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Thread: CODA Trek book prices are going downhill

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    at my Home By The Sea

    CODA Trek book prices are going downhill

    I have just won an auction at germany's ebay for a (supposedly[sp?]) new Player's and Narrator's Guide for some 3,68 Euro plus shipping and handling (steep) 6,90 €. But a final cost of some 5,50 € per book is quite a bargain, so I have some spares now to hand out during game play

    I have picked up some low cost Trek RPG items from ebay before, but this one is close to a record. Close to only because I managed to get a used LUG Trek TNG corebook once for the starting bid of 1 €!

    Not intending to brag, just pointing out, that the prices are dropping. There are rather often PG and NG available. I am hoping for an opportunity to buy a new or used in well condition Starships book, but that one seems to be rarer. Aliens is quite rare as well.
    Starfleet Ops Handbook comes up every now and then more often than Starships or Aliens.

    How is the availibility of those titles (used, new and ebay) right now in the US or UK?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 1999
    Peterborough, Ontario, Canada.
    Remember also that it's late Summer and lots of people are on holiday and generally tend to spend less money on non-big-ticket items this time of year. I suppose it could be different in Europe, but with the amount of holidays everyone gets over there, I doubt it!

    Basically, what I'm saying is that I think eBay is a buyers market right now thorugh early Autumn. Sellers will generally not get as much for their items, especially common items, as they would listing them in the Winter and Spring.
    Drunken DM and the Speak with Dead spell: "No, I'm not the limed-over skeleton of the abbot, and no this special key in my boney fingers does not open the door to the secret treasury! ... Oh crap."

  3. #3
    A few cons ago I saw a stack of PGs and NGs just sitting at a dealer table for $15 each.
    Portfolio | Blog Currently Running: Call of Cthulhu, Star Trek GUMSHOE Currently Playing: DramaSystem, Swords & Wizardry

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Toronto, Ontario, Canada
    Back in '04, Don made a reply to a post of mine, indicating that the Player's and Narrator's Guides that Decipher had in stock were in very real danger of being pulped. I've thrown enough fecal matter at and stabbed enough pointy sticks into Decpher's eye at this point - not that Warren Holland and His Crew of Dunderheads would care - but this situation once again illustrates how quickly a potentially wonderful situation can go downhill when the management Just Doesn't Give a Damn.

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