Aliens Dropship and APC
I found the outline notes for the Aliens Dropship and APC in the back of a book and thought that I should finish up the crafts.

Aliens Dropship
Class and Type: UD-4L Utility Dropship
Commissioning Date: Unknown

Hull Systems
Size: 2
Length: 25.18 meters
Beams: 12.59 meters
Height: 6.05 meters
Decks: 1
Mass: 34.6 metric tons
SUs Available: 280
SUs Used: 226

Hull Outer <8>
Hull Inner <8>
Resistance Outer Hull: 6 <6>
Resistance Inner Hull: 6 <6>
Ablative Armor: 100 <20>

Structural Integrity field [1 power/10 Protection/round]
Main: Class D (Protection 15/22) <7>
Backup: Class D (Protection 8) <4>
Backup: Class D (Protection 8) <4>
Specialized hull: Atmospheric Capability <2> Atmospheric Capability <2>

Crew/Passengers/Evac: 2/20/200
Crew Quarters: none

Environmental Systems
Basic Life Support [6 Power/round] <8>
Reserve Life Support [3 Power/round] <4>
Emergency Life Support (None)
Gravity [1 Power/round] <2>
Consumable: 48 hours worth <2>
Food Stores only [0 Power/round] <2>
Medical Facilities: Med Kit (+0) [0 Power/round] <5>
Personal Transport: Jefferies tubes [0 Power/round] <2>
Fire Suppression System [1 Power/round when active] <2>
Cargo hold: 60 cubic meters <1>

Propulsion Systems
Twin Intro/Exo Atmospheric mechanical Drive: Exo Atmospheric (Mach 5)/ Intro Atmospheric (Mach 2) <7 x 2 = 14>
Special configuration: Embedded <8>
Reaction Control System (.025c) [2 Power/ round when in use] <2>

Power Systems
Mechanical Drive Type: (generates Power/round)
Standard Usable Power:

Operations systems
Bridge: <10>

Computers Core: Pre-Duotronic [1 Power/round] <1>
ODN <6>

Navigational Deflector: None

Sensor Systems
Long-range Sensors: None

Lateral Sensors [5 Power/round] <1>
Strength Package: Class 0 (strength 0)
Gain Package: Standard (+0)
Coverage: Standard

Navigational Sensors: [5 power/round] <1>
Strength Package: Class 0 (strength 0)
Gain Package: Standard (+0)
Sensor Skill: 2

Flight Control Systems
Autopilot: Shipboard systems (flight control) 1, Coordination 1 [1 Power/round in use] <4>

Navigational Computer
Main: Class Zero (+0) [0 Power/round] <0>
Backups:1 <0>

Inertial Damping Field
Main <8>
Strength: 1 [3 Power/round]
Number: 2
Backup <1>
Strength: 1 [2 Power/round]
Number: 2
Attitude Control [1 Power/round] <1>

Communications Systems
Type: Type II [3 power/round] <2>
Strength: 2
Security: 0
Universal Translator [1 power/round of use] <0>
Emergency Communications: [2 Power/round] <1>

Tractor Beams: None
Transporters: None

Security Systems Rating: 1 <4>
Anti-Intruder System: None
Internal Force Field: None
Science Systems Rating: none
Specialized Systems: None
Laboratories: None

Tactical Systems
One 25mm Gatling Gun <11>
Type Gatling Gunn
Damage: 8 [1 Power]
Number of Emitters: (up to 1 shots per round)
Targeting System: Class Alpha (Accuracy 5/6/8/11)
Range: 1/3,000/10,000/30,000 meters
Location: forward
Firing arc: 30 degrees
Firing Modes: Standard

70mm Unguided Rocket Launcher <7>
Standard Load: 70MM (10 damage),
Spread: 2
Range: 1/3,000/10,000/350,000
Targeting System: Class Alpha (Accuracy 5/6/8/11)
Power: [5 + 1 per torpedo fired]
Location: Port and Starbaord wing
Firing Arc: Forward
Rockets carried: 12 <2>

150mm Unguided Rocket Launcher <7>
Standard Load: 150MM (20 damage),
Spread: 2
Range: 1/3,000/10,000/350,000 meters
Targeting System: Class Alpha (Accuracy 5/6/8/11)
Power: [5 + 1 per torpedo fired]
Location: Port and Starbaord wing
Firing Arc: Forward
Rockets carried: 32 <4>

120mm guided Rocket Launcher <7>
Standard Load: 120MM (18 damage),
Spread: 2
Range: 1/3,000/10,000/350,000 meters
Targeting System: Class Alpha (Accuracy 5/6/8/11)
Power: [5 + 1 per torpedo fired]
Location: Port and Starbaord wing
Firing Arc: Forward
Rockets carried: 8 <1>

AIM-90 Air-to-Air Missile Launcher <7>
Standard Load: AIM-90 Air-to-Air Missile (12 damage),
Spread: 2
Range: 1/3,000/10,000/350,000 meters
Targeting System: Class Alpha (Accuracy 5/6/8/11)
Power: [5 + 1 per torpedo fired]
Location: Port and Starbaord wing
Firing Arc: Forward
Rockets carried: 6 <1>

TSAN Threat Suppression Missile Launcher <7>
Standard Load: TSAN Threat Suppression Missile (16 damage),
Spread: 2
Range: 1/3,000/10,000/350,000 meters
Targeting System: Class Alpha (Accuracy 5/6/8/11)
Power: [5 + 1 per torpedo fired]
Location: Port and Starbaord wing
Firing Arc: Forward
Rockets carried: 6 <1>

TA/T/TS: Class Zero [0 power/round] <6>
Strength: 6
Bonus: +0
Weapon Skill: 2

Auto-Destruct System <2>

Auxiliary Spacecraft systems <4>
Capacity for 2 size worth of vehicles
Shuttlebay(s): one all-terrain Vehicle

Aliens APC (Armored Personnel Carrier)

Class and Type: M577 Armored Personnel Carrier
Commissioning Date: unknown

Hull Systems
Size: 1
Length: 5.58 (9.22 with weapon stowed) meters
Beams: 3.38 meters
Height: 2.81 (2.17 with weapon deployed) meters
Decks: 1
Mass: 14.5 metric tons
SUs Available: 80
SUs Used: 73

Hull Outer <4>
Hull Inner <4>
Resistance Outer Hull: 4 <3>
Resistance Inner Hull: 4 <3>
Ablative Armor: 50 <10>

Structural Integrity field: none
Specialized hull: Atmospheric Capability <1>
Planetfall Capablility <1>

Crew/Passengers/Evac: 2/12/30
Crew Quarters none

Environmental Systems
Basic Life Support [3 Power/round] <4>
Consumable: 48 hours worth <1>
Food storage [0 Power/round] <1>
Medical Facilities: medkits (+0) [0 Power/round] <5>
Personal Transport: Jefferies tubes [0 Power/round] <1>
Fire Suppression System [1 Power/round when active] <1>
Cargo hold: 5 cubic meters <1>
Locations: Racks
Escape Pods: None

Propulsion Systems
Mechanical Drive: 150 kph <2>
Special configuration: Embedded <4>

Power Systems
Mechanical Drive: (generates 8 Power/round)
EPS: Standard Power flow, +0 Power transfer/round <5>
Standard Usable Power: 8

Operations systems
Bridge: <5>

Computers Core: None
ODN None
Navigational Deflector: None
Sensor Systems
Long-range Sensors none
Lateral Sensors: None
Navigational Sensors: None
Sensor Skill: 0

Flight Control Systems: None

Navigational Computer: None
Inertial Damping Field: None
Attitude Control: None

Communications Systems
Type: Type II [3 power/round] <2>
Strength: 2
Security: 0
Universal Translator [1 power/round of use] <0>
Emergency Communications: [2 Power/round] <1>

Tractor Beams: None
Transporters: None
Security Systems Rating: None
Anti-Intruder System: none
Internal Force Field None
Science Systems Rating: None
Specialized Systems: None
Laboratories: None

Tactical Systems
Machine gun <6>
Standard load: armor piercing rounds (3 damage per burst)
Spread: 3 burst (20 rounds per burst)
Range: (meters) 10/30/100/500
Targeting systems: Class modern (accuracy 7/8/10/13)
Power: [1]
Location: Forward fuselage
Firing Arc: Fixed
Rounds carried: 1500 <1>

TA/T/TS: Class Zero [0 power/round] <6>
Strength: 6
Bonus: +0
Weapon Skill: 2

Auto-Destruct System <1>

Auxiliary Spacecraft systems
Shuttlebay(s): none