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Thread: Turkish Star Trek

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Somewhere behind a sand dune

    Exclamation Turkish Star Trek

    Ömer the Tourist is a recurring character in a series of comic films made in Turkey. Omer always winds up in bizarre situations. This time around, Omer gets mistakenly beamed aboard the Starship Enterprise where he’s dropped right into the middle of a Turkish rip-off of “Star Trek” episode “The Man Trap.” You get Turkish replications of all of your favorite Star Trek characters, including Mr. Spock (who is known as Mr. Spak in this one), Captain Kirk, Ohura and enough bad space monsters and fake rocks to tide over even the most fickle Dr. Who fan!<br> Like “Turkish Star Wars,” this film shamelessly swipes footage from the original.

    A brave little theory, and actually quite coherent for a system of five or seven dimensions -- if only we lived in one.

    Academician Prokhor Zakharov, "Now We Are Alone"

  2. #2
    Thats because Turkish TV is... Very Strange.
    DanG/Darth Gurden
    The Voice of Reason and Sith Lord

    “Putting the FUNK! back into Dysfunctional!”

    Coming soon. The USS Ganymede NCC-80107
    "Ad astrae per scientia" (To the stars through knowledge)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
    MY way or the JANEWAY!


    For a minute there I thought I was watching Phase II. . .

    . . .but Phase II has better special effects.
    "These are the voyages of the starship Bretagne. Its standing orders: To maintain off-world peace; to expand science and test out new innovations; to boldly go where all men have gone before."

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