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Thread: Digital Indalo Plans Needed

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

    Digital Indalo Plans Needed

    Lo these many years ago, John D. Lees posted some deck plans for Regula One on his page at - they've been off-line for a long time, and even the Wayback Machine is missing several decks. I'm looking for Decks Six through Nine. If anyone has these, please PM or eMail me. Thanks.

  2. #2
    I know the ones you are talking about I have them on a CD but I will have to look through a stack of them to find them. The site had the Nova class in the original and pointy nosed version to as well, right.

  3. #3
    I think I have these ones as well. Will go through my files when I get home.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by gmt View Post
    I think I have these ones as well. Will go through my files when I get home.
    Thanks ever so much. Good to know the forum's community still works!

  5. #5
    I am glad that I am able to give back to it after all those years. Now all I need is deck blueprints for a Romulan Thereus-class bird of prey (wishful thinking).

  6. #6
    Here is the Regula One space Station pics. I believe it is the one that you are looking for. These are the files that I used to generate the Regula stations and the several verations off the basic version.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
    Thanks, Omega1967, I already had most of the decks. GMT sent me the ones I was missing, but I'm still happy that you stepped up to the plate, too. I noticed that you included the FASA elevation drawings. Ever notice that they used the Regula One station, clearly an "Investigator" type station, to depict their "Invictus" type and made up a new image for the "Investigator"? Also, the "Administrator type doesn't look even remotely like the Orbital Office Station from STTMP, although it fits the name "Administrator". FASA had a bad habit of hiring their buddies to do art instead of people who actually knew what they were doing. Great basic game design by FantaSimulations, mostly bad everything else (except David Deitrich, one of the best SF Game illustrators ever!)...

  8. #8
    Oh yeah. I made several versions that we have used one being the basic research another being a special construction office and then there is one with an attached docking frame work and a version with a set of multiple sensor panels that can listen and spy on distance planets. I even generated the version for the TNG Era where it is only slightly more advanced than the TOS version. With a little work it can be generated into a alien space station with a few changes to the set up.

    I will work up write up and post them in the Spacedock. I will make a version of the space station for basic icon but I will have to dust off the DS9 core book after I figure out where I stuffed it way. We usually use the TNG and TOS core books not to forget the Spacedock notebook with all my expanded Spacedock notes and with the book of all the ships I have ready for use.

  9. #9
    Here is the version of basic Icon we have used in our games that varies little in basic that is why we tend to use Spacedock.

    Type: Regula Class Science Station
    Location: Various locations
    Commissioning Date: 23rd century
    Size/Structure: 4 / mushroom top
    Resistance: 2
    Structural points: 300
    Docking: six docking for Miranda and transport crafts
    Personnel Characteristics
    Crew/Inhabitants/Capacity: 100/30/2000 [6 power/round]
    Entertainment: 2 [6 power/round]
    Computers: 6 [3 power/round]
    Transporters: 1 Personnel, 1 Cargo [1 power/round]
    Tractor beams: one top one bottom [2 power/round]
    Power: 100
    Long-range Sensors: +1/15 light-years [6 power/round]
    Lateral sensors: +1/1 light-years [4 power/round]
    Sensor skill: 4
    Internal Security: 1
    Defensive Systems
    Starfleet Deflector Shields
    Protection: 30/40
    Power [30]
    Ships: none usually yet the prison setup has only two security ships

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