It has been a while sense I posted here is an unused vessel that our crew go distracted and drawn into another adventure.

One of the ships that would have sailed into our Star Trek Universe is a Giant Alien Battle Cruiser belonging to a species that is much like the Federation in their own way and they tend to build their ships slightly larger than the Federation. They’re a reptilian species in nature and highly intelligent and slightly more aggressive, they are looking to colonize the same planets in the Theta Region of space. Each of these vessels are capable of carrying out every operation that the Federation.

Giant Alien Battle Cruiser Class and Type: Cosmos class Battle cruiser
Commissioning Date: 2367

Hull Systems
Size: 10
Length: 990 meters
Beams: 653.4 meters
Height: 165.33 meters
Decks: 36
Mass: 7,500,000 metric tons
SU’s Available: 3750
SU’s Used: 3693

Hull Outer <40>
Hull Inner <40>
Resistance Outer Hull: 10 <12>
Resistance Inner Hull: 10 <12>

Structural Integrity field
[1 power/10 Protection/round]
Main: Class 6 (Protection 90/130) <37>
Backup: Class 6 (Protection 45) <19>
Backup: Class 6 (Protection 45) <19>

Crew/Passengers/Evac: 1000/600/30,000
Crew Quarters
Spartan: none
Basic: 800 <80>
Expanded: 560 <112>
Luxury: 160 <160>
Unusual: 80 <80>

Environmental Systems
Basic Life Support [13 Power/round] <40>
Reserve Life Support [7 Power/round] <20>
Emergency Life Support (60 emergency shelters) <20>
Gravity [4 Power/round] <10>
Consumable: 5 years worth <50>
Food Replicators [10 Power/round] <10>
Industrial Replicators
Type: network of small Replicators [2 Power/round] <10>
Type: 4 Large unit [2 Power/replicator/round] <12>
Medical Facilities: 10 (+2) [10 Power/round] <50>
Recreation Facilities: 8 [16 Power/round] <64>
Personal Transport: Turbolifts, Jefferies tubes [2 Power/round] <30>
Fire Suppression System [1 Power/round when active] <10>
Cargo hold: 300,000 cubic meters <9>
Locations: Various locations throughout the ship
Escape Pods <12>
Number: 200
Capacity: 12 persons per pod

Propulsion Systems
Warp Drive Nacelles: 6C <100>
Speed: 6.0/9.0/9.2 [1 Power/.2 warp speed]
PIS: Type I (24 hours of Maximum warp) <18>
Special configuration: Embedded Nacelles <40>
Impulse Engine Type: three Class 3A (.5c/.75c) [5/7 Power/round] <18 x 3 = 54>
Reaction Control System (.025c) [2 Power/ round when in use] <10>

Power Systems
Warp Engine Type: Class 13/S (generates 800 Power/round) <155>
Impulse Engine[s]: four Class 3A (generate 28 power/engine/round)
Auxiliary Power: 10 reactors (generate 5 Power/reactor/round) <30>
Emergency Power: Type F (generates 50 Power/round) <50>132
EPS: Standard Power flow, +300 Power transfer/round <80>858
Standard Usable Power:

Operations systems
Bridge: <50>

Computers Core: Two cores [5 Power/round] <20 x 4 = 40>
Computer uprating Class Alpha (+1) [1 power/round] <4>
ODN <30>

Navigational Deflector [5 Power/round] <40>
Range: 10/20,000/50,000/150,000
Accuracy: 5/6/8/11

Sensor Systems
Long-range Sensors [5 Power/round] <50>
Range package: Type 6 (Accuracy 3/4/7/10)
High Resolution: 5 Light-years (0.5/0.6 – 1.0/1.1 – 3.7/3.8 – 5.0)
Low Resolution: 16 Light-years (1.0/1.1 – 5.0/5.1 – 12.0/12.1 – 16.0)
Strength Package: Class 10 (strength 10)
Gain Package: Class Beta (+2)
Coverage: Standard

Lateral Sensors [5 Power/round] <26>
Strength Package: Class 10 (strength 10)
Gain Package: Class Beta (+2)
Coverage: Standard

Navigational Sensors: [5 Power/round] <24>
Strength Package: Class 10 (strength 10)
Gain Package: Class Beta (+2)
Probes: 200 <20>
Sensor Skill: 4

Flight Control Systems
Autopilot: Shipboard systems (flight control) 4, Coordination 3 [1 Power/round in use] <15>

Navigational Computer
Main: Class 2 (+1) [1 Power/round] <2>
Backups: 2 <2>

Inertial Damping Field
Main <160>
Strength: 9 [3 Power/round]
Number: 6
Backup <30>
Strength: 6 [2 Power/round]
Number: 6
Attitude Control [3 Power/round] <3>

Communications Systems
Type: Class 10 [2 Power/round] <25>
Strength: 10
Security: - (Class Gamma Uprating)
Basic Uprating: Class Alpha (+1)
Emergency Communications: [2 Power/round] <1>

Tractor Beams
Emitter: Class Delta [3 Power/Strength used/round] <12 x 2 = 24>
Accuracy: 4/5/7/10
Lactation: one aft dorsal, one forward ventral,

Emitter: Class [3 Power/Strength used/round] <3 x 3 = 9>
Accuracy 5/6/8/11
Location: one per the three shuttlebays

Type: Personnel [5 Power/use] <13 x 6 = 78>
Pads: 6
Emitter/Receiver Array: Personnel Type 4 (30,000 km range)
Energizing/Transition Coils: Class F (strength 6)
Number and location:

Type: Emergency [7 Power/round] <13 x 6 = 78>
Pads: 24
Emitter/Receiver Array: Emergency Type 2 (10,000 km range)
Energizing/Transition Coils: Class F (strength 6)
Number and location:

Type: Cargo [5 Power/round] <12 x 8 = 96>
Pads: 600 kg
Emitter/Receiver Array: Cargo Type 3 (40,000 km range)
Energizing/Transition Coils: Class F (strength 6)
Number and location:

Security Systems Rating: 3 <12>
Anti-Intruder System: Yes [1 Power/round] <10>
Internal Force Field [1 Power/3 Strength] <10>
Science Systems Rating: 3 (+2) [3 Power/round] <25>
Specialized Systems: 3 <15>
Laboratories: 60 <12>

Tactical Systems
Particle beam weapons <54 x 8 = 432>
Type (Equal to Type XII Phasers)
Damage: 240 [24 Power]
Number of Emitters: 200 (up to 5 shots per round)
Targeting Systems: Class Beta (Accuracy 4/5/7/10)
Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
Location: two forward, two aft, two starboard, two port, two ventral, two dorsal
Firing arc: 360 degrees
Firing Modes: Standard, Pulse, Continuous

Torpedo Launcher <17 x 2 = 34>
Standard Load: Type II Photon torpedoes (200 damage)
Spread: 10
Range: 15/300,000/1,000,000/3,500,000
Targeting Systems: Class Beta (Accuracy 4/5/7/10)
Power: [20 + 5 per torpedo fired]
Location: one forward dorsal, one aft ventral
Firing Arc: forward and aft but are self-guided
Torpedoes carried: 450 <45>

TA/T/TS: Class Gamma [2 Power/round] <12>
Strength: 9
Bonus: +2
Weapon Skill: 4

Shields (Forward, Aft, Port, Starboard) <150 x 4 = 600>
Shield Generator: Class 7 (protection 1300 + 100 embedded nacelles) [130 Power/shield/round]
Shield grid: Type C (50% increase to Protection 1950)
Subspace field Distortion Amplifiers: Class Iota (Threshold 430 + 10 embedded nacelles)
Recharging System: Class 2 (40 seconds)
Backup Shield Generators: 4 (1 per shield) <10>
Auto-Destruct System <10>

Auxiliary Spacecraft systems
Shuttlebay(s): Capacity for 90 Size worth of ships <180>
Standard Complement: 30 Shuttlepods and 30 shuttlecraft
Location(s): two Shuttlebays dorsal port and starboard and one ventral

Notes: One of the largest vessels ever encountered by the Federation before encountering the Borg. The alien vessels are powerful and fast capable of fending off Federation frontline combat starships. Encountered by the Federation’s Ambassador-class starships and each encounter turned out poorly. The large vessel is capable of hauling a small colony to a destination and settling them on the surface for the duration. This vessel acts much the same as a Federation exploration starship for the alien species.