Originally Posted by
My question to you is what you think of all of this?
Does a Star Trek RPG series need a pre planned arc or even pre planned mysteries to be good?
From my perspective, I've seen and run Trek campaigns that were completely episodic like the series that were very enjoyable. So, I would say no a Trek series does not have to have a pre planned arc.

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And in that case, how do we create those and make them an enjoyable experience for our players?
However, as I have grown as a GM, I have found having a 'primary story arc' can really hold a group's interest in a campaign. Typically, I pick some central driving theme, like you already have, then block out the episodes for the season. I then weave primary story arc episodes with what I call secondary plots, usually based on one of the PC's backgrounds, to keep the PCs guessing. How much progress the PCs make on the primary story arc is based on how long I think the series will run. Since I know real life likes to stick in it's two cents, I build each season with a primary story arc and wrap that story by the end of each season.
I guess if I thought I could count on a long term set of players, I'd build something on a long term plot like DS9 did, but that is asking an awful lot of players, so I personally stick to the season long structure.
"For to win 100 victories in 100 battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill." Sun Tzu - The Art of War