My Trek has died today
I went watching this movie with a very negative bias, so I'll probably never know (unless I manage to find a memory-erasing device) if my utterly negative opinion of the movie is due to this bias or not.
Sorry, but the movie never felt Trek to me. Not my Trek, anyway.
What I liked best was the relationship between Kirk and Spock, and how it evolved from antagnism to hints of a future friendship. Surprisingly enough, the Spock/Uhura thing was also welcome, as was, on the whole, Uhura's and Spock's characterizations. Even the Sylar jokes I intended to crack (in my head only) disappeared after a few minutes of seeing Quinto's onscreen.
Other than that... I fear my disbelief never suspended enough for me to buy the movie. Maybe it was the bad humour (Kirk's hands, Chekov's accent, Scotty's pinball water sequence and his Ewok friend), some Trek references that really fell flat for me (a cocktail named after the Cardassians ? I can accept that the timeline has changed, but I really felt that one was just there to have a mandatory Trek reference), product placement (something I never expected in a Trek movie), the feeling that the interior of the Enterprise was now some big hangar... but there were too many things I could not cope with which made me unforgivable toward any scenaristic oddities.
And gave me a very very nitpicking mind.
For instance, I don't quite get how it comes all the ships sent to Vulcan were crewed with cadets. Was Starfleet in shortage of, you know, regular crewmembers ? That, and Kirk's subsequent promotion, reminded me of the movie Last Action Hero : "Hey, here's a kid who's seen something, team up with him for the inquiry".
Equally unsettling to me was the whole ice planet sequence. Spock has apparently forgotten that a brig exists on the Enterprise, or in this timeline Starfleet regulation for dealing with uncooperative crewmembers is now to drop them to the nearest habitable planet. Then follows a monster chase which to my knowledge is of no interest (apart from seeing Kirk run and scream like a frightened teen in a standard horror movie), a surprise reunion with Nimoy-Spock and Scotty, who conveniently happens to have built a super mega transporter. I think it was at this point that I sighed out of boredom.
I was about to forget what was the nail in the coffing for me : the ending. Nero is helpless and about to die anyway, and Kirk, after an hypocritcal proposal for help, decides to kill him outright. That's right, he destroys a helpless foe in cold blood. Will this Kirk grow in the Kirk who was ready to help his son's murderer to escape certain death ? Allow me to doubt it.
I could go on like this for a while, but it would not serve much. As has been said above, this is a subjective matter, and debating about it is about as relevant as debating about food tastes.
The bottom line is, I did not like this movie at all, and it left me with a very sad feeling. The Trek I knew and loved has now been replaced by this grim reality, and, if other Trek has to happen in the next years, I fear it will belong to this continuity.
And, as I feared too, lot of people apparently liked this movie, so it will probably .thrive
"The main difference between Trekkies and Manchester United fans is that Trekkies never trashed a train carriage. So why are the Trekkies the social outcasts?"
Terry Pratchett