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Thread: Vulcan Romulan war

  1. #1

    Vulcan Romulan war

    Hello I need some help it was mentioned in a Voyager episode that one of the Q created a wormhole allowing the Vulcan's and Romulan's to engage in a one hundred year long war. One source suggests that the war broke out in 1944 can anyone clarify this? I'm working on a Vulcan technology guide as my group want to play a Vulcan crew. Soval mentions in an Enterprise episode that Vulcan's took a hundred years from breaking the warp barrier to moving to warp 2. The Vulcan species is making my brain hurt
    Tractor beams are not designed for sling shotting Asteroids!! "What other use is there then?" T'Pak klingon/ vulcan hybrids response to fighting in an asteriod field.

  2. #2
    I've decided to go with the rulebooks timeline.
    Tractor beams are not designed for sling shotting Asteroids!! "What other use is there then?" T'Pak klingon/ vulcan hybrids response to fighting in an asteriod field.

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