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Thread: The Last mission of the USS Discovery

  1. #1

    The Last mission of the USS Discovery

    The Last mission of the USS Discovery
    After ten and half years of using the Nebula-class USS Discovery we have all agreed that it is time to retire the starship an the crew in the final mission that pits the Discovery against a formable opponent that out classed Discovery. As of December 28, 2010 the Discovery completed the final mission. Though the Discovery survived the encounter and limped back to Starbase 221 for decommissioning. Below are the stats for the ships and the final Spacedock version of the Discovery. (All the modifications can be found in the Spacedock sections of this forum.)

    The ship’s game stats
    173 RPG missions
    83 different main RPG characters
    1489 guest characters
    874 Crew KIA (2 Captains, 2 executive officers, 19 command, 4 science, 70 engineering, 77 security)
    1,875 total characters in all adventures. With encounters with the U.S.S Enterprise-D, U.S.S. Enterprise-E, Deep Space Nine, U.S.S. Defiant, U.S.S. Voyager, the timeship Relativity, Starbase 357 (Assigned to the station during the final months of the Dominion War), Starbase 221 (its regular base), Starbase 77 (assigned to the station in the early days of the Dominion War).

    Notable position changes: 4 Admirals, 4 captains, 3 executive officers, 3 chief science officers, 2 chief engineers, 7 security chiefs, 25 different conn officers, 7 operations officers, 1 Transporter chief from the beginning of the series of stories. Most noted change of any character that has been part of the ship and its on going story line has been Angela D’Winters started as a mere lieutenant junior grade and in the end has been promoted to Commodore.

    Commendations & Awards
    7 ship wide awards
    4 Major wards

    96 Combat events (1 temporal where the ship is destroyed and returned to service in corrected time line)
    16 encounters with hostile Klingon vessels
    7 encounters with hostile Romulan vessels
    2 encounters with hostile Chodack vessels
    1 encounter with hostile Breen (other than the Dominion war)
    12 Dominion War encounters (with the mixed fleet of Cardassian and Dominion and Breen battles)
    19 encounters with Orion and Orion syndicate smugglers
    22 encounters with new alien warships of cannon and non-cannon warships
    17 encounters with other ships

    5 temporal events (1 in which the ship was destroyed and then returned in another temporal encounter two years later)

    10 major systems upgrades. (All the modifications can be found in the Spacedock sections of this forum.)

    USS Discovery NCC-62049 NEBULA CLASS
    Class and Type: Nebula-class Exploration Cruiser MK II (Sutherland type) a.k.a. Tactical Vessel
    Commissioning Date: 2357 the Discovery was commissioned in late 2358 (1999) decommissioned in 2379 (December 28, 2010).

    Hull Systems
    Size: 7
    Length: 465 meters
    Beam: 467 meters
    Height: 130 meters
    Decks: 28
    Mass: 3,309,000 metric tons
    SU's Available: 2,500
    SU's Used: 2,483

    Hull Outer <28>
    Hull Inner <28>
    Resistance Outer Hull: 8 <9>
    Resistance Inner Hull: 8 <9>

    Structural Integrity Field [1 Power/ 10 Protection/round]
    Main: Class 6 (Protection 90/130) <34>
    Backup: Class 6 (Protection 50) <17>
    Backup: Class 6 (Protection 50) <17>

    Personnel Systems
    Crew/Passengers/Evacuation: 730/130/9,800
    Crew Quarters
    Basic: 700 <70>
    Expanded: 200 <40>
    Luxury: 50 <50>
    Unusual: 20 <20>

    Environmental Systems
    Basic Life Support [12 Power/round] <28>
    Reserve Life Support [6 Power/round] <14>
    Emergency Life Support (42 emergency shelters) <14>
    Gravity [4 Power/round] <7>
    Consumable: 3 years’ worth <21>
    Food Replicators [7 Power/round] <7>
    Industrial Replicators
    Type: Network of small replicators [2 Power/round] <7>
    Type: 3 large unit [2 power/replicator/round] <9>
    Medical Facilities: 9 (+2) [9 Power/round] <45>
    Recreation Facilities: 8 [16 Power/round] <64>
    Personnel Transport: Turbolift, Jefferies Tubes [2 Power/round] <21>
    Fire Suppression System [1 Power/round when active] <6>
    Aero/Hydroponics deck [3 power/round] <6>
    Cargo Holds: 200,000 cubic meters <6>
    Locations: Saucer port, saucer starboard, engineering, 10 other locations
    Escape Pods <9>
    Number: 160
    Capacity: 8 person per pod

    Warp drive Nacelles: Type 6D <105>
    Speed: 6.0/9.2/9.9 [1 power/.2 warp speed]
    PIS: Type H (12 hours of Maximum warp) <16>
    Impulse Engine Type: 2 Class 7 (.75c/.92c) [7/9 Power/round] <35>
    Location: Saucer Aft port and Starboard.
    Reaction Control System (.025c) [2 Power/round when in use] <7>

    Warp Engine Type: Class 11/Q (generates 595 Power/round) <125>
    Location: Engineering section
    Warp core upgrades:
    Multiple matter stream (10%)
    Matter/antimatter injector efficiency Class 2 (1%)
    Dilithium Crystal articulation frame Class Beta (1%)
    Impulse Engine[s]: 1 class 7 (generates 56 Power/engine/round)
    Auxiliary Power: 4 reactors (generates 5 Power/reactor/round) <12>
    Emergency Power: Type F (generates 50 Power/round) <50>
    EPS: Standard Power flow +300 Power transfer/round <65>
    Standard Usable Power: 651

    Bridge: Saucer dorsal <35>
    Auxiliary <21>

    Core 1: Saucer Port [5 Power/round] <14>
    Core 2: Saucer Starboard [5 Power/round] <14>
    Core 3: Engineering [5 Power/round] <14>
    Uprating: Class Alpha (+1) [1 Power/computer/round] <6>
    ODN: <21>

    Navigational Deflector [5 Power/round] <28>
    Range: 10/20,000/50,000/150,000
    Accuracy: 5/6/8/11
    Location: Engineering forward, ventral of saucer

    Sensor Systems
    Long-range Sensors [6 Power/round] <56>
    Range Package: Type 7 (Accuracy 3/4/7/10)
    High Resolution: 5 Light-years (.5/.6-1.0/1.1-3.8/3.9-5.0)
    Low Resolution: 17 Light-years (1.0/1.1-6.0/6.1-13.0/13.1-17.0)
    Strength Package: Class 9 (Strength 9)
    Gain Package: Class Beta (+2)
    Coverage: Standard
    Astronomical observation package (+1)

    Lateral Sensor [9 Power/round] <31>
    Strength Package: Class 9 (Strength 9)
    Gain Package: Class Beta (+2)
    Coverage: Standard
    Planetary Surface analysis package (+1)
    Graviton detector package (+1)
    Particle migration detector package (+1)
    Exotic matter detector package (+1)

    Navigational Sensor [5 Power/round] <25>
    Strength Package: Class 9 (Strength 9)
    Gain Package: Class Beta (+2)
    Graviton detector package (+1)

    Probes: 100 probes of varying types
    Sensor Skill: 5

    Flight Control Systems
    Autopilot: Shipboard systems (flight Control) 3, Coordination 2 [1 Power/round in use] <11>

    Navigational Computer
    Main: Class 3 (+2) [2 Power/round] <4>
    Backup: 2 <2>

    Inertial Damping Field <56>
    Strength: 9 [3 Power/round]
    Number: 4
    Backup <20>
    Strength: 9 [2 Power/round]
    Number: 5
    Attitude control [2 Power/round] <2>

    Communications Systems
    Type: Class 9 [2 Power/round] <24>
    Strength: 9
    Security: -5
    Basic Uprating: Class Beta (+2)
    Emergency Communications: Yes [2 Power/round] <1>

    Tractor Beams
    Emitter: Class Delta [3 Power/Strength used/round] <12 (x 2 = 24)>
    Accuracy: 4/5/7/10
    Location: Aft ventral, Forward dorsal

    Emitter: Class Alpha [3 power/Strength used/round] <3>
    Accuracy: 5/6/8/11
    Location: Shuttlebay

    Type: Personnel [5 Power/use] <68>
    Pads: 6
    Emitter/Receiver Array: Personnel Type 6 (40,000 km range)
    Energizing/Transition coils: Class H (Strength 8)
    Number and Locations: Three in saucer, one in Engineering hull

    Type: Emergency [7 power/use] <68>
    Pads: 22
    Emitter/Receiver Array: Emergency Type 3 (15,000 km range)
    Energizing/Transition coils: Class H (Strength 8)
    Number and Locations: Three in Saucer, one in Engineering hull.

    Type: Cargo [4 Power/use] <52>
    Pads: 400 kg
    Emitter/Receiver Array: Cargo Type 3 (40,000 km range)
    Energizing/Transition coils: Class H (Strength 8)
    Number and Locations: Three in Saucer, one in Engineering hull

    Security Systems Rating: 4 <16>
    Anti-Intruder System: Yes [1 Power/round] <7>
    Internal Force Fields [1 Power/3 Strength] <7>
    Science Systems Rating 3 (+2) [3 Power/round] <22>
    Specialized Systems: 3 <15>
    Laboratories: 25 <6>

    Saucer Dorsal Phaser Array <48>
    Type: X
    Damage: 200 [20 Power]
    Number of Emitters: 200 (up to 5 shots per round)
    Targeting system: Auto-Phaser Interlock (Accuracy: 4/5/7/10)
    Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
    Location: Saucer dorsal
    Firing Arc: 405 degrees dorsal
    Firing Modes: Standard, Continuous, Pulse, wide-beam

    Saucer Ventral Phaser Array <48>
    Type: X
    Damage: 200 [20 Power]
    Number of Emitters: 200 (up to 5 shots per round)
    Targeting system: Auto-Phaser Interlock (Accuracy: 4/5/7/10)
    Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
    Location: Saucer Ventral
    Firing Arc: 405 degrees Ventral
    Firing Modes: Standard, Continuous, Pulse, wide-beam

    Engineering Ventral Phaser Array <23>
    Type: X
    Damage: 200 [20 Power]
    Number of Emitters: 80 (up to 2 shots per round)
    Targeting system: Auto-Phaser Interlock (Accuracy: 4/5/7/10)
    Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
    Location: Engineering Ventral
    Firing Arc: 360 degrees Ventral
    Firing Modes: Standard, Continuous, Pulse, wide-beam

    Engineering Aft Phaser Array <19>
    Type: X
    Damage: 200 [20 Power]
    Number of Emitters: 60 (up to 1 shots per round)
    Targeting system: Auto-Phaser Interlock (Accuracy: 4/5/7/10)
    Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
    Location: Engineering Aft
    Firing Arc: 360 degrees aft
    Firing Modes: Standard, Continuous, Pulse, wide-beam

    Starboard Pylon Phaser Array <19>
    Type: X
    Damage: 200 [20 Power]
    Number of Emitters: 60 (up to 1 shots per round)
    Targeting system: Auto-Phaser Interlock (Accuracy: 4/5/7/10)
    Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
    Location: Standard pylon
    Firing Arc: 360 degrees
    Firing Modes: Standard, Continuous, Pulse, wide-beam

    Port Pylon Phaser Array <19>
    Type: X
    Damage: 200 [20 Power]
    Number of Emitters: 60 (up to 1 shots per round)
    Targeting system: Auto-Phaser Interlock (Accuracy: 4/5/7/10)
    Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
    Location: Port pylon
    Firing Arc: 360 degrees
    Firing Modes: Standard, Continuous, Pulse, wide-beam

    Engineering Aft Phaser Array <19>
    Type: X
    Damage: 200 [20 Power]
    Number of Emitters: 60 (up to 1 shots per round)
    Targeting system: Auto-Phaser Interlock (Accuracy: 4/5/7/10)
    Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
    Location: Engineering aft
    Firing Arc: 360 degrees
    Firing Modes: Standard, Continuous, Pulse, wide-beam

    Pod Port Phaser Array <15>
    Type: X
    Damage: 200 [20 Power]
    Number of Emitters: 60 (up to 1 shots per round)
    Targeting system: Auto-Phaser Interlock (Accuracy: 4/5/7/10)
    Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
    Location: Pod Port
    Firing Arc: 360 degrees
    Firing Modes: Standard, Continuous, Pulse, wide-beam

    Pod Starboard Phaser Array <15>
    Type: X
    Damage: 200 [20 Power]
    Number of Emitters: 60 (up to 1 shots per round)
    Targeting system: Auto-Phaser Interlock (Accuracy: 4/5/7/10)
    Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
    Location: Pod Starboard
    Firing Arc: 360 degrees
    Firing Modes: Standard, Continuous, Pulse, wide-beam

    Pod aft Phaser Array <15>
    Type: X
    Damage: 200 [20 Power]
    Number of Emitters: 60 (up to 1 shots per round)
    Targeting system: Auto-Phaser Interlock (Accuracy: 4/5/7/10)
    Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
    Location: Pod aft
    Firing Arc: 360 degrees
    Firing Modes: Standard, Continuous, Pulse, wide-beam

    Forward Dorsal Weapons/Sensor Torpedo Launcher <17>
    Standard Load: Standard Type II Photon Torpedo (200 Damage),
    Spread: 10
    Range: 15/300,000/1,000,000/3,500,000
    Targeting System: Accuracy 4/5/7/10
    Power: [20 + 5 per torpedo fired]
    Location: Weapons/Sensor Pod Forward
    Firing Arc: Aft, but are self-guided

    Forward Ventral Torpedo Launcher <17>
    Standard Load: Standard Type II Photon Torpedo (200 Damage),
    Spread: 10
    Range: 15/300,000/1,000,000/3,500,000
    Targeting System: Accuracy 4/5/7/10
    Power: [20 + 5 per torpedo fired]
    Location: Saucer Ventral
    Firing Arc: Forward, but are self-guided

    Aft Dorsal Weapons/Sensor Torpedo Launcher <17>
    Standard Load: Standard Type II Photon Torpedo (200 Damage),
    Spread: 10
    Range: 15/300,000/1,000,000/3,500,000
    Targeting System: Accuracy 4/5/7/10
    Power: [20 + 5 per torpedo fired]
    Location: Weapons/Sensor Pod aft
    Firing Arc: Aft, but are self-guided
    Torpedoes Carried: 200 <20>

    TA/T/TS: Class Gamma [2 Power/round] <12>
    Strength: 9
    Bonus: +2
    Weapon Skill: 5

    Shields (Forward, Aft, Port, Starboard) <100 x 4 = 400>
    Shield Generator: Class 5 (Protection 1200) [120 Power/shield/round]
    Shield grid: Type C (50 % increase to 1800 Protection)
    Subspace Field Distortion Amplifiers: Class Theta (Threshold 400)
    Recharging System: Class 1 (45 seconds)
    Backup Shield Generators: 4 (1 per shield) <8>
    Auto-Destruct System <7>

    Auxiliary Spacecraft System
    Shuttlebay(s): Capacity for 30 size worth of ships <60>
    Standard Compliment: 9 shuttles, 6 shuttlepods
    Location(s): Saucer aft
    Captain’s Yatch: yes <10>

    When I started writing this Jewel figured the game stats at the top of the post. While looking through them I decided that they should be posted along with the ship.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    at my Home By The Sea
    Sounds impressive. Looks like you guys had one hell of a run!

    Is all Trek gaming coming to an end for you with this event, or will you start over?

  3. #3
    No we are just starting a new crew and ship with characters. I am in the process of designing a totally new vessel that is advanced but not too advanced but who knows what crazy design that I will call it.

    We run several games at one time some are Andomeda, Battlestar Galactica, Star Wars using the newer Version and Conan that only a quartet of us actually play. We are going to be doing a Pirates of the Carabbean kind of story if we can dreg up a enough players that want to carous the Spanish main. Right now the only Star Trek that we have going is a 23rd century on a Miranda-class that I like.

    It is just that the Discovery and the Nebula-class are my favorite ships of all time. The Discovery has been like my child for over a decade over seeing her in battle and changes that needed in the game. We had a memorial party that celerabrated the ship and its years.

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