G'day guys...it's been a while. Hope everyone is well.

I'm looking at starting up a Trek campaign again in the near future, so I've hauled out the old books, and they're now sitting on my desk, CODA on the left, ICON on the right. I'm in quandrary - which one should I use?

It's been that long since I've run a game in either system that I've pretty much forgotten the pros and cons of each. From memory, CODA has the wonderful system of professional abilities and easy skill checks, but has pretty clunky character generation, while ICON's strength is in its simple race/overlay/tour of duty character generation, but lacks the flexibility of CODA's skills and professional abilities system.

Am I fairly on-track here? Or am I forgetting some vital points?

Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope!