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Thread: 2399 Ships

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    You gonna Asspierce-me, or just send me a dead Rat?

    2399 Ships

    Class and Type: Belle Ascension-Class Heavy Cruiser
    Commissioning Date: 2399

    Hull Systems
    Size: 9
    Length: 765 meters
    Beams: 580 meters
    Height: 156 meters
    Decks: 48
    Mass: 5,330,000 metric tons
    SUs Available: 3,500
    SUs Used: 3,200

    Hull Outer <36>
    Hull Inner <36>
    Resistance Outer Hull: 10 <12>
    Resistance Inner Hull: 10 <12>
    Ablative Armor: 1400 <280>

    Structural Integrity field [1 power/10 Protection/round]
    Main: Class 6 (Protection 90/130) <36>
    Backup: Class 6 (Protection 45) <18>
    Backup: Class 6 (Protection 45) <18>
    Specialized hull: None

    Crew/Passengers/Evac: 460/92/8280
    Crew Quarters
    Basic: 115 <12>
    Expanded: 125 <25>
    Luxury: 40 <40>
    Unusual: 20 <20>

    Environmental Systems
    Basic Life Support [12 Power/round] <36>
    Reserve Life Support [6 Power/round] <18>
    Emergency Life Support (50 emergency shelters) <18>
    Gravity [5 Power/round] <9>
    Consumable: 4 years worth <36>
    Food Replicators [9 Power/round] <9>
    Industrial Replicators
    Type: network of small Replicators [2 Power/round] <9>
    Type: Large unit [2 Power/replicator/round] <3>
    Medical Facilities: Type IX (+2) [9 Power/round] <45>
    Recreation Facilities: 10 (6 main holodecks; 30 personal holodecks; large, luxurious eating facilities;
    4 large lounges, 8 small lounges [20 Power/round] <80>
    Personal Transport: Turbolift, Jefferies tubes [2 Power/round] <10>
    Fire Suppression System [1 Power/round when active] <9>
    Cargo hold: 360,000 cubic meters <14>
    Locations: four large hold; 18 smaller holds scattered throughout ship
    Escape Pods <20>
    Number: 400
    Capacity: 4 persons per pod

    Propulsion Systems
    Warp Drive Nacelles: Type 6E9+ <130>
    Speed: 6.0/9.7/9.99992 [1 Power/.2 warp speed]
    PIS: Class J (48 hours of Maximum warp) <20>
    Impulse Engine Type: Class 8A (.8c/.95c) [8/9 Power/round] <56>
    Location: 1 aft saucer, 1 aft stardrive
    Reaction Control System (.025c) [2 Power/round when in use] <9>

    Power Systems
    Warp Engine Type: Class 13/S (generates 699 Power/round) <144>
    Locations: nestled betwixt the pylons
    Impulse Engine[s]: two Class 8A (generate 72 power/engine/round)
    Auxiliary Power: 5 reactors (generate 5 Power/reactor/round) <15>
    Emergency Power: Type F (generates 50 Power/round) <50>
    EPS: Isomagnetic Power flow, +200 Power transfer/round <67>
    Standard Usable Power: 843

    Operations systems
    Bridge: <45>
    Auxiliary Bridge: <27>

    Saucer Separation: Standard <9>

    Computers Core: two bio-neural cores [7 Power/core/round] <54>
    ODN <27>

    Navigational Deflector [5 Power/round] <45>
    Range: 10/20,000/50,000/150,000
    Accuracy: 5/6/8/11
    Location: Forward Ventral on Stardrive, Forward Ventral on Saucer

    Sensor Systems
    Long-range Sensors [5 Power/round] <66>
    Range package: Type 10 (Accuracy 3/4/7/10)
    High Resolution: 8 Light-years
    Low Resolution: 20 Light-years
    Strength Package: Class 11 (strength 11)
    Gain Package: Class Gamma (+3)
    Coverage: Detect an additional 1,000 substances

    Lateral Sensors [5 Power/round] <34>
    Strength Package: Class 11 (strength 11)
    Gain Package: Class Gamma (+3)
    Coverage: Detect an additional 1,000 substances

    Navigational Sensors: [5 Power/round] <30>
    Strength Package: Class 11 (strength 11)
    Gain Package: Class Gamma (+3)
    Probes: 60 <6>
    Sensor Skill: 5

    Flight Control Systems
    Autopilot: Shipboard systems (flight control) 3, Coordination 3 [1 Power/round in use] <12>

    Navigational Computer
    Main: Class 3 (+2) [2 Power/round] <4>
    Backups: one <4>

    Inertial Damping Field
    Main <18>
    Strength: 10 [3 Power/round]
    Number: Two
    Backup <18>
    Strength: 5 [2 Power/round]
    Number: Two
    Attitude Control [2 Power/round] <2>

    Manual Steering Column <1>

    Communications Systems
    Type: Class 10 [2 Power/round] <32>
    Strength: 10
    Security: -6 (Class Epsilon Uprating)
    Basic Uprating: Class Beta (+2)
    Emergency Communications: [2 Power/round] <1>
    Holocommunications: <1>

    Tractor Beams
    Emitter: Class Delta [3 Power/Strength used/round] <12>
    Accuracy: 4/5/7/10
    Location: Aft Ventral

    Emitter: Class Delta [3 Power/Strength used/round] <12>
    Accuracy: 4/5/7/10
    Location: Forward Ventral

    Emitter: Class Delta [3 Power/Strength used/round] <12>
    Accuracy: 4/5/7/10
    Location: Forward dorsal

    Type: Personnel [7 Power/use] <110>
    Emitter/Receiver Array: Personnel Type 9 (500,000 km range)
    Energizing/Transition Coils: Class I (strength 9)
    Number and location: four in saucer, one in stardrive

    Type: Emergency [6 Power/round] <50>
    Emitter/Receiver Array: Emergency Type 5 (25,000 km range)
    Energizing/Transition Coils: Class E (strength 5)
    Number and location: two in stardrive

    Type: Cargo [7 Power/round] <48>
    Emitter/Receiver Array: Cargo Type 6 (500,000 km range)
    Energizing/Transition Coils: Class D (strength 4)
    Number and location: onein saucer, two in stardrive

    Security Systems Rating: 5 <20>
    Anti-Intruder System: Yes [1 Power/round] <9>
    Internal Force Field [1 Power/3 Strength] <9>

    Science Systems: Type III (Rating +2) [3 Power/round] <24>
    Specialized Systems: 3 <15>
    Laboratories: 50 <10>

    Tactical Systems

    Type XII Phaser Array (ACB)
    Damage: 240 [24 Power]
    Number of Emitters: 200 (up to 5 shots per round)
    Targeting Systems: Accuracy 3/4/6/9
    Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
    Location: saucer dorsal
    Firing arc: 405 degrees
    Firing Modes: Standard, Pulse, Continuous, Wide-Beam

    Type XII Phaser Array (ACB)
    Damage: 240 [24 Power]
    Number of Emitters: 200 (up to 5 shots per round)
    Targeting Systems: Accuracy 3/4/6/9
    Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
    Location: saucer ventral
    Firing arc: 405 degrees
    Firing Modes: Standard, Pulse, Continuous, Wide-Beam

    Type XII Phaser Array (ACB)
    Damage: 240 [24 Power]
    Number of Emitters: 100 (up to 2 shots per round)
    Targeting Systems: Accuracy 3/4/6/9
    Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
    Location: stardrive dorsal (concealed)
    Firing arc: 360 degrees
    Firing Modes: Standard, Pulse, Continuous, Wide-Beam

    Type XII Phaser Array (ACB)
    Damage: 240 [24 Power]
    Number of Emitters: 100 (up to 2 shots per round)
    Targeting Systems: Accuracy 3/4/6/9
    Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
    Location: stardrive forward ventral port
    Firing arc: 360 degrees
    Firing Modes: Standard, Pulse, Continuous, Wide-Beam

    Type XII Phaser Array (ACB)
    Damage: 240 [24 Power]
    Number of Emitters: 100 (up to 2 shots per round)
    Targeting Systems: Accuracy 3/4/6/9
    Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
    Location: stardrive forward ventral starboard
    Firing arc: 360 degrees
    Firing Modes: Standard, Pulse, Continuous, Wide-Beam

    Type XII Phaser Array (ACB)
    Damage: 240 [24 Power]
    Number of Emitters: 100 (up to 2 shots per round)
    Targeting Systems: Accuracy 3/4/6/9
    Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
    Location: stardrive ventral port
    Firing arc: 360 degrees
    Firing Modes: Standard, Pulse, Continuous, Wide-Beam

    Type XII Phaser Array (ACB)
    Damage: 240 [24 Power]
    Number of Emitters: 100 (up to 2 shots per round)
    Targeting Systems: Accuracy 3/4/6/9
    Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
    Location: stardrive ventral starboard
    Firing arc: 360 degrees
    Firing Modes: Standard, Pulse, Continuous, Wide-Beam

    Type XII Phaser Array (ACB)
    Damage: 240 [24 Power]
    Number of Emitters: 100 (up to 2 shots per round)
    Targeting Systems: Accuracy 3/4/6/9
    Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
    Location: stardrive aft dorsal
    Firing arc: 360 degrees
    Firing Modes: Standard, Pulse, Continuous, Wide-Beam

    Torpedo Launcher <28>
    Standard Load: mark V quantum torpedo (800 damage)
    Spread: 10
    Range: 20/350,000/1,500,000/4,050,000
    Targeting Systems: Accuracy 3/4/6/9
    Power: [20 + 5 per torpedo fired]
    Location: Stardrive aft dorsal
    Firing Arc: Aft, but are self-guided

    Torpedo Launcher <28>
    Standard Load: mark V quantum torpedo (800 damage)
    Spread: 10
    Range: 20/350,000/1,500,000/4,050,000
    Targeting Systems: Accuracy 3/4/6/9
    Power: [20 + 5 per torpedo fired]
    Location: Stardvie forward ventral
    Firing Arc: Forward, but are self-guided

    Torpedo Launcher <28>
    Standard Load: mark V quantum torpedo (800 damage)
    Spread: 10
    Range: 20/350,000/1,500,000/4,050,000
    Targeting Systems: Accuracy 3/4/6/9
    Power: [20 + 5 per torpedo fired]
    Location: Saucer aft ventral
    Firing Arc: aft, but are self-guided

    Torpedo Launcher <28>
    Standard Load: mark V quantum torpedo (800 damage)
    Spread: 10
    Range: 20/350,000/1,500,000/4,050,000
    Targeting Systems: Accuracy 3/4/6/9
    Power: [20 + 5 per torpedo fired]
    Location: Saucer aft ventral
    Firing Arc: aft, but are self-guided

    Torpedoes carried: 310 <31>

    TA/T/TS: Class Delta [4 Power/round] <23>
    Strength: 10
    Bonus: +3
    Weapon Skill: 5

    Shields (Forward, Aft, Port, Starboard) < (139 x 4 = 556)>
    Shield Generator: Class 8 (protection 1600) [160 Power/shield/round]
    Shield grid: Type C (50% increase to Protection 2400)
    Subspace field Distortion Amplifiers: Class Lambda (Threshold 530)
    Recharging System: Class 3 (35 seconds)
    Backup Shield Generators: 8 (2 per shield) <18>
    Auto-Destruct System <9>

    Auxiliary Spacecraft systems
    Shuttlebay(s): Capacity for 50 Size worth of ships <100>
    Standard Complement: 20 Shuttlecraft, 10 Shuttlepods
    Captains Yacht: Yes <10>
    "Always beware of anything said by a person with a smile." -Cronan-sama
    Initially Trek, but haphazard Archival Site, no need to make it a Wiki.
    Don Miller's SSDs for Star Fleet Battles are here, axing the URL past sfb takes you to the main site.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    You gonna Asspierce-me, or just send me a dead Rat?
    Class and Type: KDF-49 nachDaj SutDI' 'IH-Class Heavy Cruiser
    Commissioning Date: 2399

    Hull Systems
    Size: 7
    Length: 414 meters
    Beams: 262 meters
    Height: 48 meters
    Decks: 14
    Mass: 3,800,000 metric tons
    SUs Available: 2,750
    SUs Used: 2,600

    Hull Outer <28>
    Hull Inner <28>
    Resistance Outer Hull: 10 <12>
    Resistance Inner Hull: 10 <12>
    Ablative Armor: 1400 <280>

    Structural Integrity field [1 power/10 Protection/round]
    Main: Class 7 (Protection 100/150) <37>
    Backup: Class 7 (Protection 50) <18.5>
    Backup: Class 7 (Protection 50) <18.5>
    Specialized hull: Sensor Reflective <7>

    Crew/Passengers/Troops/Evac: 630/22/1600/11260
    Crew Quarters
    Barracks: Houses 1600 troops <80>
    Spartan: 400 <20>
    Basic: 200 <20>
    Expanded: 40 <8>
    Luxury: 6 <6>
    Unusual: 6 <6>

    Environmental Systems
    Basic Life Support [12 Power/round] <28>
    Reserve Life Support [6 Power/round] <14>
    Emergency Life Support (28 emergency shelters) <14>
    Gravity [3 Power/round] <7>
    Consumable: 3 years worth <21>
    Food Replicators [7 Power/round] <7>
    Industrial Replicators
    Type: network of small Replicators [2 Power/round] <7>
    Type: Large unit [2 Power/replicator/round] <3>
    Medical Facilities: Type V (+1) [5 Power/round] <25>
    Recreation Facilities: Type VII [14 Power/round] <56>
    (3 Main Holodecks; 15 Personal Holodecks; Large, Pleasant Eating Facilities, 1 Large, 3 Small Lounges)
    Personal Transport: Turbolift, Jefferies tubes [2 Power/round] <21>
    Fire Suppression System [1 Power/round when active] <7>
    Cargo hold: 150,000 cubic meters <5>
    Locations: fourteen medium-sized holds spread mostly equally across the ship
    Escape Pods <11>
    Number: 220
    Capacity: 4 persons per pod

    Propulsion Systems
    Warp Drive Nacelles: Type 5E6 <78>
    Speed: 5.0/9.0/9.6 [1 Power/.2 warp speed]
    PIS: Class H (12 hours of Maximum warp) <16>
    Impulse Engine Type: two Class 8A (.8c/.95c) [8/9 Power/round] <56>
    Location: 2 aft ventral
    Reaction Control System (.025c) [2 Power/ round when in use] <7>

    Power Systems
    Warp Engine Type: Class 12/R (generates 630 Power/round) <133>
    Locations: nestled betwixt the pylons
    Impulse Engine[s]: two Class 8A (generate 72 power/engine/round)
    Auxiliary Power: 6 reactors (generate 5 Power/reactor/round) <18>
    Emergency Power: Type F (generates 50 Power/round) <50>
    EPS: Standard Power flow, +300 Power transfer/round <50>
    Standard Usable Power: 774

    Operations systems
    Bridge: <39>
    Auxiliary Bridge: <21>

    Computers Core: two cores [5 Power/core/round] <28>
    ODN <21>

    Navigational Deflector [5 Power/round] <28>
    Range: 10/20,000/50,000/150,000
    Accuracy: 5/6/8/11
    Location: Forward Ventral on Command Pod

    Sensor Systems
    Long-range Sensors [5 Power/round] <50>
    Range package: Type 7 (Accuracy 3/4/7/10)
    High Resolution: 5 Light-years
    Low Resolution: 17 Light-years
    Strength Package: Class 8 (strength 8)
    Gain Package: Class Beta (+2)

    Lateral Sensors [5 Power/round] <22>
    Strength Package: Class 8 (strength 8)
    Gain Package: Class Beta (+2)

    Navigational Sensors: [5 Power/round] <20>
    Strength Package: Class 8 (strength 8)
    Gain Package: Class Beta (+2)
    Probes: 50 <5>
    Sensor Skill: 5

    Flight Control Systems
    Autopilot: Shipboard systems (flight control) 4, Coordination 2 [1 Power/round in use] <14>

    Navigational Computer
    Main: Class 3 (+2) [2 Power/round] <4>
    Backups: one <4>

    Manual Steering Column <1>

    Inertial Damping Field
    Main <42>
    Strength: 9 [3 Power/round]
    Number: three
    Backup <9>
    Strength: 5 [2 Power/round]
    Number: three
    Attitude Control [2 Power/round] <7>

    Communications Systems
    Type: Class 9 [2 Power/round] <28>
    Strength: 9
    Security: -6 (Class Delta Uprating)
    Basic Uprating: Class Beta (+2)
    Emergency Communications: [2 Power/round] <1>

    Tractor Beams
    Emitter: Class Gamma [3 Power/Strength used/round] <9>
    Accuracy: 4/5/7/10
    Location: Aft Ventral

    Emitter: Class Gamma [3 Power/Strength used/round] <9>
    Accuracy: 4/5/7/10
    Location: Forward Ventral

    Type: Personnel [6 Power/use] <54>
    Emitter/Receiver Array: Personnel Type 8 (100,000 km range)
    Energizing/Transition Coils: Class G (strength 7)
    Number and location: one in command pod, two on main body
    Pads: 6

    Type: Combat [10 Power/use] <18>
    Emitter/Receiver Array: Combat Type 8 (100,000 km range)
    Energizing/Transition Coils: Class G (strength 7)
    Number and Location: one near rear shuttlebay, twixt the holds and barracks
    Pads: 50

    Type: Emergency [4 Power/round] <13>
    Emitter/Receiver Array: Emergency Type 2 (10,000 km range)
    Energizing/Transition Coils: Class G (strength 7)
    Number and location: one in main body
    Pads: 16

    Type: Cargo [Power/round] <30>
    Emitter/Receiver Array: Cargo Type 4 (80,000 km range)
    Energizing/Transition Coils: Class G (strength 7)
    Number and location: two in main body
    Capacity: 800 kg

    Security Systems Rating: 5 <20>
    Anti-Intruder System: Yes [1 Power/round] <7>
    Internal Force Field [1 Power/3 Strength] <7>

    Science Systems: Type III (Rating +2) [3 Power/round] <22>
    Specialized Systems: 2 <10>
    Laboratories: 30 <6>

    Tactical Systems

    Type XII Disruptor Cannon
    Damage: 260 [26 Power]
    Number of Emitters: (up to 5 shots per round)
    Targeting Systems: Accuracy 3/4/6/9
    Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
    Location: forward dorsal command pod
    Firing arc: 360 degrees
    Firing Modes: Standard, Pulse

    Type XII Disruptor Cannon
    Damage: 260 [26 Power]
    Number of Emitters: (up to 5 shots per round)
    Targeting Systems: Accuracy 3/4/6/9
    Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
    Location: stardrive dorsal
    Firing arc: 405 degrees
    Firing Modes: Standard, Pulse

    Type XII Disruptor Cannon
    Damage: 260 [26 Power]
    Number of Emitters: (up to 5 shots per round)
    Targeting Systems: Accuracy 3/4/6/9
    Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
    Location: stardrive ventral
    Firing arc: 480 degrees
    Firing Modes: Standard, Pulse

    Type XII Disruptor Cannon
    Damage: 260 [26 Power]
    Number of Emitters: (up to 5 shots per round)
    Targeting Systems: Accuracy 3/4/6/9
    Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
    Location: stardrive aft dorsal port
    Firing arc: 360 degrees
    Firing Modes: Standard, Pulse

    Type XII Disruptor Cannon
    Damage: 260 [26 Power]
    Number of Emitters: (up to 5 shots per round)
    Targeting Systems: Accuracy 3/4/6/9
    Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
    Location: stardrive aft dorsal starboard
    Firing arc: 360 degrees
    Firing Modes: Standard, Pulse

    Torpedo Launcher <28>
    Standard Load: mark III quantum torpedo (500 damage)
    Spread: 10
    Range: 20/350,000/1,500,000/4,050,000
    Targeting Systems: Accuracy 3/4/6/9
    Power: [20 + 5 per torpedo fired]
    Location: command pod forward ventral
    Firing Arc: Forward, but are self-guided

    Torpedo Launcher <28>
    Standard Load: mark III quantum torpedo (500 damage)
    Spread: 10
    Range: 20/350,000/1,500,000/4,050,000
    Targeting Systems: Accuracy 3/4/6/9
    Power: [20 + 5 per torpedo fired]
    Location: aft ventral stardrive
    Firing Arc: Aft, but are self-guided

    Torpedoes carried: 280 <28>

    TA/T/TS: Class Epsilon [6 Power/round] <28>
    Strength: 11
    Bonus: +3
    Weapon Skill: 5

    Shields (Forward, Aft, Port, Starboard) < (98 x 4 = 392)>
    Shield Generator: Class 6 (protection 1050) [105 Power/shield/round]
    Shield grid: Type C (50% increase to Protection 1575)
    Subspace field Distortion Amplifiers: Class Eta (Threshold 330)
    Recharging System: Class 1 (45 seconds)
    Backup Shield Generators: 4 (1 per shield) <7>
    Auto-Destruct System <7>

    Auxiliary Spacecraft systems
    Shuttlebay(s): Capacity for 35 Size worth of ships <35>
    Standard Complement: 15 Shuttlecraft, 5 Shuttlepods
    Location(s): aft dorsal rear hull
    Captains Yacht: Yes <10>
    Last edited by Meteo; 07-10-2022 at 12:29 AM.
    "Always beware of anything said by a person with a smile." -Cronan-sama
    Initially Trek, but haphazard Archival Site, no need to make it a Wiki.
    Don Miller's SSDs for Star Fleet Battles are here, axing the URL past sfb takes you to the main site.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    You gonna Asspierce-me, or just send me a dead Rat?
    I view these as being joint Starfleet and KDF 4Xl Cruisers launched in 2399 to celebrate improved friendship and further expansion into the frontier. These ships would constantly work together with each other and other Starfleet/KDF Ships over the coming years.
    "Always beware of anything said by a person with a smile." -Cronan-sama
    Initially Trek, but haphazard Archival Site, no need to make it a Wiki.
    Don Miller's SSDs for Star Fleet Battles are here, axing the URL past sfb takes you to the main site.

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