NAUTILUS Class Bathyshuttle
Class and Type: Starfleet Deepsea Research Craft
Commissioning Date: 2370
Size: 2
Length: 15 meters
Beam: 12 meters
Height: 3 meters
Decks: 1
Mass: 25 MT
SU’s Available: 625
SU’s Used: 622
Hull Outer <8>
Hull Inner <8>
Resistance Outer Hull: 10 <15>
Resistance Inner Hull: 10 <15>
Structural Integrity Field [1 pwr/10 Protection/rd]
Main: Class 7 (Protection 100/150) <32>
Primary Backup: Class 7 (Protection 100/150) <32>
Specialized Hull: Atmospheric Capability <2> Planetfall Capability <2> Submersible Capability <2>
Personnel Systems
Crew/Passengers/Evac: 1-2/4/8
Environmental Systems
Basic Life Support [2 pwr/rd] <8>
Reserve Life Support [1 pwr/rd] <4>
Emergency Life Support <4>
Gravity [1 pwr/rd] <2>
Consumable: 12 Months’ worth <2>
Food Replicator [2 pwr/rd] <2>
Fire Suppression System [1 pwr/rd when active] <2>
Warp Drive Nacelles: Type 1A, Retractable, Sustained Downgrade 2 <9>
Speed: 1.2/1.8/3 [1 pwr/.2 Warp factor]
PIS: Type A (1-4 hours of Maximum Warp) <2>
Impulse Engine Type: Class 4 (.6c/.8c) [6/8 pwr/rd] <20>
Location: aft port and starboard
Reaction Control System (.025c) [2 pwr/rd when in use] <2>
Warp Engine Type: Class 7/M (generates 350 pwr/rd) <80>
Location: aft
Impulse Engine[s]: one class 4 (generates 32 pwr/engine/rd)
Auxiliary Power: 2 reactors (generates 5 pwr/reactor/rd) <6>
Emergency Power: Type A (generates 25 pwr/rd) <25>
EPS: Standard Power flow, +50 pwr transfer/rd <15>
Standard Usable Power: 467
Bridge: Forward <6>
Computer Core: Amidships [5 pwr/rd] <4>
Computer Core: Amidships [5 pwr/rd] <4>
ODN x 2 <12>
Navigational Deflector [5 pwr/rd] <8>
Sensor Systems
Long-range Sensors [5 pwr/rd] <19>
Range Package: Type 1 (Accuracy 3/4/7/10)
High Resolution: 4 Light-year (0.5/0.6 - 1.0/1.1 - 3.0/3.1 - 4.0)
Low Resolution: 10 Light-Years (1.0/1.1-3.0/3.1-7.0/7.1-10.0)
Strength Package: Class 1 (Strength 1)
Gain Package: Standard
Coverage: standard
Lateral Sensor [5 pwr/rd] <38>
Strength Package: Class 10 (Strength 10)
Gain Package: Class Gamma (+3)
Coverage: standard
Echolocation Package: Class Gamma (up to +3 vs matter interference)
Navigational Sensor [5 pwr/rd] <16>
Strength Package: Class 4 (Strength 4)
Gain Package: Class Gamma (+3)
Sensors Skill: 5
Probes: 50 <5>
Flight Control Systems
Autopilot: Shipboard systems (flight Control) 4, Coordination 3 [1 Power/round in use] <15>
Navigational Computer
Main: Class 3 (+2) [1 pwr/rd] <4>
Backup <1>
Inertial Damping Field
Main <4>
Strength: 3 [3 pwr/rd]
Number: 1
Backup <1>
Strength: 2 [2 pwr/rd]
Number: 1
Attitude control [1 pwr/rd] <1>
Communications Systems
Type: Class 10 Beta [2 pwr/rd] <26>
Strength: 10
Test Result Bonus: +2
Security: -5
Emergency Communications: [2 pwr/rd] <1>
Tractor Beams
Emitter: Class Alpha [3 pwr/Strength used/rd] <3>
Accuracy: 4/5/7/10
Location: Ventral aft
Type: Personnel [1 power/use] <17>
Pads: 2
Emitter/receiver array: Personnel type 6 (40,000 km range)
Energizing/transition coils: Class J (strength 10)
Number and Location: Aft of Cockpit
Silent Submerged Drive: Class 10 [100 pwr/rd] (+10 difficulty to hear ship) <32>
Science Systems: Rating 1 [1 pwr/rd] <12>
Specialized Science Systems: Planetary Science +1
Standard Phaser Array
Type: IV
Damage: 80/100 [8/14 Power]
Number of Emitters: 50 (1 shot/rd)
Targeting Systems: Class Alpha (Accuracy: 5/6/8/11)
Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
Location: hull periphery
Firing Arc: 541+
Firing Modes: Standard, ACB jacketing [+5 pwr] <5>
Torpedo Tube, carronade: spread 1 [25 pwr] (half listed range for torpedoes) <7>
TA/T/TS: Class Alpha [2 pwr/rd] <6>
Strength: 7
Bonus: 0
Weapon Skill: 4
Shields (Forward, Aft, Port, Starboard) <14 (x 4 = 56)>
Shield Generator: Class 4 (Protection 610) [61 pwr/shield/rd]
Shield grid: Type A (25% increase to 763 Protection)
Subspace Field Distortion Amplifiers: Class Delta (Threshold 200)
Recharge System: Regenerative Class 1 (20 pts/rd) [1 pwr/pt regenerated] <24>
Backup Shield Generators: 4 (1/shield) <4>
Auto-Destruct System <2>
NOTES: The Nautilus-class bathyshuttle was designed by Starfleet as a replacement for the antiquated aquashuttle. Its purpose is to equip Explorers with a vessel capable of probing the mysteries of deep oceans and gas giants. Designed with a remarkably tough hull, top-of-the-line structural integrity fields, and regenerative shield technology, this little ship is nigh uncrushable. Since the Nautilus is expected to explore places where no other ships can come to the rescue in emergencies, Starfleet engineers also installed redundant backup systems. The end result was an extraordinarily tough and reliable little ship.
Unfortunately, this left limited space for scientific equipment. The oceanographic sensors are top-notch, but there is little room for any other mission-specific equipment. In the field, a popular modification is to remove the warp nacelles in order to make room for more science equipment. Starfleet is also considering removing the phasers; even with ACB jacketing, phasers are of limited range and usefulness underwater.
In spite of those minor flaws, the bathyshuttle has proved very popular with its crews. Oceanographers and gas giant experts are thrilled to be able to fly from a starship down to the deepest places of any planet, and the pilots are impressed with the state-of-the-art controls and safety features designed into it, as well as the opportunity to go places where even Starfleet seldom goes. It certainly doesn't hurt that the design is very unusual and gracefully sculpted with compound curves seldom seen on shuttlecraft.
(This design was inspired by a kit-bashed model based on the "Roswell UFO" that is hanging from my ceiling. It's a very sleek shape that reminds me of a manta ray. I'll see if I can find a pic to show what it looks like.)