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Thread: Building the "Starship History" for PCs

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Lynnwood, WA

    Building the "Starship History" for PCs

    One thing I really loved about the FASA system (though I barely played it, and that was back in the 80's) was the way you could sort of 'build' your character's backstory, ala Traveller.

    In an effort to do this for CODA, I translated over the basic FASA chart and came up with this:

    Cadet Cruise Assignment Table
    01-15 Explorer (Explorer, Heavy Explorer, Light Explorer)
    16-25 Cruiser (Cruiser, Battle Cruiser, Exploratory Cruiser, Heavy Cruiser, Light Cruiser)
    26-50 Warship (Battleship, Dreadnaught, Fast Attack Ship, Destroyer, Heavy Destroyer, Frigate, Fast Frigate, Heavy Frigate, Light Frigate)
    51-75 Escort (Escort, Destroyer Escort, Heavy Escort, Light Escort)
    76+ Scout (Scout, Far Scout, Heavy Scout)

    My problem with the above is that - as I did this for my own Vulcan character, who has many tours of duty with Starfleet - I realized that some of the numbers result in types of ships that are difficult to find. I guess what I'm saying is that I found (not only by looking through the Starships book, but also by scouring the net) that some of these types of ships are fairly uncommon or actually rare, especially for the Federation.

    For example, when I rolled a Scout (and had specifically a Heavy Scout), I had difficulty finding one, as the Nova class wasn't commissioned yet when he was aboard one (circa 2354).

    Then I had a Warship, and it's tough to truly find a Starfleet ship that falls under that category.

    Finally, I had an Escort, but most data seems to suggest that the only true Federation Escort is the Defiant.

    So I ended up changing my character's backstory around a bit to fit more appropriately with ships (even non-canon ones) more appropriate for the era in which he first adventured. I changed his first cruiser from a Nebula to an Ambassador class, and swapped out a Rigel class Scout for the Nova ones. I made his Warship a New Orleans class, and the Escort a Bolarus one.

    I'd love some input to change around this basic chart, to make it more logical/appropriate for the latter part of the 24th century. Any help in making this more accurate (Trek-wise) would be greatly appreciated! What I mean by that is having characters that come fresh out of the Academy (or who just finished a tour of duty) match up with a ship that makes good common sense. Ships like Nebula or Galaxy class might be fairly common, for example, and it might make more sense to have them assigned to a higher range of numbers on the chart.

    Note that this is not really anything more than an optional thing for our characters to build backstory for their PCs (if they want to), so it's not that high of a priority. Feel free to have fun with it, and throw in your own two bits about what you think on Trek lore (I certainly am not that knowledgeable on the fine details).

    Thanks much in advance!
    Doug Taylor
    Member of Decipher's Hall of Fame
    Currently running The One Ring RPG. I also occasionally run Villains & Vigilantes (our campaign is in year 25) and WEG d6 Star Wars (both games are mostly on hiatus) and an annual game based on The X-Files (using Conspiracy X).

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Lynnwood, WA
    Just to help the cause, let me post most of the ships (from the Starships book) that seem to be around in this era.

    I'll show them in the following format:

    Name [Type] (Years in Service)
    Aerie [Surveyor] (2347-)
    Akira [Heavy Cruiser] (2368-)
    Ambassador [Heavy Cruiser] (2322-)
    Defiant [Heavy Escort] (2370-)
    Excelsior [Exploration Cruiser] (2284-)
    Galaxy [Explorer] (2357-)
    Intrepid [Light Explorer] (2370-)
    Nebula [Cruiser] (2357-)
    Nova [Heavy Scout] (2368-)
    Prometheus [Light Cruiser] (2374-)
    Sovereign [Heavy Explorer] (2371-)
    Talon [Scout] (2373-)
    Doug Taylor
    Member of Decipher's Hall of Fame
    Currently running The One Ring RPG. I also occasionally run Villains & Vigilantes (our campaign is in year 25) and WEG d6 Star Wars (both games are mostly on hiatus) and an annual game based on The X-Files (using Conspiracy X).

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Lynnwood, WA
    Allright, after a few hours with my Starships book and the website Ex Astris Scientia, as well as poring over my Star Trek CCG ship cards, and - with a nod to FASA's system - I've come up with the following chart.

    Let me know if you think any of these need to be adjusted. Like FASA, I tried to make it so that the lower the roll, the "better" (more desired) the assignment.

    Cadet Cruise Assignment Table
    01-15 Explorer (roll on Explorer Chart)
    16-35 Cruiser (roll on Cruiser Chart)
    36-50 Warship (roll on Warship Chart)
    51-75 Scout (roll on Scout Chart)
    76-100 Science Vessel (roll on Science Vessel Chart)

    Presence 7+: -10
    Presence 6: -5
    Presence 5 or less: +5
    Intellect 7+: -10
    Intellect 6 : -5
    Per previous Cadet Cruise: +10

    Explorer Chart
    01-10 Intrepid Class (Light Explorer)
    11-30 Sovereign Class (Heavy Explorer)
    31-50 Nebula Class (Exploratory Cruiser)
    51-70 Galaxy Class (Explorer)
    71-90 Excelsior Class (Exploratory Cruiser)
    91-100 Aerie Class (Surveyor)

    Cruiser Chart
    01-05 Prometheus Class (Light Cruiser)
    06-15 Akira Class (Heavy Cruiser)
    16-40 Nebula Class (Exploratory Cruiser)
    41-70 Ambassador Class (Heavy Cruiser)
    71-100 Excelsior Class (Exploratory Cruiser)

    Warship Chart
    01-05 Prometheus Class (Light Cruiser)
    06-15 Defiant Class (Heavy Escort)
    16-25 Akira Class (Heavy Cruiser)
    26-40 Ambassador Class (Heavy Cruiser)
    41-55 Nebula Class (Exploratory Cruiser)
    56-75 New Orleans (Frigate)
    76-100 Excelsior Class (Exploratory Cruiser)

    Scout Chart
    01-30 Talon Class (Scout)
    31-100 Nova Class (Heavy Scout)

    Science Vessel Chart
    01-50 Miranda Class (Science Vessel, Supply Ship)
    51-100 Oberth Class (Science Vessel)
    Doug Taylor
    Member of Decipher's Hall of Fame
    Currently running The One Ring RPG. I also occasionally run Villains & Vigilantes (our campaign is in year 25) and WEG d6 Star Wars (both games are mostly on hiatus) and an annual game based on The X-Files (using Conspiracy X).

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Lynnwood, WA
    I think I've got it finalized, and when I took a character through it, it seemed to work decently. I've incorporated more of the stuff from FASA, including later Tour stuff and Officer Efficiency Reports.

    If anyone is interested, shoot me a PM to It's a three page Word document, and some of the tables don't post here easily.
    Doug Taylor
    Member of Decipher's Hall of Fame
    Currently running The One Ring RPG. I also occasionally run Villains & Vigilantes (our campaign is in year 25) and WEG d6 Star Wars (both games are mostly on hiatus) and an annual game based on The X-Files (using Conspiracy X).

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children
    Doug, could you post the file here as an attachment ? or send it to me and I'll convert it into a PDF and then you can distribute it easier. Unless you have software for doing a PDF conversion ?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Lynnwood, WA
    I've got the software. In fact, I just got done converting it to a PDF, and then my computer crashed (more accurately, shut off as I was cleaning up some dust by the cords). Of course this happened just before I shot it out in email to my group. I'm hoping it's something simple (might be the monitor), but until I get that computer up and running again I won't be able to access it. Once I do (hopefully soon), I'll post the PDF here.
    Doug Taylor
    Member of Decipher's Hall of Fame
    Currently running The One Ring RPG. I also occasionally run Villains & Vigilantes (our campaign is in year 25) and WEG d6 Star Wars (both games are mostly on hiatus) and an annual game based on The X-Files (using Conspiracy X).

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children
    Oh, I look forward to seeing it. I hope you get your computer back up and running. Too bad I can't offer some help. I used to work in that field.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Lynnwood, WA
    Got my computer fixed tonight, so I'm able to post what I came up with.

    Here it is...
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Doug Taylor
    Member of Decipher's Hall of Fame
    Currently running The One Ring RPG. I also occasionally run Villains & Vigilantes (our campaign is in year 25) and WEG d6 Star Wars (both games are mostly on hiatus) and an annual game based on The X-Files (using Conspiracy X).

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Canyon, TX, USA, Sol III
    This seems to be a neat companion/complement to Doug Burke's "Tour of Duty" article in BTFF 1.7. Neat stuff!!

    Speaking of BTFF, I know it's been mostly silent of late, but there's a lot going on in my outside life that's keeping me from doing the kind of job I want. I've just about got issue 2.2 ready to go out the door, though, and lots of stuff to post sometime in the not-too-distant future.
    Patrick Goodman -- Tilting at Windmills

    "I dare you to do better." -- Captain Christopher Pike

    Beyond the Final Frontier: CODA Star Trek RPG Support

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