, or blaming them partially for giving Cardassia an excuse to seek out Dominion membership.

    Quote Originally Posted by black campbellq
    I concede.
    Portfolio | Blog Currently Running: Call of Cthulhu, Star Trek GUMSHOE Currently Playing: DramaSystem, Swords & Wizardry

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    fringes of civillization
    I always thought the FED would welcome the Maquis back with open arms; they only really hold animosity for geneticly engineered people (augments, Bashir)and select artificial intellegences( the EMH's, Data and individual, non hot Borg drones). Everyone else is ok, even traitors, enemies and especially aliens with wierd forheads/ears!
    "Yes, it's the Apocalypse alright. I always thought I'd have a hand in it"
    Professor Farnsworth

  3. #33
    What about terrorists? People willing not just to defend themselves, but to drive the Cardassian colonists out of the DMZ entirely with force? I'm sure there's many in the Federation who thought the Maquis might have jumped too quickly to violent methods, and prosecuted them way too far.
    Portfolio | Blog Currently Running: Call of Cthulhu, Star Trek GUMSHOE Currently Playing: DramaSystem, Swords & Wizardry

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Tatterdemalion King
    Specifically, In 2372, Benjamin Sisko pointed out to Akorem Laan that if Akorem, as emissary, guided the people of Bajor towards using the d'jarra caste system, it would prevent them from joining the Federation, as "caste-based discrimination goes against the Federation Charter". (DS9: "Accession")
    That still doesn't answer the question whether democracy is a prerequisite to Federation membership. Caste-based discrimination (and other forms of discrimination) are likely indeed against the Federation Charter, but how about a monarchy, oligarchy, plutocracy, theocracy, communism, etc?

    I personally would like to think democracy is required for Federation membership but I just can't recall seeing that ever mentioned anywhere.

    As far as the Maquis are concerned I've always liked them personally. I would hope the Federation welcome them back.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    fringes of civillization
    I've always wondered if a stable, benevolent dictatorship would be allowed to join the FED? Not something really evil, just a centralized power in one guy, but with no elections. He's in charge and thats that!

    What about Bajor? It's kind of a constitutional theocracy (they have a council and a premier or something, but the religious leaders seem to have alot of power), how does that jibe with FED polical thinking?
    "Yes, it's the Apocalypse alright. I always thought I'd have a hand in it"
    Professor Farnsworth

  6. #36
    Join Date
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    Swartz Creek, MI
    Quote Originally Posted by The Tatterdemalion King
    What about terrorists? People willing not just to defend themselves, but to drive the Cardassian colonists out of the DMZ entirely with force? I'm sure there's many in the Federation who thought the Maquis might have jumped too quickly to violent methods, and prosecuted them way too far.
    I could see an argument and rifts developing from how the UFP deals/ed with the Maquis and how the Maquis wish to be free from the UFP & Cardassian and the status of the Demilitarized Zone given that the Federation is in Cardassian space to help them rebuild.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jem'hadar
    That still doesn't answer the question whether democracy is a prerequisite to Federation membership. Caste-based discrimination (and other forms of discrimination) are likely indeed against the Federation Charter, but how about a monarchy, oligarchy, plutocracy, theocracy, communism, etc?
    Monarchy (rule by a member of the royal class), theocracy (rule by the religous class) and aristocracy (rule by the noble class) are all class based. They might let in a planet with a figure head monarch like the United Kingdom. A democracy could be a oligarchy if the the planet just elect a few members of a ruling council.
    Member, TrekRPGnet Development Team | OD&D Guild - The Guild for Original (Classic) D&D | FlintGamers |Free Web Hosting

  7. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by spshu
    I could see an argument and rifts developing from how the UFP deals/ed with the Maquis and how the Maquis wish to be free from the UFP & Cardassian and the status of the Demilitarized Zone given that the Federation is in Cardassian space to help them rebuild.
    Well, there may not be that many Maquis left. The Jem'Hadar had no compunctions about pure, unrestrained slaughter.
    Portfolio | Blog Currently Running: Call of Cthulhu, Star Trek GUMSHOE Currently Playing: DramaSystem, Swords & Wizardry

  8. #38
    Join Date
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    Swartz Creek, MI
    Quote Originally Posted by The Tatterdemalion King
    Well, there may not be that many Maquis left. The Jem'Hadar had no compunctions about pure, unrestrained slaughter.
    Correct. Some Maquis may have escape the slaughter either by hiding out after the start of the slaughter being captured by Federation or Cardassians before hand. In general, I was speaking of the planets that supported the Maquis, as far as we know the Jem'Hadar did not slaughter them all.
    Member, TrekRPGnet Development Team | OD&D Guild - The Guild for Original (Classic) D&D | FlintGamers |Free Web Hosting

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
    In the background for my game, I've established that post-DW, the remaining Maquis have splintered into two groups - the Maquis Lobby, a political movement working "within the system" and the renegade Maquis, a guerrillia movement raiding Cardassian worlds and reportedly engaging in piracy and other criminal acts, possibly in cahoots with the Orion Syndicate. The Maquis Lobby is led by Rebecca Eddington, while the renegade Maquis are a much looser organisation which numbers among its leaders Thomas Riker. Many in the Federation see the relationship between the two as reminiscent of the relationship between the mid-20<sup>th</sup> century Sinn Fein and IRA.

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