My favor side arm is the force lance .
My favor side arm is the force lance .
Gonna have to go with the lightsaber.
Although the modified Beretta 93 from Robocop was pretty sweet, as well.
A tie for me between the phaser and a very strong telekinetic power (well, it counts as a sci-fi weapon, doesn't it ?).
Or the Deathstar planet cannon (or Species 8472 special attack) when I'm in a bad mood![]()
"The main difference between Trekkies and Manchester United fans is that Trekkies never trashed a train carriage. So why are the Trekkies the social outcasts?"
Terry Pratchett
Mine was the main gun used on the hybrid warships in B5 and Crusade. But I'd also have to back the Noisy Cricket.
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Once upon a time it would have been a Blaster or Phaser, these days I would probably go with the Lightsabre.
Ideal, lighsabre/phaser combo, with a Defiant or Intrepid class starship as backup.
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As for myself, I'm going to have to go with the Tholian Web (ok, I'm something of a sucker for Tholians) with second place being a toss up between the Thunderer Heavy Blaster Pistol from Star Wars and a Lightsaber.
Lightsaber is my first choice, though I do like those zat guns.![]()
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Since I don't have the coordination (or the force) to wield a Lightsaber, for melee weapons I'll have to go with a nice, safe Vibro-blade. (safe on my end, that is!)
For a ranged weapon, here's an obscure choice: That rife from that DS9 episode where Ezri had to find a serial sniper. It fired bullets, but had a scope that could focus THROUGH walls, and a micro transporter that could put the bullet anywhere you needed it.
Barring that, a well charged Phaser (maybe with some improved targeting add-ons) is always a good choice.
"Yes, it's the Apocalypse alright. I always thought I'd have a hand in it"
Professor Farnsworth
I always liked the Phaser III from First Contact. Matched the dark style of the movie and was always impressed with the bull-pup design. It is a definite improvement from the TNG Phaser III.
We came in peace, for all mankind - Apollo 11
I totally forget about that sniper rifle... I loved that thing.
BiteFight-- Cool online game I play, try it at
Hmm, favorite weapon...I was going to say photon torpedoes, but since everyone is naming their favorite personal weapons, I'd say mine has to be the lightsaber. Not as clumsy or random as a blaster -- an elegant weapon from a more civilized era.![]()
Davy Jones
"Frightened? My dear, you are looking at a man who has laughed in the face of death, sneered at doom, and chuckled at catastrophe! I was petrified."
-- The Wizard of Oz
I know I posted a while back, but I just thought of another obscure Trek weapon: The Stone of Gol, or whatever that ancient Vulcan weapon was, the one that killed an enemy that had violent thoughts (how did Worf not die when they used it?).
Oh, and the Tantalus Field is a good one. Heck, just use it for snooping...![]()
"Yes, it's the Apocalypse alright. I always thought I'd have a hand in it"
Professor Farnsworth
For one heck of a kick, I'd say it was a toss up between the Trilithium torpedoes, and the Lexx... that thing had one heck of a kick
Not sure about personal weapons, but the TNG Type 1 phaser was pretty cool.. no bigger than a mobile phone, and you could disintegrate someone![]()
Ta Muchly