Howdy All....
I'm putting together a new NPC ship and crew for my own nefarious purposes, but I'm kinda stumped on which starship class to use.
I'm looking at essentially pre-TNG (2340's and 50's)- the Cardassian Brushwar era.
I want a smaller, destroyer sized vessel, fast, sleek, and responsive.
One idea that caught my eye was the Decker Class from the old FASA TNG Officer's Manual- but the design (not to put too fine a point on it) is slightly horrendous.
I like the general hull form/layout and design philosophy- but in many details, it looks like a wasp with a thyroid problem.
The best "redrawings" I've been able to find are inconsistent in their scaling/detailing- and the edge of the primary hull is only one deck thick (and on the thin side even then).
Does anybody have either a good re-imagining of the Decker class or perhaps an alternate design?
Given my Navy background, I'm picky about my ships- but there's gotta be something out there that doesn't make me wanna weep and then get a club.