Finally got home 24 hours ago from a vacation in Colombia (including a 36 hour delay in London on my way back). So among other things, I gave the Open beta a try.
First off, my computer is 5 years old and at least the processor is below the minimum specs. It is a P4 with hyperthreading, but it do have 1,5GB memory. I had to replace the graphic card this summer because the old one broke down, so I bought a lower mid range card (ASUS EAH4650 512MB). Windows XP. But it just mentions that my graphic driver is out of date and ask me if I want to start it anyway but with minimal settings.
The reason I mention that is because, besides from all the load screens between zones, it does run smooth. Now, there is a lot of load screen, which tends to annoy me in online games even when they are fairly fast.
One of the bad news is that I am quite sure it will be very buggy at release. I reported in a bug today where, if I had closed a NPC dialogue, and a group member clicks on anything in his dialogue, the dialogue starts all over from the beginning again. It is especially annoying where closing it initiates an enemy attack. To add to it, when going on a mission, they automatically group people that are on the same mission. Not sure if that is possible to turn off somehow.
It does have a Trekkish feel to it, but it might lead to a few heads explode on purists. It is possible to zone to the bridge, and invite people over. But at least so far, it is not possible to interact with anything, and it is still not possible to sit down anywhere.
I consider it to be a MMOG, as I require more than just the option to get XP to spend on skills and abilities. It does have quite a bit of "looting economy" as all the stock fantasy MMORPG's out there.
But so far, I have had FUN while playing, despite all the annoying parts and have had a hard time tearing myself away from it. So far, I do like the combat system they have made. It is quite a bit of butting mashing (so forget about communicating by using the keyboard in the middle of a fight ), but for example in a ship to ship battle, should I give the enemy a broad side, so both my front and aft phaser bank can attack, or should I go straight ahead so I can use my front arc and photon torpedoes (just a timer, so unlimited of ammo). Should I optimise the energy for weapon power, shields, speed, or balanced through all? Which direction should I turn if my shield is failing? In what directions might the enemy go? If I have any allies, where are they? Any more enemy ships. What kind of specialty do the bridge officer have and when to use them (as their abilities also are on timers). Having a sluggish newbie ship still makes it possible to face a new shield towards the enemy. But if that turn takes me into a small group of opponents, with my failed shield facing them, it can be over quite fast But then, I am still only "level 3". So how fighting turns out to be past "level 20" is a completely different question.
So I will definitely give it a try after release. I have fun enough with it at it is. Then if they add "worthless, no game influencing, RP stuff" to it as well then I will have a lot of fun with it.
Anyone else who have had a chance to test it?