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Thread: Deltan Romance

  1. #1

    Deltan Romance


    I have a husband and wife that play in our game. The wife plays the Chief Medical Officer and the Husband plays Chief of Security. They are great role players and have kept me on my toes with different type of story arcs. Anyway, our Chief of Security has started a relationship with the Counsilor of the ship. Just one catch. Our ship's counsilor is a Deltan female. For the last few games it has been mostly dinners and away missions. But things are begginging to heat up and I am running outta time. Now, my question is, if he and she have an interpersonal relationship, how should I handle it (And I don't mean role playing it.)? It says in most sources that Deltans can drive non-deltans crazy because their physical relationship are both physical and mental. Sources also say that in the 24th Century, not all Deltans take the oath of celibacy. His character is human. Is there rules for this? A roll he has to make to keep his sanity? If Deltans are that dangerous, why isn't the Oath of Celibacy enforced. Some sources say it is, some sources say it isn't. So what happens when they are intimate with non-Deltans (besides the physical part)?

    So how do u think it should be handled?

    If Matt Damon is going to be Captain Kirk, does that mean Ben Affleck is gonna be Mr. Spock?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    fringes of civillization
    First of all, there is somewhere on this board a 'relationship thread' where people discussed wether shipboard romance (included in almost every series) would really happen, how it would be handled by CO ect.

    I've always thought the 24th Century FED culture is advanced enough that Deltan's don't need to take the Oath. And our AC can handle their pheremones too!

    In regards to the could play it that way. It would make for a tragic love kinda story line, as the head of Security slowly becomes a stalker, or the worst jealous ex ever!

    I'm reminded of an old Avengers comic, where a villian turned out to be a team member from an alternate future. It seemed he had bonded (psychicly ) to an immortal team member as part of their relationship. But, being a mere human, he was slowly driven insane, and started hunting down alternate universe versions of her. (Not recomended for your campaign, but hey, just thought I'd toss that out!)
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  3. #3
    Hey Tricky!

    Thanks for the input.

    As for that thread u were talking about, I wrote it lol.

    There isn't a problem with the Security Chief dating her, my main concern is can they? I mean, if it would drive him mad, it may be a kinda forbidden love story line. Would she put him in danger? Would their physical need outweigh their Intelligence? Does Starfleet have some kind of treatment for people dating Deltans? I haven't been able to find alot about the Deltans and I really like the story so far. My Deltan (NPC) has hair (she is considered to be deformed by her people) and she makes a great Counselor. I just want the story to be good.

    If Matt Damon is going to be Captain Kirk, does that mean Ben Affleck is gonna be Mr. Spock?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Actually the Deltan Phermone effect caused an intense bond with the other person.One that was permanate one.Humans had a hard time with the intenstly,but they didn't go insane.

  5. #5
    Yea I saw a reference to Enterprise where the flight officer (Travis Merryweather) said that he had been with a Deltan and to work it off, he worked out....alot.

    So it seems there is a bit of confusion on just how powerful this bond is. It seems that when they are intimate with another, they share their mental as well as their physical being. Apparently it's a little intense for Non-Deltans.

    But after researching today, I think I know how to play it!

    If Matt Damon is going to be Captain Kirk, does that mean Ben Affleck is gonna be Mr. Spock?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
    ea I saw a reference to Enterprise where the flight officer (Travis Merryweather) said that he had been with a Deltan and to work it off, he worked out....alot.

    Um, that wasn't "with" a Deltan, that was merely from being around a Deltan. That's completely consistent with the reaction Sulu and the others had in STTMP.

    The fannish bits about Deltans in Starfleet who don't take the celibacy oath are IMNSHO written by fanboys who want to play female characters who boff everything at the drop of a hat.

  7. #7

    Just being around a Deltan?


    Guess I better play that up more.

    If they have that kind of effect on people, I wonder why they are even allowed on Starships. Wouldn't it be kinda distracting?

    Captain: "Ensign change course."

    Ensign stares at the Deltan Councilor.

    Captain: "ENSIGN!!!"

    The story of my Deltan NPC is as follows. Her father was a geneticist. He played with her genes when she was a child. He was trying to increase the Deltan's Psionic Ablities (There is actually a long story to this). Something went wrong in the experiment and she began to grow alot of hair. She was considered deformed becasue of her hair but still welcomed in the Deltan Society. No one knew why (and her father kept it that way.). She could not take the pity so she ran away form home (via Starship). Then her Psionics exploded. She began to increase in her abilities, but she kept this quiet. She traveled the Federation until she was 18 then she took the Starfleet Entrance Exam and passed it. She entered Starfleet as a Councilor becasue she wanted to help people. She is terribly lonely becasue she feels she can not go home, and she hasn't forgiven her father for what he has done.

    Anyway, so they exude sexuality. Wow. I have been playing her way off. So a relationship with a Deltan would be an incredibly intense experience to say the least (Decker pulled it off apparently). Hell, it seems like a Deltan walking onto a bridge would be an incredibly intense expierience. But it seems with this type of reaction, the Oath of Celibacy is a very serious Oath (for everyone concerned).

    Guess i gotta change some things in my game. And I guess this answers my question. She wouldn't have a relationship with a crew member becasue of the Oath and because of what it would do to him.

    But what a way to go!

    Thanks Owen!
    Last edited by stule; 04-13-2007 at 03:08 AM.
    If Matt Damon is going to be Captain Kirk, does that mean Ben Affleck is gonna be Mr. Spock?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Paris, France, Earth
    Personally, I could see the Deltan pheromones putting people in the same state as one is when hitting puberty. People would then behave around a Deltan like a teenager would around a top model, and experience or willpower would be able to counter it to a certain extent.

    A relationship with a Deltan would then be like a teenage crush - very intense and new. If your player is a good roleplayer (as you said he was), you could simply ask him to roleplay it that way - like someone in his first serious relationship, whose intensity never fades and keeps increasing. Nothing too sinister, but then, acting like a teenager when you're a full grown-up man can look like insanity...
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  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Bodenheim, Germany
    If your Deltan has his genes tampered with already, you could lessen the effect of the Deltan in question because of that.
    If her genes are already mixed up there is no way telling what else occurs.
    Most of the time she probably does not emit the pheromones at all, but if she engages in a serious relationship this could be triggered, getting her some really unwanted attention by fellow crewmembers - lots of fun guranteed. .
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