Base of Operations
Base Type: Mobile (U.S.S. Shenandoah)
Era Technology: 24th century
Available Technology: Starfleet
Threat and Opposition: Elasi Pirates, Paravian Empire
Crisis and Disaster: Various, by episode
Dark, gritty action on the far frontier
Special Rules
This campaign will venture into the road less travelled. The ships will be ones not seen on screen, hijacked from the old FASA books; the aliens have been taken from other sources (specifically, Star Trek: 25th Anniversary and the Star Fleet Universe), and during character creation players are encouraged to use some of those races not previously explored, though it is envisioned that the characters will be mainly human. To be run using the CODA rules.
Where and When
This campaign will be run on alternate Saturdays in Isleworth, London, starting at noon. Please get in touch at if you are interested....
The players are heading to a local Federation outpost to pick up the balance of the crew when they are diverted to investigate the disappearance of some Federation merchant ships. They come across one of the missing ships, abandoned and drifting in space....then the hijinks ensue....