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Thread: Not half mixed species character creation

  1. #1
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    Not half mixed species character creation

    So mixed species advancement is for individuals who are 1/2 species X and 1/2 species Y. However, I have to ponder what about individuals who are 3/4 species X and 1/4 species Y, and other smaller fractions? How does one create a template for those individuals?

    For instance what about 3/4 human, and 1/4 trill?

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  2. #2
    If you really want a mechanical effect for having one Vulcan grandfather or whatever, a custom advantage for each species would probably cover it. 1/4 Klingon characters would be a little stronger and have anger issues., 1/4 Human would get another Courage point, 1/4 Vulcan or Romulan would be a little tougher but have socialization issues.
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  3. #3
    hehe. This looks familiar...

    I reckon the rules for 3/4 & 1/4 are far simpler than that. Most will have no advantages of this mixed background at all and simply display the characteristics of the majority DNA. BUT. For anyone who would like to gain the mixed species advantage for dominant genes at 1/4, (ie; Klingons which we saw several generations of Worf only was still very strong Klingon in the DS9 episode when they came accross the anomly decendants of the defiant...), they simply take the +6 mixed species advantage again.

    For physical looks only there is no points balue, its just a physical description. (ie, some Trill spots, or slightly pointed ears for Vulcan/Romulan DNA.

    IMO the mixed species davantage is optional in the first place, and I am sure the text implies that a character could be mixed species but have no mixed stats if they so choose.
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    Fort Dodge, IA, USA

    If it's not too late to add my two-cents. . .

    I seem to recall this being handled in the core books. It worked the same as for half-n-half characters. Take 3/4 of the dominant species Attributes and 1/4 of the none dominant and the Skills of the species the character was raised as.

    So for your Human/Trill example; pick four Attributes from the Human Template and one from the Trill. Being 3/4 Human I imagine the character was raised on Earth or an Earth dominant colony so the character would get the Skills/Traits from the Human Template.
    Steven "redwood973" Wood

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