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Thread: How would you kill the King?

  1. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by tonyg View Post
    Proably a more realist view would have it that any cultures advanced enough to have FTL travel are probably evolved beyond the point that we can relate to them anymore. More like they would view all the Treek cultures as primitive savages.
    Assuming they even have the same kind of ontological distinctions of progress we have.
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  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Tatterdemalion King View Post
    Assuming they even have the same kind of ontological distinctions of progress we have.
    Ture. I always liked the SciFi joke where the aliens that stop at Earth are really just looking for the rest room while they are en route to someplace else.

  3. #33
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    Well if you look at the mission profile of the Galaxys, it made sence . . . 5-10 year missions, at the time one of the best defensive suites outfitted on any vessel, detatchable saucer section to keep civilians out of harms way when the need arises . . . and the fact that it wasn't ment to be a combat vessel . . . more of a large diplomatic vessel.

    However, as with some designs, it just didn't mesh with reality . . . and in all honest truth the original variant became a concept vessel . . . with the design being altered later to not include families, to be very realist and rigged. And new designs learned from the mistakes of the Galaxies . . . and were adapted to meet new realities.

    But going back to "the King" . . . how about him ending up like the king . . . with rumors of him still being alive . . . being supposively spotted off the beaten path . . . eating banana and peanut butter sandwhiches. Almost a Flying Dutchman of sorts

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  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cut View Post
    Kirk isn't dead. Go and read the Shatner Star Trek novels
    Quote Originally Posted by Sea Tyger View Post
    I didn't read the resurrection books, so I don't know how they handled it, but, in Generations, Guinan said that part of her remained in the Nexus (and, didn't that part of Guinan have a conversation with Picard inside the Nexus itself?).

    Somehow, that piece of Kirk left behind in the Nexus somehow escapes. Perhaps he comes to his senses, realizing again his last, best destiny, and it gives him the strength necessary to remove himself from the paradise. He steps onto the bridge of a civilian vessel chartered by Spock himself, because the Vulcan could feel Jim "tugging at their bond."

    Given the strangeness of the Nexus, it certainly is within the realm of possibility that Kirk is "resurrected" in this way. Of course, it would be a complete surprise to everyone in the Federation -- especially those who have seen the gravesite on Veridian III.

    Watch Generations again then watch the TNG episode Relic I believe, the one where they rescue Scott then watch Generations again. Pay attention to is on the Enterprise B's bridge and Scott's statement after coming out of the transporter buffer.

    How would Scott assume it was Kirk's Enterprise that rescue him when he was on the bridge when Kirk disappeared? Simple, it was another Kirk that we were following and who was brought out of the Nexus in Generations.
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  5. #35


    Quote Originally Posted by tonyg View Post
    I suspect that it is. It makes perfect sense.

    Every time a Galaxy-class ship got destroyed in TNG, a bunch of innocent children died needlessly, because their parents were irresponsible enough to bring children along on a front line ship.
    Apart from the Oddessy, where there is a canon line of dialogue about unloading the civilians to DS9 before going into the Gamma Quadrant. Which was lucky.

    I would imagine that after the Oddessy and especially during the war, the civvies were off-loaded planet-side.

    Which certainly helped increase civilian casualties during the occupation of Betazed and Breen attack on Earth... But that was rather the point of the Dominion war, to take the war to the level that they felt the Federation would not follow, and rather the point of the Founder disease that S31 used... All that plot making sense all the time, huh? Who would have thought???
    DanG/Darth Gurden
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  6. #36
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    Yeah. I think the change came about partly due to the change from Gene's idea of a more friendly future to something darker and more uncertain. TNG, especially early episodes, had a sort of air of confidence. Something like, Starfleet has been doing this for a long time and has worked out the bugs, so space exploration is now relatively safe.

    By the time we got to DS9 and VOY things had changed to be more like taking your family with you on a battleship.

    It is sort of odd though how Starfleets interior decorators base their interiors on the prevailing political and military climate. I wonder if there is a reason why "earth tones" are prohibited during wartime. Maybe some sort of psychological study that shows it makes the crew too relaxed?

    Or maybe everything comes out of the replicator in blue-gray, or black and Starfleet cuts costs by not covering the primer? Shag capets add cost and mass to transport.

  7. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Gurden View Post
    Which certainly helped increase civilian casualties during the occupation of Betazed and Breen attack on Earth... But that was rather the point of the Dominion war, to take the war to the level that they felt the Federation would not follow, and rather the point of the Founder disease that S31 used... All that plot making sense all the time, huh? Who would have thought???
    The Galaxy-class ships in the DW probably either gutted their saucer section to act as an in-battle ordinance resupply ship, or as troop transports.
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  8. #38
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Tatterdemalion King View Post
    The Galaxy-class ships in the DW probably either gutted their saucer section to act as an in-battle ordinance resupply ship, or as troop transports.
    Probably saved Starfleet a bundle in "green screens" alone!

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