Hi everyone, I used to be frequent visitor here and contributed to the community almost a decade ago. I thought I share one more contribution regarding the Star Trek Character Builder (STCB) tool for the Coda system. I posted the original source code for anyone who wants to continue developing it or adapting it to something else. I have had some requests here and there, but unfortunately, when you are a full time PhD student you don't have a lot of time on your hands these days. In any case, here's the link to github repository for the STCB that built when I was an undergrad:
You will find the source code and original files for the desktop client, the engine, help system, and data editor. I think that's all I have (moved to different computers a long the way), and I have been meaning to post all of the files for the last few years but never got around to it.
Admittedly, I don't remember a lot of how it all worked since i haven't touched it in ages and at this point in my life I am not sure if I have any time to devote. Also I was on a Windows development platform and these days I have not done any development in Windows desktop. Either way, it is all yours!