Some more useful Tech form Gene Roddenberry’s Andromeda

Here are some of the Tech that appeared in different episodes that can be applied to ship in the Andromeda series and other series such as Star Trek and Star Wars. The ships can use the tech in many different ways.

Splinter Imaging Technology
SU’s Cost: 5 x size
Power cost: 5 x size

Projects multiple sensor ghosts up to several AU’s distance from the ship that is equipped with such a device. Ships sensors can be fooled but a look out the window reveals whether or not there is really a ship there or not. Only when the ship is within one AU’s distance can the sensors discern whether or not that the ship is real. This technology can generate up to seven separate mirages as the ship travels.

A starship sensor can only determine which is a mirage or an actual ship when within a range of 3 MU’s (90,000 kilometers) of the target with the lateral sensors. The difficulty of eight starting at one, with difficulty detection increasing by plus one for every MU beyond the first MU’s distance.

Footprint Magnification Device
SU’s Cost: 4 x maximum size of projection and plus 2 per increased power
Power cost: 20 power per size and 20 per plus increased difficulty

Any ship equipped with such a device can project an image of any other ship that the ships sensors have intensely scanned. This fools sensors and the opponent’s ship can detect only the vessel that is projected. This system even fools the ships own sensors and makes it think that another ship occupies the same spatial coordinates that it does.

This is a much like a cloaking device and can simulate even a large vessel such as a Borg cube this requires power. The device requires 20 powers per size of ship that it is trying to copy. A device capable of simulating a size ten starship would require 200 powers to project a reasonable sensor fooling image of a ship. The image of the ship can be made far more substantial by using an addition of 20 power and for each 20 power the difficulty in sensor detection increases by one starting at a difficulty challenge of 7.

As an example of a Footprint Magnification device capable of generating an image of a Galaxy-class would cost 32 SU’s and require 160 power to operate.

Idolan coating
Su’s Cost: 5 x size for the coating
Power Cost: 15 x size power make the change and 5 x size power to maintain the image

Created using particles of Dark Matter and is capable generating material that sensor read as virtually the identical image of a ship much larger and powerful that the ship that is coating the hull. The coating can be applied to the hull to nearly any ship that has a hull of resistance better than 6 and size two or larger.

The Idolan coating can simulate a vessel only a size half as large as the ship that is coated with. A shuttle that is 8 meters in length can generate an image of 12 meters and so on. The coating has an artificial resistance of 8 and has as much SU’s a starship hull.

Fusion Catalyst Device
SU’s Cost: 10
Power Cost: 50 power per round

The Fusion Catalyst device is a weapon that is capable of converting nebula gasses into the active fusion of a star without the compressed compactness of a stars sphere. The stellar fusion of the gasses have the damaging result of 1000 per round to any ship caught in the fusion reaction during the explosion. The reaction lasts five rounds before dissipating from the reaction.

To safely use the Fusion Catalyst Device the ship must be traveling faster the half the speed of light as the fusion reaction spreads at .5c and the ship that has done so can receive as much damage as those caught in the brunt of the reaction.

Slipstream Escape Pods
SU’s Cost: 10 escape pods per 1 SU’s
Power Cost: none

The Systems Commonwealth’s High Guard Slipstream Escape Pods are larger than the standard escape pods with a range of several light-years and are capable of one slip-stream jump. The Pods are small cramp and can hold several to a dozen persons.

Later in the New Systems Commonwealth budget cuts prohibited the slip stream capable Escape Pods in their new ships.