M 113 Salt Vampire (Man Trap, TOS)
So, I only got to watch one episode of BBCA's Star Trek Marathon: Man Trap, the first episode aired (but not the SECOND pilot).
I forgot how much I loved this episode, even if it's a little rough at times. For a sixties tv show, the did try something new: they used 3 actresses to portray the 3 ways each member of the landing party saw Nancy Crater. I just read some bits on Memory Alpha, and if they had had CGI back then, this episode would have been really trippy, with the girl changing as the camera moved around the room. Gene and company had big dreams back then.
I still imagine that first crewman/victim hoping the female scientist on the planet was a hottie, and that's what got him killed. Well that and having salt in his blood.
There are some bits that don't make sense though: it looks like the creature didn't so much transform into a form to get it near prey, but used a form of mental screen to tell your mind it was something else. Whovians would call it a Perception Filter. That's all well and good, but the alien gets transported up with Kirk and McCoy. It didn't really have equipment, like a communicator, and it certainly isn't human. And it's psychic camo can't be good enough to fool a transporter chief miles above the surface. So either they just lock onto whatever lifeforms are near the captain when he says "energize", or we need to just give the writers a pass on it
It's inferred the creature's race was the one that had the civilization that the Craters were exploring, unless they ATE the people that lived there. I mean, if they were the dominant lifeform, why the need for psychic disguises? Maybe a carryover from their evolutionary ancestors? Unless they did EAT the people of M 113.
I do have some evidence to dispute that idea: When the creature was luring Uhura , and it went as far to speak Swahili to her, and she smiled and replied in kind, the faux crewman looked pained, almost like it was regretting it's actions. That's not the behavior of a coldblooded killer. Maybe living with Crater softened it up, or knowing it was the last of it's kind and feeling Uhura's loneliness spoke to it. But maybe it wasn't a "monster", but a being with very hard to meet needs. It also seemed to like that McCoy had very strong feelings about the real Nancy Crater, almost seeming to relish them. The sad thing is, if it hadn't eaten so many crewmen and acted, well monsterly, the creature might have been able to get the Enterprise crew to help it.
Another interesting tidbit about the Salt-Vampire was they almost took it the other way; there was some interest in making it beautiful and exotic instead of shambling and terrifying. But, they had just done beautiful and exotic with Vina as an Orion slave girl, so they went spooky. Plus, it looks better for Kirk and Spock to beat up a horrible monster instead of some alien babe.
Oh, I looked for some information about the creature in my Decipher game books, but didn't find it in either the Aliens or Creatures book, despite it being featured prominently on the cover of Creatures. Did I miss it?
Sorry this was long and rambly, I like to share thoughts I have about episodes, and I REALLY wanted to get away from the family for a bit!
Happy Thanksgiving!
"Yes, it's the Apocalypse alright. I always thought I'd have a hand in it"
Professor Farnsworth