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Thread: TOS Headcannon

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    TOS Headcannon

    Inspired by Wavemans recent post, I decided to quantify my Headcanon assumptions for TOS. I guess that since GR ruled that everything prior to TNG is not canon, makes my life easier, though!

    My primary sources are TOS (especially the first season) and the FASA game background, a lot of which came from the original Spaceflight Chronology.

    1) Since the UFP is only about 130 years old by Kirks time, and warp speeds above 4 have only been possible for the last 30 or so, the UFP can't be that big. Using the FASA sourcebook map, probably an Inner Federation about 10 parsecs across, with an Outer one only a few to six parsecs beyond that.

    2) Going by the order of encounter and given the above speed limitations, the RNZ must be within a few parsecs of a Terra, with the Orion's within ten parsecs and the Klingons a bit further out.

    3) StarFleet is a Humans first club, simply because the other founding races simply have other concerns than exploring the universe.

    4) The Constitution class was the first warp 6/8 ship, and designed specifically as the new explorer/capital ship to expand the borders of the UFP. As such, it is exceptional and it's captain and crew the elite of StarFleet. There are other single role smaller chips, but the "Starship" class are the most important.

    There are other thoughts thatI don't have time to type out just now, and other posters thought welcome

  2. #2
    It's 'canon,' like the camera, not 'cannon,' like the artillery.
    Portfolio | Blog Currently Running: Call of Cthulhu, Star Trek GUMSHOE Currently Playing: DramaSystem, Swords & Wizardry

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Stockholm, Sweden
    It was only wrong in the thread title.

    C57D, your headcanon reminds me of a short little speech I had planed an Admiral to give the player, about how their patrol area was bigger than the entire Federation during the time of captain Pike. Unfortunately, that game fizzled before we got that far.

  4. #4
    [QUOTE=C57D;185881]1) Since the UFP is only about 130 years old by Kirks time, and warp speeds above 4 have only been possible for the last 30 or so, the UFP can't be that big./QUOTE]

    There might be member planets which originally met the Federation halfway before joining. (That would explain Kirk's ignorance of the state of affairs on Ardana.) Also, a UFP of 130 years of age gives a maximum human exploration limit of 200 ly, so you can fit in plenty of weird human colonies, and the Federation might still be running into Vulcan colonies at up to 2000 ly from the core worlds.
    Portfolio | Blog Currently Running: Call of Cthulhu, Star Trek GUMSHOE Currently Playing: DramaSystem, Swords & Wizardry

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Stockholm, Sweden
    The star chart in Traveller 2300 was from the Gliese Catalogue and contained stars out to 50ly from Earth. If I remember correctly it is a few hundred star systems. Going out to 200ly from earth is 64 times that volume.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by C57D View Post
    Inspired by Waveman's recent post, I decided to quantify my Headcanon assumptions for TOS. I guess that since GR ruled that everything prior to TNG is not canon, makes my life easier, though!
    Where the heck did he state that? I need a specific, in context, annotated quote, not some hearsay anecdote.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    S/E Queensland Australia
    I would not presume to speak for anyone but myself but I think C57D is referring to discussions had in this thread

    which the subject of "headcanon" and what constitutes "canon" is discussed.

    I have stated, that for me, personally, that I largely dismiss TOS canon in-lieu of TNG, Voyager, DS-9 and Enterprise "canon" all of which is somewhat more consistent [as Owen rightly points out there isn't going to be complete consistency and continuity in any Star Trek series] (at least all the more modern series try to stick to the revised warp scale, and all vessels fit into the frame work established with Space Dock and the write ups I have in Space Dock Federation/Romulan/Klingon/Cardassian/Dominion source books) This approach works for me, every one has to establish their own "in-house canon" rule for themselves.
    "I will never make excuses for who I am. It is the way I was born. I am a HUNTER. a BONE COLLECTOR."
    Wave Man, the term "wave man" is the English translation of 'Ronin' (Japanese word) and literately translates to "wandering person" and in a modern context a WaveMan is one who is socially adrift or a SalaryMan who is between employers.

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