Originally Posted by
The Tatterdemalion King
TBH, it could also be taken to mean that rather than the fictional Sherlock Holmes (which has been clearly established as a fiction in the ST Universe...), it could equally mean that Amanda was a descendant from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle?
Although TBH, I always understood that particular line to mean;
'One of my ancestors enjoyed the Sherlock Holmes books and took on that partuiclar code as a personal guiding code...'
It could be either really.
Originally Posted by
It is a joke, doubly so considering that the director, Nicholas Meyer, was behind the "Seven Percent Solution".
Considering the Vulcan devotion to logic, it is entirely possible that Holmes' famous "When you eliminate the impossible" line might be attributed to some Vulcan scholar or prophet who was an ancestor to Spock.
Initially I had thought that this ancestor may well have been a Vulcan upon discovering human literature or from a broadly similar philisophical ideal. But.
Vulcans long life spans may well make this a living ancestor aka. A relative.
And in Enterprise we are resolutely presented with a Vulcan society who refuses to believe that ideal, over and over T'Pol repeats the mantra that time-travel is impossible even when presented with unexplainable phenomena? Hardly a broad sample of Vulcan Philosophy to be sure, but thats the problenm with picking evidence from a TV show?
DanG/Darth Gurden
The Voice of Reason and Sith Lord
“Putting the FUNK! back into Dysfunctional!”
Coming soon. The USS Ganymede NCC-80107
"Ad astrae per scientia" (To the stars through knowledge)