I was wondering how many people are going to use information from the newest Star Trek movie in their campaigns. Personally, I see it as a good excuse to re-create Star Trek in my own image though I intend to change one aspect of the movie. Instead of having Vulcan completely destroyed, I intend to have it almost destroyed. The result being an emotional zeitgeist in Vulcan culture that is causing many Vulcans to reconsider their dedication to emotionlessness. The in game consideration is that I would be more willing to allow Vulcan characters to buy off their empathy penalties and code of honor.
In addition, there are problems I have always had with the Prime Directive, and I intend to nerf if some. I have a problem with the conclusion that a primitive cultures capacity to withstand extra-terrestrial contact is purely based upon their technological advances. I instead I feel that is should be based more on the sociological advancement of the culture. Mainly, I intend to presuppose that the soft sciences have advanced enough that they can better determine when a society is socially able to handle first contact. The mechanical considerations for this idea is that the Code of Honor: Prime Directive will be reduced in power and an as yet unnamed bureaucracy will be created that will be in charge of first contact mission decisions and several new specialty skills will be created. So far I have, Law (Prime Directive) and Administration (prime directive bureau). This will also allow background considerations that are not currently available like races from more primitive homeworlds and characters with primitive contact training and tour backgrounds.
I am also planning to use the older Spock's knowledge of the future to allow Starfleet to be ready for the Borg incursion. The result is that the Federation is doing a lot research for advanced warships and weaponry with no real enemy in sight, and since all of this preparation is being done in secret, there is much speculation by both enemy governments and Federation citizens about the purpose of the military readiness. Only players who make characters with high security clearances and appropriate backgrounds would be allowed to have knowledge and skills related to the Borg. The Federation will also have advanced awareness of the Dominion War, but I have not decided if the Dominion War is certain. The Dominion might not be so brave if the Federation is a war ready entity.
One other major change I intend to make to the Star Trek universe is that I am intending to truncate Star Trek history to allow myself the best of all the series and movies. I like the costumes and feel of the TOS series and movies, but I like the ship selection and some of the advances the TNG family of series and movies. I would like to see Constellation and Miranda class ships serving alongside Galaxy and Akira class ships. I like the uniforms and personal equipment of TOS and the replicators of TNG, but I am planning on replacing the holodecks with VR chairs to save space and maintain accessibility. I think holodecks take up too much real estate, but I like holodeck story concepts.
One final thought before I finish this post is that I am trying to come up with a means of economic transaction, and I am thinking of developing a Wealth trait. The reasoning is that in Star Trek II Bones obtained illegal Romulan ale, and in Star VI, the retiring Captain Scott had just bought a boat. What did Bones and Scotty use to buy their respective treasures? I am still uncertain of the full mechanics, but I have determined that for characters that have regular employment like Starfleet captains and dabo girls have a base pay modified by Intellect, Logic, and appropriate traits and skills. Characters with imprecise income flows like thieves, honest businessmen, and dishonest business man needs some sort of floating Wealth trait to reflect the ins and outs of the business world, but the mechanics would require more work to be useful and may have to be decided on a case by case basis.
I am curious of what other changes GM's and players have used or would like to use regarding the Star Trek universe for their games.