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Thread: ICON - Narrator's Starship Guide

  1. #1

    ICON - Narrator's Starship Guide

    This project is a bit of 'raising the dead', as it were. I found a whole bunch of my notes for putting together a 'Starship Guide' for LUG TOS Trek (more directly to the existing LUG rules rather than Spacedock's approach). It's very much a mess at the moment, with files literally all over the place.

    I am going to put it back together, though, for 'release' as soon as it's feasible. So, my question to everyone HERE is, "What do you want to see out of it"?
    "Thank god I'm only watching the game... controlling it!"

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    I worked for Section 31 and all I got was this stupid T-shirt!
    Well, information on adapting ships to various eras, or in this case, specific to the era. Adapting and using specialized and unique gear - sensor units, etc... Space weather, hazards, combat tricks and maneuvers.

    Good stuff like that.

    Ship stats, new componets, new technologies.

    How have you envisioned this guide?

    Regardless, sounds interesting.

  3. #3
    The material that's there is basically in three somewhat messy parts.

    1) Introduction to starships in the TOS Era. (Includes information on phasers, etc). The goes from 'Cage' to 'Pre-Movie'.

    2) Starship Catalog.

    3) Starship construction.

    The second section is currently the bulk of the work, such as it is.
    "Thank god I'm only watching the game... controlling it!"

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    at my Home By The Sea
    I love nearly everything about Starships

    If you put something together, you'll have a reader in me!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Up By The Lake
    I can supply some technical babble if you need it.

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