bahgot what I thought was a good price on this from Amazon, but when I got it, the 17" by 22" map was not there. The breaks, I guess, when you buy used stuff but it is still dissapointing.
bahgot what I thought was a good price on this from Amazon, but when I got it, the 17" by 22" map was not there. The breaks, I guess, when you buy used stuff but it is still dissapointing.
I have the map - in both color and black-n-white. I can put them together in a PDF or send them to you as .jpg images or in whatever format you prefer.
The Triangle, Trader Captain & Merchant Princes, and the Orion Book of Deep Knowledge are usually ridiculously pricey on Amazon.
I've seen The Triangle for as much a s$700, and that Orion book for the same price.
Let me know if you want the map. You have my address.
Oh that is a good deal !!
Amazon is usually a lot more reasonable than eBay. I always had a hard time finding the Orions books together. I'd find the "Book of Common Knowledge" always available for anywhere from $5 down to 50 cents, and the "Book of Deep Knowledge" selling at auction for upwards of $50, or $60.
And, of course the Deep Knowledge book is the one with all the character creation stats in it.
I know these two books were sold as a set so what is up with one of them being so much more available than the other or selling for such a different price range ?
And as a set, I remember one seller on Amazon did want $700, but this was the same seller that wanted $1,000 for Trader Captain & Merchant Princes, and $50 for a Rachael Ray cookbook.
Trader Captains is probably the most consistently over-priced FASA supplement. I've always assumed because it is of high-demand (Second Edition, that is) for creating civilian characters.
But, no FASA supplement can touch one particular RPG books when it comes to ridiculous "collectible" pricing. And that title is The Magic Box from EDEN's Buffy the Vampire Slayer line. Mot of the Buffy line were hardbacks and sold, originally for $40 a pop. Now you can get the hardback Buffy volumes for $15 a piece, maybe less.
Magic Box - originally released as a $27 paperback - now runs for between $50 & $1000 (depending on where you shop). And the people at EDEN games claim this is the only Buffy book they can never reprint, or bring back into publication.
Fugazi Grrl,
check your e-mail