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Thread: Star Trek Renegades

  1. #31
    Join Date
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    S/E Queensland Australia
    For me that kind of minutia is unimportant and trivial (uniforms styling etc)

    I totally agree with your assessment of the story-lines.

    I will say I was a little disappointed in some of the seasoned actors performance, but IMHO I can forgive that somewhat as I said.

    I also found the whole mobile emitter point somewhat moot, most vessels of the era would have holo-emitters mounted through out making holo-personnel access less of an issue.
    "I will never make excuses for who I am. It is the way I was born. I am a HUNTER. a BONE COLLECTOR."
    Wave Man, the term "wave man" is the English translation of 'Ronin' (Japanese word) and literately translates to "wandering person" and in a modern context a WaveMan is one who is socially adrift or a SalaryMan who is between employers.

  2. #32
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    Most Starfleet ships, sure, but this was a scummy pirate ship. Starships were beginning to be so equipped back as far as the then-new Prometheus cl;ass in the final seasons of Voyager. But they made a point of the holo emitter without thinking the ramifications through. I suspect they did this to establish her as a ba-a-ad grrl (sic) without actually having to say why she's an

    But yeah, costumes and sets, along with the makeup would definitely improve once it gets into the hands of the studio.outcast.

  3. #33
    Ahh that opens up a different can of worms. Scummy pirate ships.

    In TRAVELLER pirates are everywhere in starships hoisting the Jolly Roger. I say BS impossible, same with the pirate ship in the FIST series massacred by the Aliens in the Cragg-Sherman book series. The cost of a modern ship is 10's of millions of the currency of your choice. Note in late 20th, early 21st century pirates operate from motor boats not naval frigates or coastal missile boats. The 16th century pirate model is dead and gone. In simple terms if you can afford to build a pirate ship, you don't need to go pirating.

    In Trek the pirates are part of a major group of cartels based on Orion and nearly a government outright, ipso facto ergo sum then can afford a fleet of pirate ships and make a profit.

    That would indicate for Lexxa to have a pirate ship it would have to be stolen and re-equipped again for millions or given to her by a patron who benefits from her disruption of Federation commerce. i.e. House of Duras, Romulan Star Empire, Breen, Orion cartels some major faction with an axe to grind against the Feds.

    Does Tim Russ or the myriad of Traveller writers or Sci-Fi book authors know this, not likely but such is the romance of the Golden Age of Piracy.

  4. #34
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    true SOME high octane merc companies would have access to all cutting edge technology, and I agree it isn't difficult to achieve a very capable Mercenary Corvette capable of handling most situations fairly easily (most RPG's I participated in allowed such collaborations) though they should not be the norm. Though for story telling purposes such a vessel isn't beyond imagination.
    "I will never make excuses for who I am. It is the way I was born. I am a HUNTER. a BONE COLLECTOR."
    Wave Man, the term "wave man" is the English translation of 'Ronin' (Japanese word) and literately translates to "wandering person" and in a modern context a WaveMan is one who is socially adrift or a SalaryMan who is between employers.

  5. #35
    Piracy in the classical model makes much more sense in Traveller though, because you have the ability to move (physically and economically) the goods you'd grab; similarly the long travel times and poor ability to coordinate responses (because of the lack of FTL) means that anti-piracy activities are at a serious disadvantage. Given that people like the PCs, as small ship operators, are explicitly a common thing in the spacelanes of Traveller, access to the necessary equipment to be an effective pirate is already in the hands of a lot of the people who would be tempted to turn to piracy.

    The situation of piracy in Star Trek RPGs is way different, and much more like our current world. They have the ability to track ships across interstellar distances, and coordinate responses to pirate activities that can effectively locate bases of operations. The mere fact of the Federation's ability and willingness to solve the economic issues that causes piracy—it's dangerous, mostly boring, mostly unrewarding work, and if the UFP can just drop aid packages essentially as a bribe for people to chill out then any pirate ships will quickly find themselves unmanned—should mean it's less prevalent, at least in their sphere of influence. Trek actually got all the way to TNG season 7 before you meet anyone who even remotely fits the 'space pirate' mold.
    Portfolio | Blog Currently Running: Call of Cthulhu, Star Trek GUMSHOE Currently Playing: DramaSystem, Swords & Wizardry

  6. #36
    Join Date
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    S/E Queensland Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by The Tatterdemalion King View Post
    Trek actually got all the way to TNG season 7 before you meet anyone who even remotely fits the 'space pirate' mold.
    I think you are forgetting the Ferangi , many operated as privateer's (being unofficially sanctioned by the Ferangi government) and some could have been considered to be true pirates.

    If anyone wants to have a look at what piracy and associated subjects would look like in a Trek setting the Raiders, Renegades and Rogues source book for ST/DS-9 RPG goes into detail about piracy/mercenary/raiding.
    "I will never make excuses for who I am. It is the way I was born. I am a HUNTER. a BONE COLLECTOR."
    Wave Man, the term "wave man" is the English translation of 'Ronin' (Japanese word) and literately translates to "wandering person" and in a modern context a WaveMan is one who is socially adrift or a SalaryMan who is between employers.

  7. #37
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    The Federation is, in my mind, not a "solid shape" but more like Swiss cheese or foam. It is full of areas (well, volumes) that is not UFP space within it. Then we have a lot of other neighboring areas (like Klingon and Cardassian space) where Starfleet would not be able to go.

    So I find "age of sail" type piracy and privateering quite plausible in Trek. Having ships and individuals like in Renegades fit my view of UFP quite well, and how common (uncommon) it is and how UFP generally handles it is part of what makes UFP to be Utopia-ish for me (not a major part... but still).

    With that said, it probably would come as a surprise to anyone that I liked episode one. The props, effects, acting and story was good enough for me and I definitely want to see more

  8. #38
    I wonder if the Pakleds in "Samaritan Snare" count as pirates.
    Portfolio | Blog Currently Running: Call of Cthulhu, Star Trek GUMSHOE Currently Playing: DramaSystem, Swords & Wizardry

  9. #39
    If any of you millionaires out there have a spare 150K. RENEGADES wants it.

  10. #40
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    on would think with around $100 million William Shatner could spare a buck or $100K...for the show
    "I will never make excuses for who I am. It is the way I was born. I am a HUNTER. a BONE COLLECTOR."
    Wave Man, the term "wave man" is the English translation of 'Ronin' (Japanese word) and literately translates to "wandering person" and in a modern context a WaveMan is one who is socially adrift or a SalaryMan who is between employers.

  11. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by WaveMan View Post
    I hoping for a more 'militant' styled, some of the best visual episodes, for me, were the later DS-9 massed battles episodes (the battle for Chin'Toka for example). Take into account I am a redneck at heart though.
    Not the only one.
    Quote Originally Posted by Owen E Oulton View Post
    ...or it could just as likely be another Babylon 5 Crusades.
    What an awful thought.

  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Huckleberry View Post
    Not the only one.

    I was starting to feel a bit like Robinson Crusoe mate....LoL
    "I will never make excuses for who I am. It is the way I was born. I am a HUNTER. a BONE COLLECTOR."
    Wave Man, the term "wave man" is the English translation of 'Ronin' (Japanese word) and literately translates to "wandering person" and in a modern context a WaveMan is one who is socially adrift or a SalaryMan who is between employers.

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