I was wondering if anyone here has had interaction with any Fanboys on YouTube? I have had a run in with some really retarded FanBoys lately (especially ones who are posting YouTube compilations of Star Trek vs Star Wars/Battle Star Galactica/Babylon 5 battles). I know I shouldn't subject myself to the drama, but sometime I just can't help myself...LoL
One thing that keeps coming up is Canon (I understand the word and concept) and was wondering, what do you consider Canon? AKAIK there isn't a Canon site dedicated to Star Trek (if so please let me know the address as I would be very interested in seeing it) that is hosted by Paramount and written directly by the writers of Star Trek.
I view Memory Alpha as canon, am I wrong in that assumption?
One big issue lately was the warp speed charts, one Fanboy completely rejected the revised warp speed chart as non-canon and stated there was no canon referring to a revised warp speed chart (shifting from TOS to Next Gen/Voyager/DS-9 and then Enterprise) and the Memory Alpha warp factor chart doesn't correspond with the revised warp speed chart listed below. The primary issue was the TOS warp speeds (some times they were portrayed as being able to cross the galaxy in hours and the Enterprise capable of achieving 100,000's TSL) yet when I pointed out that even a Galaxy Class vessel could not achieve such a feat it was rejected as non-canon (even though I had all the right references)