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Thread: ICON/CODA/FASA Info on the Gorns

  1. #1
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    Canyon, TX, USA, Sol III

    ICON/CODA/FASA Info on the Gorns

    I've got most, if not all, of the published material for all three versions of the RPG, and I'm hoping some of you with better memories or personal reference skills than I do can remember a couple of references for me.

    The first one is important because it's a story element in a game I'm trying to put together. Somewhere, I could have sworn I read in one of my game books that the Gorn were considered fairly advanced in the science of terraforming. Am I imagining that? If not, approximately where is that reference? I'm trying to find a way to get the Gorn involved in my game (if it gets off the ground), and this would dovetail nicely with some of the other things going on and give the big lizards something to do other than stand around, hiss, and look menacing.

    The other one is only important because it's been bugging me. Somewhere in FASA, there was a reference to Gorn propulsion technology being of the "push hard until it moves" variety. I can't find where in the FASA books I read that. Does anyone here remember where that is?

    Thanks in advance.
    Patrick Goodman -- Tilting at Windmills

    "I dare you to do better." -- Captain Christopher Pike

    Beyond the Final Frontier: CODA Star Trek RPG Support

  2. #2
    IIRC the most extensive information on the Gorn was in the TOS ICON corebook, in the Aliens chapter.
    Portfolio | Blog Currently Running: Call of Cthulhu, Star Trek GUMSHOE Currently Playing: DramaSystem, Swords & Wizardry

  3. #3
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    Jul 2003
    At a quick glance the FASA starship construction manual just makes mention of them not placing their warp drives away from the hull and not shielding them much, speculating they have high radiation resistance.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by PGoodman13 View Post
    The first one is important because it's a story element in a game I'm trying to put together. Somewhere, I could have sworn I read in one of my game books that the Gorn were considered fairly advanced in the science of terraforming. Am I imagining that? If not, approximately where is that reference? I'm trying to find a way to get the Gorn involved in my game (if it gets off the ground), and this would dovetail nicely with some of the other things going on and give the big lizards something to do other than stand around, hiss, and look menacing.
    On the same note, and for the same purposes, what kind of a disaster do you suppose Kronos is after the events of ST6, where my campaign (if it launches) will take place? The restoration of the Klingons to prominence, and the restoration of their homeworld, play a central part in the series.
    The other one is only important because it's been bugging me. Somewhere in FASA, there was a reference to Gorn propulsion technology being of the "push hard until it moves" variety. I can't find where in the FASA books I read that. Does anyone here remember where that is?
    Found it. FASA's Star Trek: The Role-Playing Game Basic Game, Second Edition, Cadet's Orientation Sourcebook page 9. It's always the obvious things that get overlooked....

    Thanks to TK and RealPity for jumping in so far.
    Patrick Goodman -- Tilting at Windmills

    "I dare you to do better." -- Captain Christopher Pike

    Beyond the Final Frontier: CODA Star Trek RPG Support

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Tatterdemalion King View Post
    IIRC the most extensive information on the Gorn was in the TOS ICON corebook, in the Aliens chapter.
    The information I seek was not there. It's possible I might be imagining it.
    Patrick Goodman -- Tilting at Windmills

    "I dare you to do better." -- Captain Christopher Pike

    Beyond the Final Frontier: CODA Star Trek RPG Support

  6. #6
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    On another note...I don't suppose one of the mods could move this to Narrator's Ready Room, could they? I spaced when I first created the thread, and should have put it in there to start with. Thanks in advance.
    Patrick Goodman -- Tilting at Windmills

    "I dare you to do better." -- Captain Christopher Pike

    Beyond the Final Frontier: CODA Star Trek RPG Support

  7. #7
    I do recall something about the Gorn needed to seed their planets with pheremones or something.
    Portfolio | Blog Currently Running: Call of Cthulhu, Star Trek GUMSHOE Currently Playing: DramaSystem, Swords & Wizardry

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Tatterdemalion King View Post
    I do recall something about the Gorn needed to seed their planets with pheremones or something.
    I seem to remember the ICON source as saying that they used pheromones as part of their communication (and cited that as one of the reasons for the Cestus III massacre -- they'd marked the territory, and the human settlers just ignored the huge "No Trespassing" signs they'd hung out, the insolent bastards...).

    Still, something inside me says, "It said in one of the frelling books that they're wiz-bang terraformers!!" And I can't find it. Maybe I'll just have a Gorn scientist who specializes in that sort of thing, and have him volunteer to help, instead of having some smart-aleck suggest that they go and ask a Gorn because they're good at that sort of thing.
    Patrick Goodman -- Tilting at Windmills

    "I dare you to do better." -- Captain Christopher Pike

    Beyond the Final Frontier: CODA Star Trek RPG Support

  9. #9
    It'd be cool if all he really knows is how to make sauna-planets...

    "What? Cool it down? Are you mad?"
    Portfolio | Blog Currently Running: Call of Cthulhu, Star Trek GUMSHOE Currently Playing: DramaSystem, Swords & Wizardry

  10. #10
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    If you can find it, check out a graphic novel "The Gorn Crisis" set during the Dominion War to explain the absence of the Enterprise during the war, they were trying to recruit the Gorn or some such. I don't know how good it is but maybe give you a bit of a different take on their society or such, maybe some ideas that are useable for you.

  11. #11
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    You know, I sorta remember something about Gorn terraforming too; but I can't remember. Was it in something for LUG?

    The Gorn Crisis is pretty good; the Gorn's socitety is pretty complex (it seems to be set up like the Mimbari's; a caste system in which each caste has it's own scientists, soldiers, ect.) And you get to see Klingon Vs. Gorn!

    There was also a novel that had Picard (on the Stargazer) being the first official contact with the Gorn since Cestus III: they show up and announce that they will be going to war with the FED. (and that's not even the main story! the main story is Picard sent back in time to Cestus III, where he has to fight his urges to 'save the day' in order to preserve the timline!)
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