I've tried in Firefox and Chrome and cannot get past the blurry Enterprise...damn.
I've tried in Firefox and Chrome and cannot get past the blurry Enterprise...damn.
"The best diplomat that I know is a fully-loaded phaser bank." -- Lt. Cdr. Montgomery Scott ("A Taste of Armageddon")
Curious. I've had folk report that it outright refuses to load in Chrome citing a list of errors, but not that it semi-loads or crashes. Usually if you get through to the menus you should be good. :/
There is an interminably long load time on the app unfortunately and no way of adding a loading wheel or bar. You essentially get a blurred picture of the Enterprise for anything up to a minute and a half before the splash screens appear and you get in to the app itself. I've had folk tell me it's slower in Chrome.
Can I ask what your setup is. I know the browser is Chrome. Is it 32 or 64 bit and are you on a Mac or PC?
The blurry backdrop of the Enterprise is what you see whilst it's loading.
It can take a very long time to load. It shouldn't take longer than about 90 seconds but please give it 3 or 4 minutes before giving up.
It's enfuriating that I can't add some sort of loading wheel or bar to indicate that it's actually loading and not just hung. I can't even add text to the backdrop because it's not possible to make the image unblurry
I think once it has completed downloading once it should load in quicker on later visits.
"The best diplomat that I know is a fully-loaded phaser bank." -- Lt. Cdr. Montgomery Scott ("A Taste of Armageddon")
Switched to a newer machine and finally got it to run...now how can I save the image to make the mini?
Ok been so long since I read the first post...figured out and once I get home with a color printer I can make use of these...
Last edited by Ronin84; 04-10-2017 at 08:45 AM.
"The best diplomat that I know is a fully-loaded phaser bank." -- Lt. Cdr. Montgomery Scott ("A Taste of Armageddon")
Ayup! It's a fixed resolution so that the images are 300 dpi for printing. Once I figure out how to do a print function, I might be able to make it resizeable but until then you'll need a monitor display of at least 1024x800 (I think) which is pretty minimal these days - but sadly, not for everyone.
As for printing, I'm afraid the only option at the moment is to screengrab and paste in to your favourite paint package - GIMP being a good free one. Crop and arrange with others on a page before printing.
Star Trek Mini-Maker is updated with:
Motion Picture, Wrath of Khan and First Contact uniforms and props.
Phasers, Tricorders, communicators and PADDs vary from movie to movie. For now I've chosen my favourites and will most likely add the others at a later date.
I've also added TOS Andorian antennae for the TOS and TOS Pilot periods.
I've tidied up the hand and arm positioning in places where it was a bit patchy. Wrist connections are still scrappy on bare arms. I'll look at that for the next build.
I've also included a new loading screen.
As ever the app can take several minutes to load depending on your connection. Please be patient.
I may take a bit of a break before the next update as there are currently nearly 2500 seperate images in the app, the vast majority of which are arms and I'm really really sick of drawing arms!
Minor Update: Okay, apparently Andorian antennae weren't showing up in the TNG movie era. I fixed it but at the same time have added the option to have either classic Andorian or modern Enterprise style Andorians in every era. Enjoy.
Okay, gentlebeings. John over at the Star Trek Tabletop Gaming Facebook group has asked me to put together a banner for the group featuring a row of characters from the minimaker.
If you'd like your character to be included post a screengrab here.
I'd like to have one from each era and a good mix of male and female and different species and there's limited space, so I can't promise to use them all, I'm afraid but let's see them anyway.
The group is here:
Okay, minor update to the MiniMaker.
The Andorian horn issue was being caused by the horn in question and the background were on the same sorting layer and Unity was randomly prioritising each. So, sometimes the horn was drawn on top and another the background was.
I also discovered another bug which was that the classic Andorians didn't have the blue skin menu. That's now fixed.
Okay, so you'll have to put up with human hands, human beards and denobulan hair for the time being but the faces are there so you can Tellarise with impunity. I haven't chosen any particular era I just gave them a piggy nose and made them craggy. To be honest they remind me of the STO Tellarites but that wasn't intentional.
I resisted putting them in because to my mind, Tellarites are short and fat. However there was a 6-foot muscular tellarite in an Enterprise episode which pretty much quashed that argument and also as Tellarites are a player species in STA and as I've had more requests for them than anything else, I relented.
The Minimaker is updated
It now includes:
Kirk's TOS era green command wrap - male and female
Star Trek Beyond Uniforms - Only the dress uniform for the women at the moment, sorry . Trousers will follow.
More hairstyles
Trill spots now go all the way down.
Tellarite Beards, hands and ears
TNG era Skants - male and female
...aaaaaand the biggie...
Discovery Uniforms - Command, Ops, Science and Captain. I've given them TOS equipment (with the Cage communciator obvs) and I will replace them once we see what the Discovery gear looks like. I know they gave Michelle Yeoh a Cage communicator but I'm pretty confident when we see the Phaser and Tricorder it'll probably look more like TOS than the Cage (if it looks remotely like either!).
Anyway, enjoy. It might be a while before the next update. I really want to do something else with my spare time for a while!- I think it might either be EVA suits or Cadet uniforms next, though.
Also - they've removed the ability to add GIFs as the splash screen which means I can't have the animated loading pic anymore. They have put their own loading bar in, though but it seems to only show up when it feels like it.
EDIT - Apparently Chrome is throwing up an Uncaught Reference Error. If you click 'okay' the app still works, though.
Last edited by Wayne_Peters; 05-21-2017 at 09:38 AM.
The astute amongst you may notice a slight update to the Mini Maker. There's no new content for this one but I have gone through and tidied up the way the hands connect to the sleeves and wrists. It's still not perfect in some places but it is much improved, I hope you'll find.
I've also corrected the proportions on a couple of the arms as two of them had very short forearms and it's been bugging me for ages.
I've also added a couple more Random options and also a Help button that will answer a few obvious questions for folk who find the site without seeing the initial forum post first.
Finally, as Nathan requested it, I've given you the option of having standard or medical tricorders on all uniforms in the TNG era. Unfortunately due to the way I've written the code, both hands will be the same, so if you have a tricorder in both hands, then they both either have to be medical or both standard - switching one will switch both. I'll fix this at some point but as it's a ballache for a very minor inconvenience, it's a bit of a way down the priority list.
Also - for those of you who tried the app early on and found it to be hanging. I urge you to try it again. There is a loading bar now which should give you an indication of whether it is working or not and It's been proven almost without fail to run in Firefox and Chrome for the past two dozen builds or so.
I realize that 90% of this thread is you posting updates, but I just wanted to chime in and thank you for all the hard work you've put in so far. This more than suits 90% of my party's needs.
(It was important enough to me to thank you that I logged in for the first time in about a decade!)
I look forward to eventually being able to create Zakdorn and Caitian figures (and whatever else you throw into the mix).
Minimaker updated. The Admirals are in.
I'm getting a weird bug, though. Very occcasionally, the TNG communicator hand fails to deactivate and you get two hands in one sleeve! - but only on the left hand in the rear view. I haven't figured out why, yet. The code looks fine. I'll keep looking. In the mean time, you can usually clear it by changing the hand, arm, era or hitting 'random'. It's perfectly useable otherwise.