Brian K and I are looking to run a PBEM on the ICON rules set in a post DS9/Nemesis universe (so around 2380...)
We are looking for a small group, no more than 3-4 players to take on the senior staff of a mid-sized vessel along with a back-up 'lower decks' character for added variety.
Posting would be once or twice a week minimum and as Narrator I would expect you to be advsing me of the skill checks you want, when you want 'em (although I reserve the right to add a check if need be). Although I am hoping it will focus on a cinematic style with narration over rules.
Dice wise. I tend to roll them myself as narrator, unless of course anyone objects and knows any online random die roll simulators that are any good?
BrianK is up for the Captain, but all other roles are available.
Other than that its all still quite open...
Any takers?