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Thread: TREK vs B5 - Youtube

  1. #1

    TREK vs B5 - Youtube


    On youtube there are several video’s of Babylon 5 vs. Star Trek. If you haven’t seen them as of yet they are battles that make the Dominion War look towards the tame side. Dave came up with an idea while watching the video’s to bring both in to the same realm for one adventure. Dave and I selected the year 2278 and I redid an earlier version of the Omega-class Destroyer. Dave found that their were two groups one wanting to be on the Earth force destroyer and the other on a Federation ship. The Earth Force group were happy with the Destroyer seen below while the other group flipped though pages of designs of Federation ships that could be sued in the 2277 and settled on a Miranda-class only slightly redesigned of the standard I designated it as a planetary bombardment ship. It is the inverted version with the nacelles over and the weapons pods under.

    Story layout is simple. An ancient device in another universe is used to bring a Federation starship in this case a Miranda-class (from the Star Trek universe) and an Earth Force Alliance’s Omega class Destroyer (from the Babylon 5 universe) by a dying alien life form. The alien hopes that one of the two ships can save it’s life. Sense neither ship arrive in time to save the alien they work together to return to their own time. They discover that only one can return to their universe and they other will be destroyed when the universe collapses as the alien device will use all the power of the universe’s last sun to transport them back. (Yes one sun one jump to another universe.) The fight ensues.

    The out come: both ships beat up on each other to much to survive battle and or make repairs to escape the universes collapse.

    Game notes: A number of bad rolles of the dice cost both ships much damage in the game.

    Earth Force Alliance’s Omega class Destroyer.
    Class and Type: Omega class Destroyer
    Commissioning Date: 2250’s

    Hull Systems
    Size: 11
    Length: 1714 meters
    Beams: 462.9 meters (with rotating section)
    Height: 462.9 meters (with rotating section)
    Decks: 70
    Mass: 10,500,000 metric tonnes
    SU’s Available: 3000 - 4,500
    SU’s Used: 2023

    Hull Outer <44>
    Hull Inner <44>
    Resistance Outer Hull: 6 <6>
    Resistance Inner Hull: 6 <6>
    Ablative armor: 600 <120>

    Structural Integrity field [1 power/10 Protection/round]
    Main: Class J (Protection 60/90) <30>
    Backup: Class J (Protection 60) <15>
    Backup: Class J (Protection 60) <15>

    Crew/Passengers/Evac: 287/30/2,500
    Crew Quarters
    Barracks: Houses 41 crewmembers <1>
    Spartan: 67 <4>
    Basic: 114 <12>
    Expanded: 70 <14>
    Luxury: 15 <15>
    Unusual: 10 <10>

    Environmental Systems
    Basic Life Support [10 Power/round] <44>
    Reserve Life Support [5 Power/round] <22>
    Emergency Life Support (66 emergency-shelters) <22>
    Gravity [6 Power/round] <11>
    Consumable: 2 years worth <44>
    Food Stores: [0 Power/round] <2>
    Medical Facilities: 6 (+1) [6 Power/round] <30>
    Recreation Facilities: 5 [5 Power/round] <30>
    Personal Transport: Jefferies tubes [0 Power/round] <11>
    Fire Suppression System [1 Power/round when active] <11>
    Cargo hold: 100,000 cubic meters <3>
    Escape Pods <5>
    Number: 100
    Capacity: 4 persons per pod

    Propulsion Systems
    Warp Drive Nacelles: None
    Hyper space Jump engine <120>
    [120 power per jump]
    Special configuration: Embedded Nacelles <66>
    Impulse Engine Type: 4 Class (.5c/.75c) [5/7 Power/round] <18 x 4 = 73>
    Reaction Control System (.025c) [2 Power/ round when in use] <11>
    Auxiliary Thrusters Class Alpha (66%) [1 Power/round when in use] <2>

    Power Systems
    Warp Engine none
    Fusion Reactors: 2 Class 20 (generates 200 Power/round) <2 x 100 = 200>
    Impulse Engine[s]: 4 type 5A (generate 23 power/engine/round)
    Auxiliary Power: 4 reactors (generate 5 Power/reactor/round) <12>
    Emergency Power: Type B (generates 30 Power/round) <30>
    EPS: Standard Power flow, +100 Power transfer/round <65>
    Standard Usable Power: 492

    Operations systems
    Bridge: <44>

    2 Cores: [5 Power/round] <22 x 2 = 44>
    ODN <33>

    Navigational Deflector [6 Power/round] <33>
    Range: 8/15,000/40,000/125,000
    Accuracy: 5/7/9/12

    Sensor Systems
    Long-range Sensors [5 Power/round] <39>
    Range package: Mark VIII (Accuracy 3/4/7/10)
    High Resolution: 5 Light-years (0.5/0.6 - 1.0/1.1 -3.7/3.8 -5.0)
    Low Resolution: 15 Light-years (1.0/1.1 - 4.0/4.1 -12.0/12.1 -15.0)
    Strength Package: Class 6 (strength 6)
    Gain Package: Class Alpha (+1)
    Coverage: Standard

    Lateral Sensors [5 Power/round] <15>
    Strength Package: Class 6 (strength 6)
    Gain Package: Class Alpha (+1)
    Coverage: Standard

    Navigational Sensors: [5 Power/round] <14>
    Strength Package: Class 6 (strength 6)
    Gain Package: Class Alpha (+1)
    Probes: 100 <10>
    Sensor Skill:

    Flight Control Systems
    Autopilot: Shipboard systems (flight control) 1, Coordination 1 [1 Power/round in use] <4>

    Navigational Computer
    Main: Class one (+0) [0 Power/round] <0>
    Backups: 2 <0>

    Inertial Damping Field
    Main <88>
    Strength: 7 [3 Power/round]
    Number: four
    Backup <24>
    Strength: 5 [2 Power/round]
    Number: 4
    Attitude Control [3 Power/round] <3>

    Communications Systems
    Type: Mark V [3 Power/round] <22>
    Strength: 5
    Security: -2
    Basic Uprating: Type 1 (+1)
    Security Type A Uprating (-1)
    Universal Translator [1 power/round of use] <0>
    Emergency Communications: [2 Power/round] <1>

    Tractor Beams None
    Transporters None

    Security Systems Rating: 1 <4>
    Anti-Intruder System: Yes [1 Power/round] <11>
    Internal bulkhead doors [1 Power/round of use] <11>
    Science Systems Rating: 1 (+0) [1 Power/round] <16>
    Laboratories: 4 <2>

    Tactical Systems
    Four Twin-linked Heavy Laser Cannons (see notes) <21 x 4 = 84>
    Type: Equaled to a type VII Phaser
    Damage: 140 [14 Power]
    Number of Emitters: 120 (up to 3 shots per round)
    Targeting Systems: Class Beta (Accuracy: 4/5/7/10)
    Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
    Location: two forward, two aft
    Firing arc: 120 degrees
    Firing Modes: Standard, Continuous

    Four Twin-linked Heavy Pulse Cannons (see notes) <16 x 2 = 32>
    Type: Equaled to a type V Phaser
    Damage: 100 [10 Power]
    Number of Emitters: 120 (up to 3 shots per round)
    Targeting Systems: Class Beta (Accuracy: 4/5/7/10)
    Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
    Location: two forward, two aft
    Firing arc: 120 degrees
    Firing Modes: Standard, Continuous

    Twelve Particle beams <7 x 12 = 84>
    Type: Sorac Class
    Damage: 20 [2 Power]
    Number of Emitters: 200 (up to 5 shots per round)
    Targeting Systems: Class Beta (Accuracy: 4/5/7/10)
    Range: 4/10,000/30,000/100,000
    Location: six port and six starboard
    Firing arc: 120 degrees
    Firing Modes: Standard

    Six Mk II Interceptors <15 x 6 = 90>
    Type Balstic Guns
    Damage: 50 [5 Power]
    Number of Emitters: 200 (up to 5 shots per round)
    Targeting Systems: Class Beta (Accuracy: 4/5/7/10)
    Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
    Location: two forward, one starboard, one port, two aft
    Firing arc: 120 degrees
    Firing Modes: Standard
    Weapons Control room <11>

    TA/T/TS: Class Alpha [0 Power/round] <6>
    Strength: 7
    Bonus: +0
    Weapon Skill: 4
    Auto-Destruct System <11>

    Auxiliary Spacecraft systems
    Shuttlebay(s): Capacity for 60 Size worth of ships <120>
    Standard Complement: two shuttles and Twenty four Starfuries star fighters

    Notes: this is a remodel of an earlier version of the OMEGA CLASS Destroyer. To make it competitive with a federation ship I gave it ablative armor to defend itself better against a Star Trek ship.

    Hyperspace Jump engine
    SU’s cost: 10 time the size of the ship
    Power cost: 10 times the size of the ship
    Opens an entry into another region of space.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    The place with the spare organs
    Nice concept. I love that video myself.

    How did you handle the point defense that featured so prominently in the video?

  3. #3
    The Point defense or Interceptors took out rougly four out of five torpedoes fired and every other phasre shot fired. Instead of using the standard spacedock targeting we had one six sided dice that if the role was two or lower the shot was missed by the interceptor and then if the shot hit the ship was normal. I realized that the normal method was not going to work.

    What surprised me was that they chose a Miranda-class and not a Constitution-class in the selection. If we do this again I think I will work up a White Star with Rangers instead of using a Omega-class Destroyer and Earth Force crew.

    Captain Marie, I am glad you liked the it. Any other questions Ill answer them. Just let you know the fight took 160 turns two 2/3 more than any of our other fights.

    A bit of hummor in about the tenth turn was when my Girlfreind leaned over and whispered in my ear, "Why don't the just use the device to jump to one of the other universes and then one could use it to jump home from there." I was surprised that any one had come up with that on their own.

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