For those curious, who don't follow me on Facebook, I wrote a small part of the core rulebook: Chapter 2.3, "The Twenty-Third Century," and several of the sidebars in the timeline. Those were Edith Keeler's diary entry, Kirk's letter to Will Decker, Richard Daystrom's acceptance speech, and an admiral on Utopia Planitia talking about cloaking devices. I also had one other sidebar, in the "Conflict" chapter, where Mara discusses fighting Humans.
I think the book is gorgeous, and I'm thoroughly delighted to be a part of it.
Patrick Goodman -- Tilting at Windmills
"I dare you to do better." -- Captain Christopher Pike
Beyond the Final Frontier: CODA Star Trek RPG Support
Yeah, Patrick, it is a gorgeous book. I was surprised by all the artwork, and yet there are no images taken directly from any of the series.
I'm going over the rules. I kinda like the refit rules for starships. I'm thinking that the various "subclasses" we've seen in fandom could be treated as sort of "refit packages".
I'm worried that phasers are too underpowered though. It looks like they got nerfed.
Hey, folks. Long time no see. Turns out Hotmail doesn't like to talk to this forum or send out password reset notifications. I could read your posts but couldn't respond.
Anyway, hope you're digging the new game. It's been a true labor of love to work on and I'm looking forward to being at GenCon. If anyone's planning to go, stop by the Modiphius booth and say hi. Would love to finally meet you all in person.
And if you haven't signed up for the Living Campaign, get to it!
Also, if anyone has an urge to take a crack at writing for the game, I'm the adventure coordinator and editor and am looking for 500-800 word pitches for standalone adventures that'll clock in at 7000-10000 words or so. If you want more details, send me a comm at And be sure to mention you're a member from here. Much love for these forums from back in the day.
Modiphius Star Trek Adventures Living Campaign co-editor and adventure coordinator
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds VII | Star Trek: Strange New Worlds 09 | Star Trek: Strange New Worlds 10 | Star Trek Mirror Universe: Shards and Shadows
More books
Got my book, the Collector's EditionSo nice to have a real book after working with a floppy two-section printout for so long
I ordered the starter bundle and I will not get mine until October.
That was told in the least email I got today.
I have had the book for some time now and ran 12 episodes between various crewsReally enjoying this system.
I like the game so much, I ordered a Borg Cube...
“In our every deliberation, we must consider the impact of our decisions on the next seven generations.”
-- Great Law of the Iroquois Confederacy
Been a damn, damn long while since I posted on here - real life stuff and all that - but had the cattle-prod stuck in my side yesterday when my youngest brother stopped by The Hairy Tarantula (relocated from their central Toronto spot; I imagine that, after thirty-plus years, the blasted rent had reached the point where a somewhat more niche-oriented RPG market required a switchover) and he and a friend of ours took a look at the Modiphius game and gave it the mutual nod. Despite cutting financial circumstances (to change soon, God willing), I am determined to pick this up and start seeing what we can put together.
As a quick by-the-way, has anyone else been getting positive results from introducing this game to their groups - especially the Trek RPG-familiar ones? How does it rack up in comparison with FASA, LUG, and (gotta say it, gotta say it) Decipher? Also - and small point - does it strike anyone else as a bit strange that the Modiphius character sheet bears an uncanny resemblance to the one that Don Mappin drew up as an uncompensated replacement for the godforsaken Decipher one?
Other than that, just saying I'm really looking forward to moving onward and upward with this. All my congratulations to the Devs and writing crew, and special head-inclines-of-respect to Patrick Goodman, one of our gang who made a serious, measurable contribution to this. Hoping that the Modiphius game strikes true and continues publication for years to come.
Quick update on the ModiphiusTrek situation: Over the last couple of weeks I've picked up the GM's Screen, These are the Voyages and (yes, yes, I know it was pretty much cosmetic, but it had to be done) the three d20/d6 sets. My FLGS (not really so local, on the other side of town almost, but I still want to see the place stay in business) has got the Collector's Edition on order, as well as the Command Division supplement, the Beta Quadrant Sourcebook, and the Next Generation/Klingon deck tile sets. The Momentum/Threat tokens appear to be unavailable through retail sale, so I'll see what the order possibilities directly through Modiphius are.
Having gone through the basics of character generation through the online creator (as well as two person-to-person situations), I've got to say that Modiphius has to be congratulated, at the very least, on having the guts to take a game engine route completely different from what FASA, LUG and Decipher envisioned. While I've still to actually play a game (have made up a Vulcan Security Chief [TOS era] and a Human Captain [also TOS] for two different GMs), I'm very much anticipating what this look through a new facet will bring. Hope to hear from others trying this out soon, and will keep the gang updated.
I have been somewhat hesistant to get more product than the core book. Well, in theory at least. So the These Are The Voyages Adventure Book joined, as well as the Starfleet Tiles and the TNG crew write up, that is a buyable PDF product over at Modiphius homepage.
They also have a write up of the TOS crew and Enterprise, which I think was done by our own Patrick Goodman! I'll most definately check that out.
From what I've glanced the game involves the players way more than LUG or CODA Trek did (never played in FASA Trek). The players are more involved in both story telling and gema mechanics. At least that is how it feels to me.
For a group of seasoned roleplayers I figure that this might me great, but with my group of casual players I will have difficulty to get them up to speed on the rules and the involvement. I'm very much looking forward to the release of the Starter Box in November. Hopefully that item will hit the table with my people and we'll see how it goes from there
I do like the look and feel of the new Game, although I have some minor nitpicks. It is quite hard to come by over here in Germany. Shipping costs from the Modiphius online shop are quite steep and as much as I like the LCARS design of the books, the fact that there's black glossy paper all over the place, means greasing and smearing on the pages. And not only at the gaming table. That is something that really bothers me. Also, but that one is really personal, I don't 'do well' in systems, in which I have to roll under a certain number to succeed at a task. That just doesn't work for me, somehow. So, M'Trek will take some getting used to for me as well. But I'll manage I guess
Have any of us actually managed to play? I have plans to at least build my usual TNG style CONN Officer with yet another new system and then dust off my old d20![]()
I learned long ago never to wrestle with a pig.
You get dirty and besides, the pig likes it.
George Bernard Shaw
Cut: Quick point with regard to your statement about how this game engine seems tuned to those who've got some serious RPG miles/kilometers under their belts. My youngest brother, who, as stated earlier, incited my interest in this game, has reached pretty much the same conclusion, and has deemed that a number of more casually-oriented members of our gaming group - and there are a few - would be doing the "Huh? What?" bit when indicated that they're just as responsible as the GM for determining how matters develop/turn out; rolling the dice with ModiphiusTrek is the beginning of the game system and its outcomes, not the end. Those who are working off a Monopoly/Snakes and Ladders/Backgammon model for how the dice provide the keys to turns, progression and moving forward are going to be left out pretty high in the wind and will require shepherding by someone seriously experienced in dice-based role-playing in general, the Modiphius system in specific, or both before something reasonably sensible comes out of it. Nonetheless, I do count myself as a fan of the system and game and hope to see more in future, and that the Devs see fit to make some commentary/clarifications on as things move on and up.
Yet another addendum for those who might be interested in the theory/practice that went into putting this game into operation: the linked YouTube piece gives some pretty serious insight as to what inspired the Modiphius crew to put the game together as it exists currently. Skip to 40:00 to get to the point where they begin to discuss the game.