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Thread: Proposed Heavy Scout (2385) Orion-class

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    S/E Queensland Australia

    Proposed Heavy Scout (2385) Orion-class

    The Orion-class Heavy scout is a part of the Long-Range-Survey-Directive implemented in 2369, though this initiative was delayed because of the Dominion war. By 2385 this class of vessel was fully realized with the launch of the USS Orion. Like the Defiant-class Heavy Escort the Orion is a dedicated warship, though with their extensive secondary systems they are capable of any type of deep-space tactical mission profile. The Orion integrates the latest technologies and combines the design philosophy of the Norway and Nova-classes into the Heavy Scout platform. It was determined that a Size 5 platform wasn't adequate for this project, so the decision was made to increase Size to 6. To this end SF R&D used a modified Norway-class space-frame. The Orion-class Heavy Scout was designed to replace the Rigel-class Heavy Scout line. This class was named after the giant huntsman in Greek mythology whom Zeus placed among the stars as the constellation of Orion. The Orion-class Heavy Scout is capable of embarking on extended solo scouting/exploration missions, and carries enough supplies for three years of independent operation.
    It has been noted that the Orion-class could also operate as a 'light explorer' along the lines of the Intrepid-class or Luna-class, though many in SF are uncomfortable assigning Orion-class scouts in this role as they present a very militant aspect.

    Like the Norway all Orion-class scouts represent the epitome of SF's current automation technology. Unlike most ships of it's size, which have 400-600 crew members, the Orion has 150 due to the extensive use of computer automation and advanced systems on the ship. Some of the advanced systems (which are now, as of the mid 2380's ubiquitous) polarizing reactive hull armour, EMH (MKII) and EEH (MKII), prototype Quantum Induction core (rated at 2500+ Cochrane power output), Exomagnetic EPS, Bio-neutral computer cores, advanced sensors, LOS MKI, advanced tactical and science systems and metaphasic/regenerative shields. It's technological sophistication also shows in its use of many redundant backup systems. Many of the technological advances used in the Intrepid-class were implemented in the Orion, including Planetfall/Atmo capability and the addition of enough parts to replace the QIC entirely, effectively having a 'spare' power core available if the situation requires the replacement of the primary core.

    Size 6
    L 364.77m
    B 225.61m
    H 52.48m
    Decks 10
    Mass 622,000mt
    SU 2625 (5% increase in SU's for advancement)
    SU 2621

    Hull (inner/outer) <48>
    Resistance (inner/outer) 10/10 <24>
    *polarizing reactive hull armour (1500 armour, 60pwr when active, 30 sec recharge) <60>
    *replaces ablative armour and deploy-able ablative hull armour generators
    *atmo capability <6>
    *planet fall capability <6>
    *as a Scout these vessels are required to have the ability to enter atmosphere's and land on planets.
    (ventral impeller, 6 retractable landing struts)
    SIF class 7 100/150 <36>
    SIF B'up 50 <18>
    SIF B'up 50 <18>

    Crew 150/30/750
    officers 100 enlisted 50 marines 30
    *the Orion carry's a platoon of Marines, who serve as the vessels security personnel, the Marine's commanding officer serves as the vessels Chief Tactical officer.
    *the Scout template has an usual disproportional officer/enlisted personnel ration, having a 2 to 1 ratio rater then the more traditional 30% officer/70% enlisted distribution.

    Quarters <30>
    barracks 4 (60 berth) [240] reserved for evac purposes
    basic 120 (1-2 berth) [120-240]
    expanded 20 (1-4 berth) [20-80]
    luxury 10 (1 berth) [10]
    *all quarters, ergonomically adaptable, replicator terminal, computer console, sonic shower.
    *expandable, able to expand from 1 berth to 4 berth. Water shower, provisions for pets.
    *luxury full environmental control.

    Basic Life Support (caters for 1000) <24>
    Reserve Life Support <12>
    Emergency Life Support (36 emergency shelters) <12>
    Gravity <6>
    Consumables 3 years worth <18>
    Replicators (food) <6>
    Replicators (industrial) network of small terminals <6>
    Replicators (industrial large pads) 4 <12>
    *capable of large scale replication as required.

    Medical facilities (9) +2 <45>
    CMO 5/6 per 3/4 emk 3
    EMH MKII <15> has access to entire vessel
    *fully equipped medical facilities, one holo-suite reserved for medical rehabilitation purposes

    Recreation facilities (5) <40>
    1 holodeck, 5 holosuites, pleasant eating facilities, 2 small lounges.
    *one small lounge integrated into mess hall, one small lounge is the "observation lounge" which is accessed primarily via the bridge.
    *Despite being a dedicated combat vessel Orion-class vessels have been equipped with various recreation facilities allowing the crew ample opportunity for rest and relaxation. This was done because of the extended mission profiles envisioned for the class.

    Jefferies tubes, network of Turbolifts <18>
    Fire suppression system <6>
    Escape pods 140 (8 berth) <8>
    Cargo bays 200,000m cubed (20 10000m cubed holds spread through out vessel) <6>

    Nacelles (2) Type 6D97 <112>
    warp cruise/max/burst (emergency) 6.0/9.9/9.99 48 hours
    [392/3053/7912 TSL]
    *variable geometry nacelles <5>
    PIS type J (48 hours) <20>
    warp uprating packages (max pk3, burst pk1) <8>

    Impulse Engine (1) hyper class VIII .75c/.95c [72pwr] <40>
    class gamma 100% acceleration <16>
    RCS <6>
    *this vessel is designed to be extremely fast at both warp and impulse speeds. These vessels are capable of sustaining warp 9.9 for extended periods of time.

    QIC MkIex (2500+ cochrane) [1000pwr] <120>
    EPS (exomagnetic) +450 pwr <51>
    Aux power (8) [40 pwr/rnd] <24>
    Emergency power type A [25 pwr/rnd] <25>
    available power 1072
    *EEH (MKII) <15> has access to the entire vessel

    Bridge <30>
    *saucer dorsal
    command suite <6>
    *the bridge is nestled in a a notch between engineering hull bulkheads affording it increased protection.

    Computers (2 cores) Bio-neural +3 <36>
    class beta uprating <4>
    ODN <18>

    Nav deflector <24>
    Nav deflector (auxiliary) <6>

    Long Range type 8 hr6ly lr18ly +3 <64>
    10 str gamma gain
    +3000 substances/effects <9>
    Lateral (2ly range)10 str +3 <29>
    +3000 substances/effects <9>
    Navigational 10 str gamma gain +3 <28>
    Probes 200 <20>
    usual load is [class II x20, class III x50, class IV x20, class V x20, class VI x50, class VII x20, class IX x20]
    Sensor skill 5
    *equipped with the most advanced sensors available to the Federation as of the mid 2380"s the Orion is well equipped to achieve it's primary mission.

    *LOS MkI acts as a cloak 6, 60pwr when active <18>
    The Orion employs a remarkable first generation two-layer system to avoid detection. First, it uses several special low-power chronoton field emitters, essentially "poor man's cloaking devices", to mask the ship from sensors. At a passing glance, a sensor scan would go right over it. In the event that they manage to arouse some attention, the second system is brought online: a silicon-based biological compound on the hull that mimics the surrounding colors and lights with remarkable accuracy.

    Auto pilot 4/3 <15>
    Nav comp class 3 +2 <4>
    Nav comp class 3 +2 <4>
    Nav comp B'up's (2) <2>
    *like the Norway he Orion is equipped with 2 primary nav comp's of equal power, as well as 2 B'up's.
    IDF main 3 <36>
    IDF B'up 2 <6>
    Attitude control <2>
    *manual steering column <1>

    Comms class 10 10 str -8 sec beta uprated +2 <32>
    *emergency comms <1>
    *holo-comms <1>

    Tractor beams (2) gamma multiphase 4/5/7/10 <20>
    * forward ventral, aft prow
    Tractor beams (1) alpha 5/6/8/11 shuttle bay<3>

    Transporter (personnel) 3 rooms (19su) <57>
    6 pad type 6 40000km range class J e/t coils 10 str

    Transporter (emergency) 3 rooms (18su) <54>
    28 pad type 3 15000km range class H e/t coils 8 str

    Transporter (cargo) in 2 bays (17su) <34>
    800kg type 3 40000km range class J e/t coils 10 str

    Security systems (4) <16>
    CSO 4/5 per 3/4 4 brigs
    *anti intruder system <6>
    *internal force fields <6>

    Science systems (4) +3 <26>
    10 labs <2>
    *astrometrics, medical, one unassigned specialized labs <15>
    *fitted with the most advanced science systems available as of the mid 2380's, allowing the Orion to achieve it's primary mission.

    TA/T/TS Epsilon str 11 +3 <18>
    TA/T/TS B'up <1>
    Weapon skill 5
    Auto destruct <6>

    Shuttle bay 28 Size class worth <56>
    4 work-bee's, 4 type 18 shuttle pods (sc1), 8 type-10 shuttles (sc2), 1 Talon-class scout (sc2) 1 runabout (sc2).
    *a large saucer aft shuttle bay, a single shuttle-bay door allows egress too and from the vessel.
    *this vessel is not equipped with a Captains yacht, either the Talon-class (it's ironic that this Heavy Scout carries a Light Scout) or Danube-class are used in that capacity if the need arises. These vessels carry a larger then expected compliment of shuttle craft as they are expected to be able to operate independently for extended periods of time.

    Tactical systems
    Primary Phaser arrays (4) Type XII <236>
    200 emitters 5 sht/rnd gamma interlock 3/4/6/9
    arc 541+ degree's forward, mode std, cont, pulse, wide
    dam 240 pwr 24/sht range 10/30000/100000/300000km
    *ventral forward, dorsal port and starboard, dorsal amidships just above the bridge.

    Secondary Phaser arrays (4) Type XII <176>
    120 emitters 3 sht/rnd gamma interlock 3/4/6/9
    arc 541+ degree's, modes std, cont, pulse, wide
    dam 240 pwr 24/sht range 10/30000/100000/300000km
    *port and starboard nacelles (where the nacelle pylons join the nacelles), aft port and starboard nacelle pylons prow
    *primary and secondary phaser arrays placed so as to give full 720 degree firing arc coverage.

    Torpedo launchers (3) class VIa rapid fire high yield launcher's <90>
    spread 12 gamma interlock 3/4/6/9
    arc self guided range 15/350000/1.5m/4.05m km
    2 forward port and starboard notches just above the prow, 1 aft.
    *these launchers are the latest Turret style which are capable of swiveling 15 degree's off axis giving them a wide field of fire. They capable of launching up to six torpedoes per second for up to two seconds, or launching twelve torpedoes simultaneously.

    (3) 180 MKI quantum (400 dam) (540) <54>
    (3) 60 MkIII quantum (500 dam) (180) <18>
    (3) 120 Type VI photon (500 dam, stratospheric) (360) <36>

    Shields (metaphasic, regenerative) <356>
    protection 3000/4500
    threshold 900
    regenerate 20/rnd
    B'up shields (4) <8>
    *shields allow this vessel to enter the corona of most stars

    These vessels are designed for all forward scouting operations of a Federation battle group, and so are equipped with the latest Federation defensive and offensive technologies, and are a true multi-purpose vessel, capable of all deep space Tactical and Operational mission profiles.
    Because these vessels are expected to operate independently, away from any support they are heavily armed, primary armament consists of 8 type 12 phaser arrays backed up by 3 torpedo turrets and they carry over 1000 torpedoes.

    Like all vessels of the mid 2380's these vessels are equipped with both a Emergency Medical and Engineering holo-program, and have holo-emitters mounted through out the ship, allowing either program full access to the entire vessel.

    Primary mission profiles include reconnaissance and surveillance, with the Orion providing Starfleet with unparalleled sensor capabilities, especially for long-range monitoring of known or potential threat forces, and for battle group coordination and observation during combat situations (through the use of their Command Suites). The current profile of the Orion-class will also lend itself towards deep-range patrol missions and covert intelligence operations in hostile territory, thanks to the inclusion of stealth technology based on the MKI low-observability systems.
    Last edited by WaveMan; 02-02-2018 at 06:16 PM.
    "I will never make excuses for who I am. It is the way I was born. I am a HUNTER. a BONE COLLECTOR."
    Wave Man, the term "wave man" is the English translation of 'Ronin' (Japanese word) and literately translates to "wandering person" and in a modern context a WaveMan is one who is socially adrift or a SalaryMan who is between employers.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    You gonna Asspierce-me, or just send me a dead Rat?
    Good, Advanced 4Xl Vessel.

    And Damaging.

    And Good CGI Pics.
    "Always beware of anything said by a person with a smile." -Cronan-sama
    Initially Trek, but haphazard Archival Site, no need to make it a Wiki.
    Don Miller's SSDs for Star Fleet Battles are here, axing the URL past sfb takes you to the main site.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    S/E Queensland Australia
    Thanks Meteo, what do you mean by "4Xl"?

    As far the pics, I pull all of them of the web and thankfully there were a plethora of Norway pics and I chose the one's I liked.

    Because the vessel would be expected to scout solo for extended periods of time and they would not know what threats could be encountered I tried to mount as many powerful weapons as possible, thus allowing the vessel to be able to handle any situation.

    Of all the ships I have recently written up I have to say I like the Orion the most, they exemplify the aspects I personally would want to have in a vessel, speed, excellent offensive and defensive capability, reasonably small (thus allowing a small crew) and with lots of "advanced" stuff like holo personnel etc.
    Last edited by WaveMan; 08-02-2015 at 11:56 PM.
    "I will never make excuses for who I am. It is the way I was born. I am a HUNTER. a BONE COLLECTOR."
    Wave Man, the term "wave man" is the English translation of 'Ronin' (Japanese word) and literately translates to "wandering person" and in a modern context a WaveMan is one who is socially adrift or a SalaryMan who is between employers.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    You gonna Asspierce-me, or just send me a dead Rat?
    I know this is late, but I'm clarifying right now:

    4Xl is a Tech Level, one of several which originated with Star Fleet Battles, and expanded by Don Miller, 4Xl being the Tech Level of the All Good Things Ships.

    I'm probably going to put up full data on the Tech Levels and Technical Evolution soon.
    "Always beware of anything said by a person with a smile." -Cronan-sama
    Initially Trek, but haphazard Archival Site, no need to make it a Wiki.
    Don Miller's SSDs for Star Fleet Battles are here, axing the URL past sfb takes you to the main site.

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