Originally Posted by
Chris Donovan
It's 2364 again. The horrors of the next decade + ("Conspiracy" aliens, Borg, Dominion War, etc) haven't happened yet. The Cardassian "war" is basically reduced to the point of border skirmishing and peace talks are underway (meaning the colonists along the DMZ-to-be haven't been sold out yet so no Maqis). The Klingon Empire are our committed, if still a bit uneasy, allies, and no one has heard from the Romulans in decades.
The Federation is fat and happy (and on occasion a bit smug and self-righteous). Oh, and the Ferengi are still mysterious and menacing, and not "angry gerbils".
I find myself looking at all the fun toys and considering how I can play with them differently. I've tried partial resets/reboots on occasion, but it always turned into what I call "jigsaw puzzle gaming": how fast can we put the old picture back together. I'm determined this time to see the situation as Legos or Tonka Toys. Taking the same parts and building something new. I haven't been this enthusiastic about Trek as a game in a long, long time.
I have plenty of ideas for now, but do any of you have thoughts to offer? Things you would emphasize differently? Things you might skip entirely?
So how have things developed since then?
I learned long ago never to wrestle with a pig.
You get dirty and besides, the pig likes it.
George Bernard Shaw