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Thread: Chronal Travel System?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

    Chronal Travel System?

    I've put out a request in the Utopia Planitia forum about this system. I've given my technobable explanation, but I'm looking for hard game stats, preferably in ICON format:

  2. #2
    I just took a look at the Chronal Travel System that is listed in Star Trek The Expanded Universe “All Our Yesterdays” the Time Travel Sourcebook, I would say generating something like it. Back engineering as it is would mean a starship would have to generate 400 power per round just to power it alone then on top of that it would have to power its other systems.

    If I was to generate it I would say SU’s 200 and uses 400 power per round. That is why I did not use that as a system in a ship only a kick off. I wanted it to fit into the hull of a ship. I know many of the ships I post sometimes have over runs on SU’s but most are within that we use unless the ship is specialized.

    I searched the site for the site for my earlier posting and I could not find it so I here I will post it again here. They make a good jumping off point.


    Temporal Spacedock

    There have been several Temporal starships throughout the Star trek series. In the latest series of Star Trek RPG we are playing the needs a starship. Using the Star Trek The Expanded Universe “All our Yesterdays” the Time Travel Sourcebook to back engineer the starships. These are not official Spacedock or using the converting back to the Basic system in a reverse page 175 of Spacedock. Instead of dividing down multiplying up works to give the ruff outline of the vessel while filling in the gaps with standard Spacedock notes. The vessels are close to being what they need to be for the adventure before adjustments.

    Hull Resistance

    The nature of a temporal starship precludes the need of a heavy hull resistance time ships. Some of the Temporal ships from Star Trek The Expanded Universe “All our Yesterdays” the Time Travel Sourcebook have rather low hull resistance making them fragile. Where other have heavier hull resistance than that of conventional 24th century starships.

    Temporal Transporters
    SU Cost: +10 extra to transporter
    Power cost: +10 power use

    Temporal transporters are generated the same the one’s found in the Spacedock. Generally there are at least one of these transporters per ship.

    Federation Temporal Fleet has at least one use to send temporal operatives through to different time periods to deal with temporal incidents.

    Chronometric Sensors

    Most all ships that can travel through time need to have sensors to detect any object in the time path that they would be traveling through. Few ships have the powerful sensors to see the movement of time and its out comes. Most twenty-fourth century starships would have sensors that can only detect an active temporal distortion or the residual elements of the distortion with the standard sensors, but with Chronometric Sensors the more information than that the normal sensors would. The Chronometric Sensors can detect even the precursors to the temporal distortions. Range of the Chronometric sensors cost one SU per light year with the first light year being free, with a range of no more than that of the Long range sensor systems.

    To power the Chronometric Sensors need twice the power than the standard sensors. The increase of sensor power to increase the range and power of the detection.

    Chronometric Sensors have a difficulty for jamming by simple devices such as food replicators as they have to be shielded with a dampening field.

    Strength Package SU……………..Strength
    Class 1……………..2………………1
    Class 2……………..4………………2
    Class 3……………..6………………3
    Class 4……………..8………………4
    Class 5……………..10…………….5
    Class 6……………..12…………….6
    Class 7……………..14…………….7
    Class 8……………..16…………….8
    Class 9……………..18…………….9
    Class 10…………….20……………10
    Class 11…………….24…………….11
    Class 12…………….28…………….12
    Class 13 ……………32…………….13
    Class 14…………….36…………….14
    Class 15…………….40…………….15

    Gain Package……..SU…………..Test Result Bonus
    Standard…………….0…………….+ 0
    Class Alpha…………3…………….+1
    Class Beta…………..6…………….+2
    Class Gamma………12……………+3
    Class Delta………….24……………+4
    Class Epsilon……….48……………+5

    Subatomic Disruptors or Advanced Phaser Arrays

    Chronotron Disruptor/Subatomic Disruptor is a powerful weapon capable disintegrating all atomic bonds between matters. The weapon costs 2 SU’s per 10 damage. Power works out the same as the Phaser and disruptors.

    Temporal Warp Core

    A temporal warp core costs 10 x size in SU’s in addition to the normal the SU’s cost for the Warp Core. (A vessel may have a conventional warp core and may have need for a second warp core. A second warp core could be a non-temporal warp core to power the temporal weapons and defenses systems.

    This Temporal weapon and warp core prevent conventional directed energy weapons and Torpedoes from damaging it. Only weapon systems that share a temporal weapon signature or have been modified to detonate in a certain temporal frequency can cause damage to the ship.

    Temporal Warp Drive
    Su’s Cost: +10 to Standard nacelle selection
    Power 1 power/.1 warp factor

    A temporal warp drive takes the ship outside time and space allowing the ship to travel suspended in time and space. Normal dangers would be only a minor risk to the class of starship.

    Temporal Transwarp Drive
    Su’s Cost: 16 x size
    Power Cost: (16 x size) power per round

    Used by some alien species to travel at high warp speeds and through time forward and back ward through time. While traveling is handled much like that of standard Transwarp drive.

    Time Travel with Temporal Warp Drive

    Time travel methods listed above is handled much the same as that as each light year is equal to that of a year. So a vessel equipped with a temporal warp nacelle Type 6D would have a max time travel of 9.6 years per round. This would take 23 hours to travel twenty years in time, where as a Temporal Transwarp Drive would take only 69 minutes to travel the same time period.

    Temporal Embedded Nacelles

    Most of the standard vessels have Embedded nacelles constructed the same as that for a conventional starship.

    Temporal Rift Generator (or Tachyon field Generator (Star Trek Voyager Endgame))
    SU Cost: 5 x size for the generator
    Power Cost: 40 power (optional: 20 power +1 power per 10 years of rift travel)

    Designed much like that of a Navigational Deflector but works much like that of an artificial tunnel through space only a few thousand kilometers long that bridges across a few hundred years. A ship travels at one quarters impulse can cross the distance to the other side and allow the rift to collapse and seal itself.

    Where other versions would need a deflector pulse or Modulated Photon Torpedo to collapse the rift. To modulate the Photon Torpedo or arrange the deflector pulse takes a difficulty check of 10. A standard Photon Torpedo detonated in the rift or on the edge of the rift could cause a premature collapse of one end. A vessel traveling through a rift when the rift is collapsed the vessel is virtually crushed by the rift. A jump to warp with a high difficulty risk of catching the edge of the rift.

    Example: The Starship Indiana chasseing a Temporal Starship fires a photon torpedo missing the temporal ship and striking the edge of the rift causing a slowed collapse of the rift. The Indiana calculates the risk of crashing into the rifts edges as they begin to touch. The Indiana’s Captain’s has two orders the vessel to maximum impulse to avoid the edge of the rift and catch the time ship or all reverse. Either requires a difficulty check of 10.

    The risk to the ship either way is great. The Indiana could catch the edge of the rift as it collapses or not slowing fast enough and slamming into the edge of the collapsed rift destroying the ship. Either way the ship is like an egg dropped on the floor.

    Notes: The standard Navigational Deflector can be modified to work as a Temporal rift Generator and open a rift once. The Deflector will burn out and needs to be repaired over 72 hours with a difficulty check of 9. The standard Navigational Deflector takes twice as long to open a rift and create a temporal rift large enough to enter.

    Temporal Shields

    The temporal shields cost a 1 x size much like the regular shields are made up. The shield for conventional weapons is next to invulnerable to the weapon unless the weapons are modified with a difficulty of 8 to the modification. Temporal Shields cost 2 power per 10 protection. The shields act as normal shields when in combat against temporal weapons.


    Temporal ships have reduced crews equal to that of a 24th century Federation Science Ship. This is do to that temporal starships are highly automated vessels. This way they require few crew to maintain the ship.

    Original notes

    Temporal Warp Core & Temporal Incursion cannon

    The ships primary weapon is a weapon powered by a temporal warp core in which keeps the ship out of phase with normal space-time. This temporal warp core will keep the crew from ageing.

    A temporal warp core costs 20 extra SU’s beyond what a normal warp core costs because of its nature.

    This Temporal weapon and warp core prevent conventional directed energy weapons and Torpedoes from damaging it. Only weapon systems that share a temporal weapon signature or have been modified to detonate in a certain temporal frequency can cause damage to the ship.

    Chroniton torpedo

    The Chroniton torpedo ignores conventional shielding penetrating to the hull of the ship. The detonation damaging the vessel severely if the damage is nears a vital area. A typical Chroniton torpedo does 300 Damage on impact with a ships hull. Ships shields are useless unless they are altered to prevent temporal weapons use.


    You should be able to work it out from there. Let me know if it helps you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    S/E Queensland Australia
    very useful post Omega.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
    Not so much for me, as it seems to contradict the way time travel happens in Trek. Time travel is almost always depicted as being near-instantaneous, or at least very swift. You enter arift/anomaly, et cetera and come out in the past or future. At its slowest, it's like going through DS9's wormhole, only taking a few moments. Also, mixing Transwarp into it just confuses the issue.

  5. #5
    Apparently, if you travel by slingshot you get trippy whale-visions, but that might be a result of the same paratemporal 'ground' being covered both on the way in and the way back.
    Portfolio | Blog Currently Running: Call of Cthulhu, Star Trek GUMSHOE Currently Playing: DramaSystem, Swords & Wizardry

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Owen E Oulton View Post
    Not so much for me, as it seems to contradict the way time travel happens in Trek. Time travel is almost always depicted as being near-instantaneous, or at least very swift. You enter arift/anomaly, et cetera and come out in the past or future. At its slowest, it's like going through DS9's wormhole, only taking a few moments. Also, mixing Transwarp into it just confuses the issue.

    then simply say time travel is near instantaneous, (use the SU's etc above then modify to suit your vision) it is your game and you make the rules. Rift or temporal transporter would be close to instantaneous.

    For me I could never understand how they fit all that advanced technology in the Size Class 1 USS Aeon (as per All Our Yesterdays SC1 L6.0m W3.5m H3.5m 15 metric tonnes) the Subatomic disruptor is 200SU's by itself, and the 50ly ranged L/R sensors (+4 gain) would be around 100SU's, if not more. Even with extra-dimensional storage it stretches the imagination (and the rules to the limit).

    The problem is the writers on Star Trek will and do change anything to suit the story line and what makes good TV, it is naive to expect consistency from it. Consistency is what you need for a game though, so every one plays by the same rules. There will always be problems fitting what we see on screen to what comes out on paper.

  7. #7
    I genreated most of the tech off of actual episodes in Star Trek and tried to keep true to all of the Series and the Travel.

  8. #8
    My Girl friend Jewel dug around in a set of disks that I have of old game material and she found that I had done something that I had forgotten about. I cleaned it up a little an here it is I hope this is what you are looking for.

    Chronal Travel System (Temporal Drive System)
    SU’s Cost: 200
    Power Cost: 400 power per round of operation

    The Chronal Travel System is a hard earned piece of technology centuries in the making and is one of the safest type of temporal technologies once it is installed. Once of line the Chronal Travel Systems envelopes the ship in a bubble that protects the ship from changes in the time line that ripple out in waves. The resulting field is barely detectable by standard sensors below a Class 7. Each change in the time line can be recorded and compared with the previously recorded histories in the ships memory banks.

    The Chronal travel is basically a core that holds exotic matter that once charged with warp plasma diverted directly out of the primary EPS feed taps into the core. The repair of the Chronal Travel System is far more difficult than the standard drive systems and takes 2d6 hours to make repairs, taking anywhere from two to twelve hours per SU.

    One effect that the Chronal Travel System has is that it slows the aging effect down by one sixtieth of the normal rate of aging. A man living out a his life in the field could eventually live his seventy year normal life span and live four thousand two hundred years as long as he stays with in the fields.

    Opening of a Temporal Vortex the ship’s crew diverts the Chronal infused warp plasma into the forward navigational deflector, focusing an intense beam of powerful energies ninety thousand kilometers in front of the ship. The Temporal Vortex appears indefinitely across but that the actual opening is one MU in diameter and one MU in length for every year in time that they tunnel are open into either the past or the future.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
    I kind of like this. Since I'm using staright vanilla ICON, the SU cost makes no difference. The "exotic matter" I'll substitute with my "forced quantum singularity". I may adjust the power cost to a flat minimum power cost plus a variable amount for the static warp bubble based on the amount of temporal displacement. I'll probably also ignore the time dilation since I see it as strictly a time travel system rather yjan a field that needs to be maintained.

    Thanks for your help. I know it seems like I'm bending your description all out of shape, but it was the seed I needed.

  10. #10
    Sounds good to me. I used the Exotic matter as it sounded like it was something that would generate powerful stuff like the Andromeda Ascendents Slip Drive.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    :Exotic matter" sounds better than JJ's "red matter", but a "forced quantum singularity" is a bit of standard Trek technobabble. Romulans use them all the time in canon, and a chroniton surge is a commonly mentioned side effect. My rationale is the temporal displacement of the E-C while fighting Rommies at Narendra III.

  12. #12
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    the rift that sent the Enterprise-C back was caused by excessive weapons fire (Romulan and Federation)

    Quote Originally Posted by Memory Alpha Wiki
    During the battle, a temporal rift was created due to the highly-energetic weapons discharges, and the severely damaged Enterprise drifted through, emerging in the year 2366. There, it discovered that the outpost at Narendra III had been completely destroyed, and a state of war existed between the Klingon Empire and the Federation. The Enterprise encountered her successor, the Galaxy-class USS Enterprise-D. The Enterprise-C had suffered severe damage to her warp nacelles and external hull, with 125 crew members surviving, and the Enterprise-D assisted in repairs. Both crews eventually realized that the current timeline was a result of the Enterprise-C's absence from the battle, and determined that the Enterprise-C needed to return to their own time through the rift.
    The wiki article is taken directly from the Yesterday's Enterprise episode.
    Last edited by WaveMan; 12-10-2014 at 07:33 PM.

  13. #13
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    In proximity to Romulan Warp Cores with their singularities. Dangerous mix.

  14. #14
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    there was no evidence of even one warbird being destroyed at Narendra III, so you can't honestly blame a breached quantum singularity power core (the shielded power source of the Romulan warbird) for the rift generation.

    Didn't say any were destroyed. Point is, even at the best of times those things give off chronitons. I don't care how many torpedoes were set off - more were set off in nay one battle in the Dominion War than Narendra, and no time displacements reported.
    Last edited by Owen E Oulton; 12-11-2014 at 09:25 PM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    S/E Queensland Australia
    The shielding on all Romulan Power cores would prevent chronitons from being emitted, on the other hand a breached core would allow chronitons from escaping. This is just logical consistency.

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