Tell you what, guys. We didn't get the Klingon book we were hoping for, so the only thing to do is to write it ourselves. Or, rather, you guys need to write it yourselves, since I don't have as much interest in a Klingon book for CODA as some of you do.
You guys write things up, send them to me as attachments to klingons at patrickgoodman dot org, and I'll edit, develop, do layout, and host the thing. It'll be a long-term project, speed dependent upon submissions and how enthused I am about the current project I'm working on, as well as if I have paying projects to contend with. I won't be able to pay you with anything but gratitude, credit in the book, and the knowledge that you've given something of worth to the community.
Characters should be rules-legal and conform with the latest errata. Ships should be built using Starships. Any other questions can be sent to the email address above. No contribution is too big or too small.
Thank you for your support.