That could certainly heap some guilt on the PC, couldn't it?
"Don't worry about it, your character simply (and inadvertently) created the Borg!"
That could certainly heap some guilt on the PC, couldn't it?
"Don't worry about it, your character simply (and inadvertently) created the Borg!"
Doug Taylor
Member of Decipher's Hall of Fame
Currently running The One Ring RPG. I also occasionally run Villains & Vigilantes (our campaign is in year 25) and WEG d6 Star Wars (both games are mostly on hiatus) and an annual game based on The X-Files (using Conspiracy X).
Could the nanites have engineered their own release ? Hacking the computer to feed false informations to the PC, who released them thinking he was doing something more innocuous (think rewiring the "Open" and "Close" buttons )
Also, what are the abilities of the nanites ? Can they interact with organic life (at the cellular level) ?
It may be quite far-fetched, but I would see them taking a kind of map of the PC's mind, and ending up trying to communicate by using whatever thought they found in his mind, including, say, the fear/guilt of being accused by Bajorans.
"The main difference between Trekkies and Manchester United fans is that Trekkies never trashed a train carriage. So why are the Trekkies the social outcasts?"
Terry Pratchett
Ooh, I really like that C5. Thanks so much for the great ideas, all!
Doug Taylor
Member of Decipher's Hall of Fame
Currently running The One Ring RPG. I also occasionally run Villains & Vigilantes (our campaign is in year 25) and WEG d6 Star Wars (both games are mostly on hiatus) and an annual game based on The X-Files (using Conspiracy X).
Using many of the ideas here, here's the basic plot I've come up with (hopefully it makes sense). One thing not mentioned here is that - depending on what the PCs do - the nanites might form into a ship towards the end of the story. In the plot described below, Veroz is Lieutenant Commander Veroz Pa'dar, the Cardassian Ops Officer (and acting First Officer); Latha is Bajoran Lieutenant and medic Latha Antos.
A nanite is a microscopic robotic device and a form of nanotechnology. A nanite is built by manipulating atoms and contains gigabytes of computer memory. It is small enough to enter living cells and can be programmed to do numerous tasks. Nanites are used by the Federation for medical purposes and are designed to work inside nuclei during cellular surgery. When they are not used, nanites are stored in a non-functional state. When necessary, nanites can be destroyed with a burst of high-level gamma radiation.
Veroz began exploring and experimenting with nanites. He did trials in the holodeck, coordinating with numerous personnel in both Medical and Engineering. He then set up a lab in Medical where he did more research; this included contacting someone on Cardassia and experimenting on himself. Though he attempted to be very careful, work with these dangerous devices got out of hand. The nanites became more and more intelligent, and one manipulated the very computer system it was interacting with, forcing its way out of isolation and joining another. The two worked in tandem and joined yet another one, and this continued until more than a dozen individual nanites were working together. The microscopic robots engineered their own release and continued to join forces, some escaping into the ship’s systems to wreak havoc in bizarre ways for several weeks.
Meanwhile, Veroz acted under influence from an alien life form (done years earlier). This life form (previously undiscovered), uses high tech civilizations as part of its reproductive cycle. The mature form of the previous generation implants the ability to create the next generation as a subconscious 'seed' in one or more advanced sentient beings, who then act out the impulse later in life, giving rise to the next generation of these meta-creatures. Under this influence, Veroz (without even knowing it) used his computer hacking skills to implicate Bajoran medical technician Latha (someone he subconsciously suspected did not care for him), making it appear that Latha had framed him for willfully releasing the nanites. This was done because the alien life form influencing him wished to keep Veroz available in case it was necessary for him to aid them further.
Upon initial investigation, it will appear that Veroz willfully released the nanites. Upon closer examination, it will then appear that Lieutenant Latha framed First Officer Pa’dar. But if the crew looks deeper still, they will discover that it was actually Veroz, under the influence of this alien life form, that set up Latha.
First conclusion: Veroz set the nanites free. No visual footage (blurry) during the critical time, but from tracked locations it appears that Veroz was the only one present in the lab in Medical when they were released.
Second conclusion: Lt. Latha framed Veroz. Footage is discovered that shows Latha tampering with the computer and framing Veroz. This footage is faked (done expertly by Veroz) and looks quite authentic.
Third conclusion: Veroz set up the frame of himself, essentially framing Latha for manipulating evidence. Using his Computer Use skill, he cleverly manipulated security footage so that it appeared that Latha made a competent attempt at framing him.
Doug Taylor
Member of Decipher's Hall of Fame
Currently running The One Ring RPG. I also occasionally run Villains & Vigilantes (our campaign is in year 25) and WEG d6 Star Wars (both games are mostly on hiatus) and an annual game based on The X-Files (using Conspiracy X).
I should also note that I added in other stuff mentioned here into various parts of this adventure.
Like the bit about the nanites pulling off something that appears more innocuous (as in rewiring the "Open" and "Close" buttons ), as C5 suggested.
Doug Taylor
Member of Decipher's Hall of Fame
Currently running The One Ring RPG. I also occasionally run Villains & Vigilantes (our campaign is in year 25) and WEG d6 Star Wars (both games are mostly on hiatus) and an annual game based on The X-Files (using Conspiracy X).
The session went very well. I was able to incorporate lots of the ideas here, and it was fun for all involved, I think. Here's a basic summary:
Mot determines that nanites, which Veroz had been experimenting with, escaped into the ship’s systems and are the cause of the malfunctions. The Nez Perce suddenly veers off-course at top speed and is attacked by many small unidentified ships. Captain Kalel launches multiple squadrons of the ship’s fighters, and they repel the attackers despite being outnumbered two to one. Contact is made with the aggressive Dygovian, who refuse assistance. Mot continues to investigate, eliminating suspects until it appears that Bajoran medic Lieutenant Latha framed Veroz. The command staff refuses to accuse him without proof, however, and eventually Mot deduces that Veroz, under the influence of an alien life form, assisted the nanites to further the creature’s reproductive cycle. The nanites in the ship centralize and form a tiny, living spacecraft, which exits the ship as a new life form.
Overall it had a very "Trek" feel to it, especially the end where the Captain discussed with the Doctor the ethics and morals of the situation.
Doug Taylor
Member of Decipher's Hall of Fame
Currently running The One Ring RPG. I also occasionally run Villains & Vigilantes (our campaign is in year 25) and WEG d6 Star Wars (both games are mostly on hiatus) and an annual game based on The X-Files (using Conspiracy X).
This is the coolest sounding setup for an adventure I've read in so long. It's quite detailed in the convolution of the plot. With both the Bajoran and Cardassian as PCs it makes the situation that much more puzzling to those involved in the game! I don't get the sense of how cool it went down or how the investigator figured out the double-frameup or the involvement of alien reproduction, but I can imagine it was really top notch. That closing scene of post-adventure reflection on morality is the heart of the show, right back to TOS. Love it!
Very nice! I love the fact that the nanites could peacefully.
Any plans for bringing them back BTW ?
"The main difference between Trekkies and Manchester United fans is that Trekkies never trashed a train carriage. So why are the Trekkies the social outcasts?"
Terry Pratchett
Thanks, all, for the kudos! And just to be clear on one small detail, the Bajoran was actually an NPC (but one fully fleshed out). Since he worked in Medical I went over stuff (before we played) with the player of the Ship's Doctor so that he would have a sense of friendship and loyalty towards him (we even established that he had brought him from another ship).
The story was so convoluted that there wasn't much chance for the heroes to figure it all out. As the Chief Investigator succeeded on Investigation rolls I simply peeled back more layers of the onion, revealing more of the layered plot!
I hadn't really thought about bringing the nanite creature/ship back, but that's certainly a possibility if the right story would fit it!
Doug Taylor
Member of Decipher's Hall of Fame
Currently running The One Ring RPG. I also occasionally run Villains & Vigilantes (our campaign is in year 25) and WEG d6 Star Wars (both games are mostly on hiatus) and an annual game based on The X-Files (using Conspiracy X).