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Thread: Alien Statistics

  1. #166
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    You gonna Asspierce-me, or just send me a dead Rat?

    Biological Data

    STR- 55+3d10
    END- 25+5d10
    INT- 40+3d10
    DEX- 40+3d10
    CHR- 15+3d10
    LUC- 1d100-25
    PSI- 1d100-15

    Full Maturation- 12 years
    Middle Age- 35 years
    Death by Aging- 100-150 years

    Devious, plotting, sadistic, nimble, thieving, political, seedy-dealing raggedy clothes-wearing aliens. Sometime found in the usual DS9 Alpha/Beta/Gamma Quadrant areas, and will operate as pirates and freebooters.

    Frankenstein Race Scheme

    Control Computers: Orion
    Cloaking Devices: None
    Warp Engines: Romulan
    Impulse Engines: Federation (Multiples)
    Shields: Gorn
    Beam Weapons: Klingon
    Heavy Weapons: Romulan (Torps only)

    Typical Tech Level: 0Xs (0Xl/1X in 25th/26th Century)
    "Always beware of anything said by a person with a smile." -Cronan-sama
    Initially Trek, but haphazard Archival Site, no need to make it a Wiki.
    Don Miller's SSDs for Star Fleet Battles are here, axing the URL past sfb takes you to the main site.

  2. #167
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    You gonna Asspierce-me, or just send me a dead Rat?
    Horla "Herman"

    Biological Data

    STR- 50+3d10
    END- 30+3d10
    INT- 25+2d10
    DEX- 50+3d10
    CHR- 15+3d10
    LUC- 1d100-40
    PSI- 1d100-25

    Full Maturation- 8 years
    Middle Age- 45 years
    Death by Aging- 90-100 years

    Raggedy, mangled-looking humanoids with grody skin. They were brainwashed, drugged and shown special effects by the True Ones in the 2490s, and convinced that the True Ones were a Pantheon of their warlike gods and they had to toil as slaves. They were deliberately dumbed down, and constantly told to look down on the other races.
    "Always beware of anything said by a person with a smile." -Cronan-sama
    Initially Trek, but haphazard Archival Site, no need to make it a Wiki.
    Don Miller's SSDs for Star Fleet Battles are here, axing the URL past sfb takes you to the main site.

  3. #168
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    You gonna Asspierce-me, or just send me a dead Rat?


    Biological Data-

    STR- 50+4d10
    END- 40+3d10
    INT- 40+2d10
    DEX- 55+3d10
    CHR- 30+3d10
    LUC- 1d100-10
    PSI- 1d100-30

    Full Maturation- 13 years
    Middle Age- 47 years
    Death by Aging- 95-150 years

    Humanoid, with Intricately patterned, almost featherlike Red/Brown/White hairs on their faces, catlike reflexes, birdlike vision, and fingers with retractable claws and soft, rubbery intricately patterned pads on their palms and the bottom of their feet.

    The Jolani are a small species of raiders. They often feud with one another, and roam nomadicly. They sometimes obtain FTL and travel to other planets, but they are largely uncaring of contact with other races, and don't even develop Subspace Radio, Phasers or some other normal 23rd Century technologies.

    Cultural Index-

    9 (Warp Drive; - Faster-Than-Light, Advanced Astrogation)
    8 (Micro modecular circuitry)
    4 (Basic genetics; - microbiology, nitrogen cycle; routine surgery)
    7 (Controlled fusion; laser technology; heavy element chemistry)
    3 (Classification of basic minerals and fossila; basic geologic history)
    4 (Psi activity widely recognized; rudimentary of use)

    Sociopolitical Index-

    2 (Development of religion; specialization in professions)
    2 (Early Tribal)

    The Jolani have their Claws (1d10+3) but also use various Bladed and Arrowed weapons, and use old-style Hand Lasers, Laser Rifles, Burst Rifles, and Stun Batons, although trading for the Ferengi and a few other races occasionally left them with other weapons.

    System Profile-
    The Jolani System is 256 lys from Earth, in Ferengi Space, but only rarely visisted by Ferengi. It is also near a major Cardassian colony and patrol routes for Two Destroyer Squadrons. The Jolani Sun, Trazhei, is an F6 Yellow-White Star, and the homeworld, Trouggher, is the second planet form it, the first planet being a 1.3g Class E Mineral-Rich Planet, the third and fourth planets being Yellow-White and Blue-Turquoise-Puce Class B 66,000 km diameter Gas Giants with 14 and 12 moons, and the fifth planet is a Brown dwarf with 145 moons, sometimes called Heime, or "Demon", and was viewed as an omen of doom.

    Starship Systems

    Control Computers

    CARK-1 (2318)
    Mass- 75
    SS- 0.3
    Classes- I-II
    WDF- 2

    CARK-2 (2322)
    Mass- 850
    SS- 0.7
    Classes- II-VI
    WDF- 8

    CARK-3 (2323)
    Mass- 1,300
    SS- 0.8
    Classes- IV-X
    WDF- 40

    CARK-4 (2333)
    Mass- 3,500
    SS- 1.8
    Classes- VIII-XIV
    WDF- 55

    Warp Engines

    JLNWA-1, 2, 3 (2321, 2322, 2323)
    Mass- 2,250 ea
    SS- 0.3 ea
    CCR- CARK-1/CARK-2
    D- 13/8.5/4/2, 26/17/8.5/4, 34/23/11.5/5
    MPR- 1/3 to 2/1 (I-II)
    Power Provided- 3, 6, 8 ea
    Stress Charts- F/G, H/I, K/L, M/N
    Cruising Speed- Warp 6/6/5/4
    Emergency Speed- Warp 8/8/7/6

    JLNWB-1, 2, 3 (2332, 2334, 2336)
    Mass- 15,000 ea
    SS- 0.9 ea
    CCR- CARK-2/CARK-3
    D- 6.5/4/3, 8.5/5.5/4, 8/6.5/5.5
    MPR- 2/1 to 4/1 (III-VIII)
    Power Provided- 9, 12, 14 ea
    Stress Charts- L/M, M/O, M/P, N/Q
    Cruising Speed- Warp 5/4/4/3
    Emergency Speed- Warp 6/5/5/4

    JLNWC-1, 2 (2338, 2340)
    Mass- 22,000, 24,000 ea
    SS- 3.2 ea
    CCR- CARK-2/CARK-4
    D- 6/4.5/3.5, 9/6.5/5.5
    MPR- 3/1 to 5/1 (V-XI)
    Power Provided- 13, 18/19/18/19 ea
    Stress Charts- F/L, G/M, H/N, I/O
    Cruising Speed- Warp 6/6/6/6
    Emergency Speed- Warp 9/8/8/7

    JLNWD-1 (2352)
    Mass- 45,000 ea
    SS- 4.0 ea
    CCR- CARK-3/CARK-4
    D- 8.5/6.5/5/4
    MPR- 3/1 to 6/1 (V-XI)
    Power Provided- 18 ea
    Stress Charts- L/M, M/O, M/P, N/Q
    Cruising Speed- Warp 5/4/4/4
    Emergency Speed- Warp 6/6/5/5

    JLNWE-1 ,2 (2362, 2364)
    Mass- 68,300 ea
    SS- 5.3 ea
    CCR- CARK-4/CARK-5
    D- 8.5/6.5/5.5/4, 9/7/5.5/4.5
    MPR- 3/1 to 6/1 (VII-XV)
    Power Provided- 18, 20 ea
    Stress Charts- G/I, G/I, H/J, H/J
    Cruising Speed- Warp 7/7/6/6
    Emergency Speed- Warp 9/9/8/8

    Impulse Engines

    JLNIA-1, 2, 3 (2321, 2322, 2323)
    Mass- 75 ea
    SS- 0.1
    CCR- CARK-1
    D- 4/3/1.5/0.5, 8.5/5.5/3/1.5, 13/8.5/4/2
    MPR- 1/3 to 2/1 (I-II)
    Power Provided- 1, 2, 3 ea

    JLNIB-1, 2, 3 (2328)
    Mass- 175 ea
    SS- 0.15
    CCR- CARK-2
    D- 4/3/2, 5/3/2.5, 5/3.5/3
    MPR- 2/1 to 4/1 (III-VIII)
    Power Provided- 6, 7, 8 ea

    JLNIC-1, 2, 3 (2350)
    Mass- 368 ea
    SS- 0.2
    CCR- CARK-3
    D- 5/4/3/2.5, 9.5/7/5.5/4.5, 14/10.5/8.5/7
    MPR- 3/1 to 6/1 (VII-XV)
    Power Provided- 10, 20, 30 ea

    Defense Shields

    JLNSA (2319)
    Mass- 150
    SS- 0.3
    CCR- CARK-1
    D- 14/13/10/7/4/1.5
    SPR- 1/1
    Max Shield Power- 10/9/7/5/3/1

    JLNSB (2325)
    Mass- 200
    SS- 0.9
    CCR- CARK-2
    D- 15/14/13/12.5/11.5/10.5/9.5/8/6/3/2
    SPR- 2/3
    Max Shield Power- 16/15/14/13/12/11/10/8/6/4/2

    JLNSC (2330)
    Mass- 380
    SS- 1.5
    CCR- CARK-2
    D- 11.5 (I-III), -1 per +1 Class
    SPR- 1/2
    Max Shield Power- 16 (I-III), -1.5 per +1 Class

    JLNSD (2338)
    Mass- 175
    SS- 0.5
    CCR- CARK-1
    D- 24 (I-III), -1 per +1 Class
    SPR- 1/1
    Max Shield Power- 17 (I-III), -1 per +1 Class

    JLNSE (2342)
    Mass- 355
    SS- 2.1
    D- 23 (I-IV), -1 per +1 Classes
    SPR- 2/3
    Max Shield Power- 24 (I-IV), -1 per +2 Classes

    JLNSF (2343)
    Mass- 450
    SS- 2.5
    D- 16 (I-IV), -1.5 per +3 Classes
    SPR- 1/2
    Max Shield Power- 23 (I-IV), -1 per +3 Classes

    JLNSG (2344)
    Mass- 330
    SS- 1.1
    D- 30 (I-VII), -3 per +1 Class
    SPR- 1/1
    Max Shield Power- 21 (I-VII), -3 per +1 Class

    JLNSH (2346)
    Mass- 680
    SS- 2.8
    D- 24 (I-VI), -1 per +2 Classes
    SPR- 2/3
    Max Shield Power- 25 (I-VI), -1 per +2 Classes

    JLNSI (2348)
    Mass- 725
    SS- 3.1
    D- 21 (I-VI), -.5 per +2 Classes
    SPR- 1/2
    Max Shield Power- 28 (I-VI), -1 per +2 Classes

    JLNSJ (2350)
    Mass- 920
    SS- 3.4
    D- 15.5 (I-IV), -.5 per +2 Classes
    SPR- 1/3
    Max Shield Power- 33 (I-IV), -1 per +2 Classes


    JLNL-1 (2321)
    Mass- 355
    SS- 0.9/1.0
    WDF- 0.5
    Firing Chart- B
    Max Beam Power- 3

    JLNL-2 (2325)
    Mass- 500
    SS- 1.0/1.2
    WDF- 1.0
    Firing Chart- A
    Max Beam Power- 7
    +2- 1-2
    +1- 3-4

    JLNL-3 (2328)
    Mass- 625
    SS- 1.1/1.3
    WDF- 0.5
    Firing Chart- F
    Max Beam Power- 2

    JLNL-4 (2330)
    Mass- 750
    SS- 1.2/1.4
    WDF- 1.1
    Firing Chart- G
    Max Beam Power- 3
    +1- 1-10

    JLNL-5 (2338)
    Mass- 850
    SS- 1.2/1.4
    WDF- 2.0
    Firing Chart- H
    Max Beam Power- 5
    +2- 1-2
    +1- 3-10

    JLNL-6 (2340)
    Mass- 500
    SS- 0.9/1.0
    WDF- 2.0
    Firing Chart- J
    Max Beam Power- 4
    +1- 1-10

    JLNL-7 (2341)
    Mass- 650
    SS- 1.2/1.4
    WDF- 1.3
    Firing Chart- I
    Max Beam Power- 3
    +1- 1-7

    JLNL-8 (2342)
    Mass- 750
    SS- 1.4/1.6
    WDF- 2.0
    Firing Chart- N
    Max Beam Power- 3
    +2- 1-2
    +1- 3-13

    Merculite Rockets

    JLNMR-1 (2328)
    Mass- 140
    SS- 1.0
    WDF- 2.0
    Firing Chart- J
    Power to Arm- 3
    Damage- 5

    JLNMR-2 (2335)
    Mass- 175
    SS- 1.3
    WDF- 4.0
    Firing Chart- L
    Power to Arm- 4
    Damage- 9

    JLNMR-3 (2348)
    Mass- 225
    SS- 1.9
    WDF- 6.7
    Firing Chart- M
    Power to Arm- 4
    Damage- 14

    JLNMR-4 (2355)
    Mass- 475
    SS- 2.5
    WDF- 8.3
    Firing Chart- N
    Power to Arm- 5
    Damage- 17
    Last edited by Meteo; 01-15-2025 at 04:00 PM. Reason: Added Starship Systems
    "Always beware of anything said by a person with a smile." -Cronan-sama
    Initially Trek, but haphazard Archival Site, no need to make it a Wiki.
    Don Miller's SSDs for Star Fleet Battles are here, axing the URL past sfb takes you to the main site.

  4. #169
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    You gonna Asspierce-me, or just send me a dead Rat?

    The Jakarr is the one on the left; the Sirenoka is the one on the right.


    STR- 50+4d10
    END- 45+3d10
    INT- 40+2d10
    DEX- 45+3d10
    CHR- 25+2d10
    LUC- 1d100-20
    PSI- 1d100-45

    Full Maturation- 13 years
    Middle Age- 55 years
    Death by Aging- 110-120 years


    STR- 35+3d10
    END- 35+3d10
    INT- 40+3d10
    DEX- 25+3d10
    CHR- 15+3d10
    LUC- 1d100-10
    PSI- 1d100-55

    Full Maturation- 14 years
    Middle Age- 60 years
    Death by Aging- 160-170 years

    These two are minor races routinely encountered in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. They are at the Border between Klingon and Romulan Space. For Starship Systems, they mainly use Gorn/Orion/Talarian systems, mostly to represent systems they have developed themselves that are identical in performance, although some were bought and traded from other races.

    They were herded and regulated by the Klingons when they made a great expansion in the 2240s, and they sometimes willingly, sometimes grudgingly, sometimes after some bloodshed conceded and negotiated some trade and transit agreements. With the help of the House of Jurriss in 2415, they join the Federation (Coalition in 2425).
    "Always beware of anything said by a person with a smile." -Cronan-sama
    Initially Trek, but haphazard Archival Site, no need to make it a Wiki.
    Don Miller's SSDs for Star Fleet Battles are here, axing the URL past sfb takes you to the main site.

  5. #170
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    You gonna Asspierce-me, or just send me a dead Rat?
    Those Many Eyed (at least 8) aliens from DS9

    STR- 45+3d10
    END- 45+3d10
    INT- 55+2d10
    DEX- 55+2d10
    CHR- 30+4d10
    LUC- 1d100-20
    PSI- 1d100-20

    Full Maturation- 8 years
    Middle Age- 35 years
    Death by Aging- 65-75 years
    "Always beware of anything said by a person with a smile." -Cronan-sama
    Initially Trek, but haphazard Archival Site, no need to make it a Wiki.
    Don Miller's SSDs for Star Fleet Battles are here, axing the URL past sfb takes you to the main site.

  6. #171
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    You gonna Asspierce-me, or just send me a dead Rat?


    Biological Data

    STR- 40+3d10
    END- 50+3d10
    INT- 40+3d10
    DEX- 45+3d10
    CHR- 45+3d10
    LUC- 1d100-10
    PSI- 1d100-40

    Full Maturation- 14 years
    Middle Age- 90 years
    Death by Aging- 140-150 years

    The Sidella are reptilian humanoids, conquered by the Klingon Empire and "protected" from the Kzinti and Lyrans in the 22nd Century. They were Kuve and Traders, in the Background of the Alpha Quadrant.
    "Always beware of anything said by a person with a smile." -Cronan-sama
    Initially Trek, but haphazard Archival Site, no need to make it a Wiki.
    Don Miller's SSDs for Star Fleet Battles are here, axing the URL past sfb takes you to the main site.

  7. #172
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    You gonna Asspierce-me, or just send me a dead Rat?

    ### Impish Demon Stats

    - **Strength (STR)**: 30 + 3d6
    - **Endurance (END)**: 30 + 3d6
    - **Intelligence (INT)**: 30 + 3d6
    - **Dexterity (DEX)**: 30 + 3d6
    - **Charisma (CHR)**: 30 + 3d6
    - **Luck (LUC)**: 1d100
    - **Psychic Ability (PSI)**: 1d100 - 20

    ### Lifespan
    - **Full Maturation**: 12 years
    - **Middle Age**: 25 years
    - **Death by Aging**: 50-60 years

    ### Description
    This small, green-skinned impish demon stands about 2 to 3 feet tall, boasting playful wings and twisting horns atop its head. Its skin is a vibrant green, often mottled with darker patches, and its large, expressive eyes reflect a mischievous nature. It possesses an innate charm that allows it to navigate social situations with ease, often causing chaos and mischief without ill intent.

    Feel free to modify any aspect of the stats or description to fit your vision!
    "Always beware of anything said by a person with a smile." -Cronan-sama
    Initially Trek, but haphazard Archival Site, no need to make it a Wiki.
    Don Miller's SSDs for Star Fleet Battles are here, axing the URL past sfb takes you to the main site.

  8. #173
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    You gonna Asspierce-me, or just send me a dead Rat?
    Let's call this humanoid species **Kor'Vath**. Here are the modified stats to represent an oxlike-headed, blue-skinned humanoid:

    ### Kor'Vath Stats

    - **Strength (STR)**: 45 + 3d10
    - **Endurance (END)**: 45 + 3d10
    - **Intelligence (INT)**: 20 + 3d10 (Due to an adaptation for brute strength, they prioritize physical prowess over cerebral capabilities)
    - **Dexterity (DEX)**: 40 + 3d10
    - **Charisma (CHR)**: 10 + 3d10 (Their oxlike features often elicit primal reactions or intimidation, limiting their charisma)
    - **Luck (LUC)**: 1d100
    - **Psychic Ability (PSI)**: 1d100 - 30 (Their primal nature makes it harder for them to harness psychic powers)
    - **Special Abilities**:
    - **Tusks**: Kor'Vath have a pair of sharp, oxlike tusks protruding from their lower jaw. These tusks grant +1 to melee attacks in close combat.
    - **Bull Rush**: Kor'Vath can charge at their enemies with increased strength, knocking them back and dealing bonus damage. This ability requires a melee attack and has a DC of 15 to avoid.

    ### Lifespan
    - **Full Maturation**: 15 years
    - **Middle Age**: 35 years
    - **Death by Aging**: 75-85 years

    ### Appearance
    The Kor'Vath have a robust, humanoid body with a blue, almost cerulean-colored skin. Their most distinctive feature is their oxlike head, complete with curved horns and a powerful build. Their eyes are a deep brown, often seeming to radiate a primal energy. They have a thick, wiry beard that grows in a distinctive pattern, reflecting their age and status within their tribes.

    Their society is often organized along tribal lines, with a strong emphasis on physical strength and martial prowess. They view psychic abilities as an aberration, but some Kor'Vath have demonstrated a hidden potential for magical or supernatural abilities.
    "Always beware of anything said by a person with a smile." -Cronan-sama
    Initially Trek, but haphazard Archival Site, no need to make it a Wiki.
    Don Miller's SSDs for Star Fleet Battles are here, axing the URL past sfb takes you to the main site.

  9. #174
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    You gonna Asspierce-me, or just send me a dead Rat?
    Let's call this alien species **Zhrak'Krakk**, and let's give them an even more unique appearance. The Zhrak'Krakk evolved on a methane-ammonia atmosphere planet, where their bodies adapted to withstand the harsh conditions.

    ### Zhrak'Krakk Stats

    - **Strength (STR)**: 50 + 3d10
    - **Endurance (END)**: 50 + 3d10
    - **Intelligence (INT)**: 30 + 3d10 (Their advanced sensory organs allow them to process complex information quickly)
    - **Dexterity (DEX)**: 10 + 3d10 (Their bodies are often slow-moving, but incredibly resilient)
    - **Charisma (CHR)**: 40 + 3d10 (Their ability to emit bio-luminescent signals allows them to communicate and interact in unique ways)
    - **Luck (LUC)**: 1d100
    - **Psychic Ability (PSI)**: 1d100 - 20 (Their connection to the methane-ammonia environment grants them a natural affinity for psychic energy)
    - **Special Abilities**:
    - **Gas Siphoning**: Zhrak'Krakk can absorb and utilize the gases in the atmosphere to augment their physical abilities.
    - **Bioluminescent Camouflage**: They can produce light patterns that blend with the environment, making them nearly invisible in their natural habitat.
    - **Toxic Immunity**: They are highly resistant to toxins, poisons, and other hazardous substances due to their adaptation to the methane-ammonia atmosphere.

    ### Lifespan
    - **Full Maturation**: 20 years
    - **Middle Age**: 45 years
    - **Death by Aging**: 95-105 years

    ### Appearance
    The Zhrak'Krakk appear as gelatinous, spherical creatures with a network of glowing, bioluminescent fibers throughout their bodies. They have no discernible eyes, instead relying on a network of sensitive sensors to navigate their environment. Their bodies are covered in intricate patterns of ridges and folds, which change color and shape depending on their emotional state. They have no limbs, but are able to manipulate objects using their sensitive fingers, which are actually extensions of their body itself.

    Their society is structured around a complex network of bio-luminescent signals, which they use to communicate and connect with one another. They live in sprawling, symbiotic colonies that thrive on the methane-ammonia atmosphere, where they have developed incredible adaptations to survive and flourish.

    Note that the Zhrak'Krakk are a highly adaptable species, capable of surviving in a wide range of environments. However, in unfamiliar surroundings, they may struggle to cope with the changed conditions, making them vulnerable to attack or exploitation.
    "Always beware of anything said by a person with a smile." -Cronan-sama
    Initially Trek, but haphazard Archival Site, no need to make it a Wiki.
    Don Miller's SSDs for Star Fleet Battles are here, axing the URL past sfb takes you to the main site.

  10. #175
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    Sep 2005
    You gonna Asspierce-me, or just send me a dead Rat?


    STR- 40+3d10
    END- 50+3d10
    INT- 40+6d10
    DEX- 65+3d10
    CHR- 40+3d10
    LUC- 1d100-10
    PSI- 1d100-5

    Default Lifespan

    Full Maturation- 2 years
    Middle Age- 10 years
    Death by Aging- 20-30 years

    Soganta are extremely dextrous, brilliant, Telepathic, vaguely primate beings. Native to a Class L Planet in Klingon space, they can very quickly learn things, and are sometimes adopted as pets, or are taken to other Planets.
    "Always beware of anything said by a person with a smile." -Cronan-sama
    Initially Trek, but haphazard Archival Site, no need to make it a Wiki.
    Don Miller's SSDs for Star Fleet Battles are here, axing the URL past sfb takes you to the main site.

  11. #176
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    Sep 2005
    You gonna Asspierce-me, or just send me a dead Rat?

    **Species Name:** Glorbashons

    The Glorbashons are a peculiar alien species originating from the swampy planet of Yggrath-7. These beings possess a slimy, green skin that glistens under the faint light of their gaseous atmosphere, giving them an otherworldly appearance. Their pot-bellied physique is a result of their unique diet and metabolism, while their distinctive onion-shaped heads are adorned with layers of skin that can change color based on their mood and environment. Each Glorbashon has three large, expressive eyes that convey a wide range of emotions and allow for excellent peripheral vision.


    - **Strength (STR):** 25 + 3d10
    - **Endurance (END):** 50 + 3d10
    - **Intelligence (INT):** 40 + 3d10
    - **Dexterity (DEX):** 40 + 3d10
    - **Charisma (CHR):** 40 + 3d10
    - **Luck (LUC):** 1d100 - 10
    - **Psionic Power (PSI):** 1d100 - 10


    - **Full Maturation:** 15 years (faster maturation allows for early societal integration)
    - **Middle Age:** 35 years
    - **Death by Aging:** 75-85 years

    The Glorbashons have a rich history steeped in the legends of their planet. Long ago, they were a nomadic species, wandering the marshlands in search of nourishment and safety. Their harmonious existence was disrupted by a great cataclysm—a collision of celestial bodies that transformed their environment and brought forth strange, mutated flora and fauna.

    In the aftermath of the cataclysm, the Glorbashons learned to adapt. They developed a communal society where song and dance became integral to their culture, believed to attract beneficial bioluminescent plants that enhanced their diet and psychic abilities. These gatherings evolved into vibrant festivals that acknowledge their survival and resilience.

    Glorbashons are omnivorous but have evolved a peculiar diet that centers on 'Glorblates,' a type of bioluminescent mushroom that sprouts in their marshy habitat. These mushrooms are rich in nutrients and contain properties that enhance their psychic abilities. Glorbashons also consume various swamp critters, algae, and the occasional piece of colorful desiccated wood, which is thought to aid in their skin regeneration.

    To sustain their energy levels, they have developed a symbiotic relationship with smaller creatures, known as 'Squozzles,’ which reside on their pot-bellies and feed off excess slime. In return, these creatures help the Glorbashons maintain their slick skin, preventing it from drying out.

    Each Glorbashon possesses a unique form of psionic ability, which can range from telepathy within their kin to more advanced powers of illusion or empathy. Their three eyes provide enhanced perception in dim light, while their fluctuating skin color can be used tactically to blend into environments or to communicate non-verbally during their communal rituals.

    The Glorbashons thrive in their continued exploration of both the rich biodiversity of Yggrath-7 and the universe beyond, forever expanding their understanding of life and its interconnectedness.
    Last edited by Meteo; 01-16-2025 at 01:40 AM.
    "Always beware of anything said by a person with a smile." -Cronan-sama
    Initially Trek, but haphazard Archival Site, no need to make it a Wiki.
    Don Miller's SSDs for Star Fleet Battles are here, axing the URL past sfb takes you to the main site.

  12. #177
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    You gonna Asspierce-me, or just send me a dead Rat?
    **Species Name:** Kyrexi

    The Kyrexi are a towering, crystalline-skinned alien species from the icy planet of Xeridia-IV. Their elongated bodies are covered in a lattice of sharp, glittering crystalline structures that refract light and reflect their surroundings. Their slender limbs end in delicate-looking fingers and toes, but are incredibly strong and dexterous. Each Kyrexian has two large, almond-shaped eyes that can see in both high and low light conditions, and are capable of perceiving the intricate structure of the crystalline formations in their skin.


    - **Strength (STR):** 25 + 2d10 (their crystalline bodies are surprisingly strong, but not as robust as other species)
    - **Endurance (END):** 50 + 3d10 (Kyrexi have a high metabolic rate and can survive in extreme environments)
    - **Intelligence (INT):** 30 + 2d10 (they possess a unique form of spatial awareness and problem-solving abilities)
    - **Dexterity (DEX):** 55 + 4d10 (Kyrexi are incredibly agile and nimble)
    - **Charisma (CHR):** 20 + 1d10 (they communicate through a series of intricate crystal formations and vibrations)
    - **Luck (LUC):** 1d100
    - **Psionic Power (PSI):** 1d100 - 10


    - **Full Maturation:** 20 years (Kyrexi mature rapidly due to their high metabolic rate)
    - **Middle Age:** 35 years
    - **Death by Aging:** 60-70 years

    The Kyrexi originated on Xeridia-IV, a planet where the environment is constantly shifting due to its unique crystalline geology. Over time, they developed a symbiotic relationship with the planet's crystals, which granted them their unique abilities and physical form. They are a highly cooperative species, working together to maintain the delicate balance of their ecosystem.

    Kyrexi feed on a variety of minerals and crystals found on Xeridia-IV, which they absorb through their skin. They also consume small amounts of water and organic matter to sustain their high metabolic rate.

    Each Kyrexian possesses a unique form of psionic connection to the crystals on Xeridia-IV, allowing them to sense changes in the planet's structure and predict seismic events. They can also communicate with each other through intricate crystal formations and vibrations, creating complex patterns that convey information and emotions.

    The Kyrexi are a highly adaptable species, able to survive in a wide range of environments. They are skilled navigators and cartographers, using their unique abilities to chart the complex networks of tunnels and caverns on Xeridia-IV.
    "Always beware of anything said by a person with a smile." -Cronan-sama
    Initially Trek, but haphazard Archival Site, no need to make it a Wiki.
    Don Miller's SSDs for Star Fleet Battles are here, axing the URL past sfb takes you to the main site.

  13. #178
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    You gonna Asspierce-me, or just send me a dead Rat?

    STR- 40+3d10
    END- 50+3d10
    INT- 40+3d10
    DEX- 45+3d10
    CHR- 35+3d10
    LUC- 1d100-20
    PSI- 1d100-10

    Full Maturation- 12 years
    Middle Age- 45 years
    Death by Aging- 95-105 years


    STR- 45+3d10
    END- 55+3d10
    INT- 40+3d10
    DEX- 55+3d10
    CHR- 45+3d10
    LUC- 1d100
    PSI- 1d100

    Full Maturation- 10 years
    Middle Age- 50 years
    Death by Aging- 170-180 years


    STR- 40+3d10
    END- 60+3d10
    INT- 60+3d10
    DEX- 45+3d10
    CHR- 45+3d10
    LUC- 1d100+10
    PSI- 1d100+10

    Full Maturation- 27 years
    Middle Age- 135 years
    Death by Aging- 300-400 years

    Hyper-Advanced, Intuitive, Telepathic Aliens with an advanced grasp of Interdimensional Travel.
    "Always beware of anything said by a person with a smile." -Cronan-sama
    Initially Trek, but haphazard Archival Site, no need to make it a Wiki.
    Don Miller's SSDs for Star Fleet Battles are here, axing the URL past sfb takes you to the main site.

  14. #179
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    You gonna Asspierce-me, or just send me a dead Rat?

    Alfr Strucyken

    Biological Data-

    STR- 40+5d10
    END- 40+5d10
    INT- 45+3d10
    DEX- 50+4d10
    CHR- 1d100
    LUC- 1d100
    PSI- 1d100-10

    Full Maturation- 30 years
    Middle Age- 150 years
    Death by Aging- 400-600 years

    Humanoid Race. They have long, pointed ears. Some have horns, some don't. They live on a 1.15g 15,000 km diameter world with four moons, the fourth of five planets orbiting an Orange Star. They have a MASSIVE amount of Fantasy literature, and the industry for such remains strong.
    "Always beware of anything said by a person with a smile." -Cronan-sama
    Initially Trek, but haphazard Archival Site, no need to make it a Wiki.
    Don Miller's SSDs for Star Fleet Battles are here, axing the URL past sfb takes you to the main site.

  15. #180
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    You gonna Asspierce-me, or just send me a dead Rat?


    STR- 55+3d10
    END- 65+3d10
    INT- 40+3d10
    DEX- 50+3d10
    CHR- 30+2d10
    LUC- 1d100-15
    PSI- 1d100-30

    Full Maturation- 20 years
    Middle Age- 60 years
    Death by Aging- 150-160 years
    "Always beware of anything said by a person with a smile." -Cronan-sama
    Initially Trek, but haphazard Archival Site, no need to make it a Wiki.
    Don Miller's SSDs for Star Fleet Battles are here, axing the URL past sfb takes you to the main site.

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