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Thread: New Trek Series begin pitched

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Wisconsin, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by somaticon View Post
    One of the first things that a new Trek show would do is establish its continuity. The novels would get very short thrift and indeed for the most part the novels are considered non-canon.
    One thing that they will need is someone to put a halt to any change to canon - that's one thing that Enterprise ruined about ST (Klingons in the first episode, and a starship that looked too much like the Akira-class).

    As for 'grit' for any new ST series - don't need one. I loved RBSG (Reimagined BSG) and OBSG just the way they are. I can't really give an opinion on Caprica, considering that I'm leery of any type of prequel.
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  2. #32
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Salinas, Calif., USA (a Chiefs fan in an unholy land)
    One thing that they will need is someone to put a halt to any change to canon - that's one thing that Enterprise ruined about ST (Klingons in the first episode, and a starship that looked too much like the Akira-class).
    Prior to "Broken Bow," it was never established in canon when Earth/the Federation made first contact with the Klingons. It's only fanon speculation that it was in the 2200s.

    Who cares if one ship shares design elements with another across a couple generations? I thought the Enterprise D looked like a bloated whale compared to the TOS Enterprise, but I didn't base my judgement of the series on that, nor did I feel it "ruined" Star Trek.

    We must guard ourselves against overreactions to what we think about superfluous things like ship designs and focus on things like good storytelling and that je ne sais quoi of Star Trek that ignites the fires of exploration and hope for a better future within us.
    Davy Jones

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