Finally managed to play the game yesterday. I did not go very far (I'm Lieutenant 3), but so far I like it.
The Trek feel is present IMHO : not only in the graphics, but also in all the little touches, like the loading screens harbouring informations on the universe (and the whereabouts of some known characters). The starship combat did unsettle me a little at first, as I was expecting to be able to pilot my ship with the mouse, but after a few tries I found it to mirror rather well how it appeared on screen : rather slow, with plenty of opportunities to shout that the shields dropped to 65% and order to reroute power to forward shields, and a big explosion when the baddies' ship is finally destroyed.
I have not done a lot of missions, but so far I'm glad to have found diplomatic missions where all you have to do is talk to people and remember what they told you. Even if every other mission involves destroying Orions pirates, be it on the ground or in starships, I'm rather happy to have this bit of actual Trek-ness being injected to the game.
So far I'm completely overwhelmed with all the available options for evolution: your character's skills and equipments, the ship's equipment, the Bridge Officers (their distinctivness, skills, and equipment), the various currencies available (there is energy Credits and Merit, I think ?)... I hope I'll be able to sort all of this out while playing further.
The auto team feature is really annoying and I advise to turn it off as soon as possible. It bugged the first time I entered a system, so I was considered as belonging to a team, but I was unable to see it. The enemies, on the other hand, had been multiplied, which allowed me to experience my first couple of deaths ingame.
I'm a bit surprised by the amount of bashing the game takes on its forum and on the online chat. It does not bode quite well for the maturity of the community, given the nature of some arguments. Speaking of which, it did not feel as if there was a lot of teaming, but I may be wrong on that one.
On the whole, I quite like the game and I think it will keep me occupied for some time. 
Oh I was forgetting another complaint I have about the game, which is the limited number of available characters (2, then possibly 3 after some levels). I love to try different concepts and I find this a bit frustrating.
Last edited by C5; 02-16-2010 at 02:45 AM.
Reason: Adding the last paragraph
"The main difference between Trekkies and Manchester United fans is that Trekkies never trashed a train carriage. So why are the Trekkies the social outcasts?"
Terry Pratchett