I just picked up Wizkids' Star Trek Heroclix figure pack. 7 prepainted plastic figures of the JJTrek crew on tacky plastic clicky bases.

Score out of 5 stars:
Sculpt: ****
Accuracy: *****
Painting: **
Value ***

The painting of the uniforms wasn't bad, but the faces were egregious! Huge white eyes with tiny black dots in the middle. Made them all look like Homer Simpson. Uhura was badly assembled - her head was on crooked. Sulu is portrayed with a Katana. (In TOS, Sulu used a foil because he thought a Katana and Samurai costume was stereotypical.) They work out to 1/48 scale (36-38mm tall). I'm going to saw them of the clicky bases and use them in a diorama. 1/48 isn't may scale - I usually do 1/35-1/32 figures, but I'll make an exception. A few minutes with a paintbrush to fix the faces and paint the phasers TOS black, and they're good to go.

All told, it cost $21.00 CDN including taxes - $3.00 a figure. A little steep, but not too out of line. I was using my Birthday money from my Mom, so it was within my reach and I grabbed it.

Here's an image of Spock, who's 38mm tall: http://media.trollandtoad.com/produc...res/393373.jpg