The Traveller's Race
STR- 40+3d10
END- 40+3d10
INT- 70+3d10
DEX- 40+2d10
CHR- 50+4d10
LUC- 1d100
PSI- 1d100+30
Full Maturation- 14 years
Middle Age- 350 years
Death by Aging- 2500-3000 years
Travellers are Humanoid, with grey/tan skin and enlarged brow ridges. They have two fingers and a thumb on each hand. Some travellers can alter their appearence at will.
From Tau Alpha C, the Travellers, although friendly, and freely travelling throughout the Galaxy and sometimes helping or observing other beings, reveal little about themselves. They have Multidimensional and Psionic Powers and knowledge of things that even Starfleet's Elite can barely comprehend. They sometimes seek out and recruit promising Prodigies of other races to become new Travellers.