Wouldn't it be nice if it were Christmas all year long?

Peace on Earth
Goodwill to all men

For the third year in a row, The House of L'Stok is sponsoring The Twelve Trek Days of Christmas. Twelve presents, which (in theory) are given out on the website over the traditional twelve days between Christmas and Twelfth Night... I should start calling this The Thirty Trek Days of Christmas shouldn't I? By showing how fan production groups (and some enlightened licensed merchants) can give away presents for free not just over Christmas but all through the year, it might encourage us all to remember the spirit of brotherhood that pervades the Christmas season, all year round.

Day 9: Star Trek Gaming

Talk to most people about Star Trek fan productions and they will instantly think of fan films, many of the older fans will identify with fan fiction but other than that, they might have heard of the occasional animation, music video or audio drama but that's about all. It might come as a surprise to realise that fan-made games have a history nearly as long as fan fiction and for sheer diversity of content have virtually no equal!

Today we look at the world of Star Trek gaming as for the third year we have the new and improved Twelve Trek Days of Christmas "Compendium of Games"! It is a survey of fan-made and commercial games based on Star Trek available at the start of this new year with a bit of background info thrown in! The scope of such a project is massive but perhaps you might find something out of the ordinary that will awaken a new interest?

I'd especially like to point out new quick-start rules for the fan-made RPG system put together by Kapact of House Abukoff, Fantasy Trek, and a printable Klin Zha board and pieces for the inner Klingon in you! Feel free to make additions or corrections as comments

Seasons Greetings to old friends, new friends and friends I have never met!

Kirok of L'Stok