Greetings to one and all. I am new to the Trek RPG Forums, but not to Star Trek or Role Playing! I've been an active game master for over 30 years and a FASA Trek game master since the first edition hit the shelves. I've tried the other Trek offerings (Prime Directive, LUG and Decipher), but found them to be not quite what I was looking for in a Trek RPG. I know a lot of people have issues with the direction FASA took Trek, but - as I came into Trek fandom and the RPG hobby from a strong naval/historical background - I find FASA's expression of Trek to be rather close to my own. (That isn't to say that I run Honor Harrington Trek; I still prefer scenarios geared toward exploration and discovery as opposed to non-stop combat.)
So; is there anyone out there who still has enthusiasm for this aging classic?