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Thread: Crew complement (starship design)

  1. #1

    Crew complement (starship design)

    Hello everybody, I'm new on the boards and quite happy to see the CODA system is still alive. I'm using it to run a campaign and while in the process of designing a homemade starship I got puzzled about the crew complement rule. In the Narrator's Guide, on page 137 it's written that to calculate crew complement, you have to select a multiplier (which is given by table 9.3) and multiply it by the number of decks. But how do I come up with the number of decks ? And how much space does crew complement cost ?
    Thanks for your help. Live long and prosper

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children
    Hi ! And welcome to the forum ! Good to see another CODA-player. CODA is very much alive. I know my group loves it and we play as often as we can.

    To answer your question, on page 136 of the Narrator's Guide it says;

    The number of decks on a vessel varies, but on average each deck occupies 3-5meters of height.

    So, you might take the height of the vessel, find the average height of a deck, then divide the height of the ship by the height of an average deck to determine the number of decks.

    ie.: a ship with a height of 146m, and an average deck-height of 4m would yield around 36.5 decks. I'd round down and say 36 decks. Leave the .5 for extra between-deck space for things like Jeffries Tubes, etc.

  3. #3
    Awesome, I totally missed that. Thanks a lot Fugazi

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Durham, NC, USA
    Welcome to CODA jps, it's always a pleasure to see another trek rpg fan!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Lynnwood, WA
    Great to have you here, jps! Good luck in constructing your ship and getting your campaign going!
    Doug Taylor
    Member of Decipher's Hall of Fame
    Currently running The One Ring RPG. I also occasionally run Villains & Vigilantes (our campaign is in year 25) and WEG d6 Star Wars (both games are mostly on hiatus) and an annual game based on The X-Files (using Conspiracy X).

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children
    Quote Originally Posted by jps View Post
    Awesome, I totally missed that. Thanks a lot Fugazi
    You're very welcome. Glad I could help. And, again, welcome to the forum.

  7. #7
    Welcome to the forum
    Tractor beams are not designed for sling shotting Asteroids!! "What other use is there then?" T'Pak klingon/ vulcan hybrids response to fighting in an asteriod field.

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